Falling Star Part 16

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She sat gazing fi xedly out at the sh.o.r.e, feeling the other's hesitation. Neither of them spoke for what seemed like an eternity but must have been mere moments. Solley dared not a 165 a break her gaze and turn around, not until she felt she had some sort of control. But what little she possessed was disintegrating like the waves on the sh.o.r.eline.

"Solley?" The quiet voice that haunted her every hour came from behind. "It's me."

Still she sat in fragile silence, her heart drumming so hard she thought her ribs would splinter. She couldn't trust herself to speak for she knew her voice would break like gla.s.s.

"Is everything okay?" Gin asked.

"It is now." The words spilled out along with a shaky breath. "Everything is all right now."

Gin bent and took her hand. "Walk with me?" Her fi nger brushed Solley's lips as they parted to speak. "Shh. Let's just walk. I want to show you something very important. Come and share a secret with me."

a 166 a


It's beautiful up here," Solley breathed, looking along the sh.o.r.e and over to Janie's house. "What a view. I didn't even know this beach track existed, and I've been coming here forever." Behind her a wider lane led to the top of the rise and onto the main route out of Topaz Bay. It was a wonderful setting.

"This is where I'm going to build my home," Gin said quietly. "I've bought the land. Look over there. The foundations are being laid next month. It's going to be a two-story gla.s.s and timber frame, built to blend in with the environment. My sister, Miu, is an architect. She designed it and she's taken full control of the build for me." She couldn't keep her excitement out of her voice.

"That's wonderful. It's so right for you." Solley smiled warmly.

They stood side by side in silence, soaking up the moonlight s.h.i.+mmering over the bay below.

"Did Marsha mention about the stunt academy we're planning on opening?" Gin asked.

"No, when's this happening?"

"Wow, I can't believe she managed to keep it a secret.

a 167 a Hopefully near the end of the year, if we get the paperwork together and clear up all our commitments."

"Tell me more."

"There's a sequel in the pipeline... Revenge 3: Red's Return. Janie and Marsha got another location deal for it. So, between us, we have the funds to get our academy dream up and running."

"That's great news."

"It's a relief. I'm getting too old for...plummeting."

Gin shot a sly sideways glance to see if Solley remembered using the word to describe Gin's profession. She was rewarded by a narrowing of glittering green eyes that set her heart pounding.

"Those tired old bones need to settle down, hmm? I think a stunt academy is an excellent idea. Especially with the skill set you and Marsha have between you."

Silence settled between them again, comfortable and familiar. Taking a deep breath, Solley reached for Gin's hand.

She could feel her brow creasing with worries and regret.

"Gin, I'm sorry."

"Don't," Gin murmured. "You don't have to explain anything."

"I want to." Solley pressed on, determined not to take the easy way out, even if Gin was willing to let her off the hook. "I never gave you any tenderness or consideration, or even had a thought for what you were going through. I just took everything I could to feed my own insecurities. And it wasn't until you'd gone and...and I thought I'd lost you, that I realized how important you'd become. I know it sounds cliched not to appreciate someone until they've gone, but believe me, it's true. I was stupid. And greedy and scared, and utterly selfi sh."

a 168 a Her faltering confession was halted as Gin's hand rose to cup her cheek. "I love you."

The three simple words silenced Solley, even as the whole world roared in her ears in one voice.

"I love you," Gin repeated. "I missed you so much, even though we'd barely begun. As soon as the plane took off, I knew I'd made the biggest mistake of my life. I should never have run. I should have stayed and tried to work it out with you." Her small smile became rueful. "I was a fool to think, for even one moment, that distance from you would free me.

I'm bound to you, Solley. I need you in my life, if it is to have any quality, any meaning."

"Oh, Gin," Solley whispered in return. "I'm in love with you, too."

It was out there, in the real world, in full view, her love for this woman. And she knew it was a forever kind of love. This woman standing before her had more than proved her love and affection for her children, and was now expressing her love and commitment to Solley, and to a possible future together.

She knew she could no more turn away from this than she could take back her own heartfelt words. Her loss had been absolute, but now, all had been returned to her tenfold. She had Gin back in her life and in her arms, and this time she would hold onto her tenderly and lovingly, safe in the knowledge she would never, ever let her slip away again.

"You love me?" Gin couldn't believe what she had heard, the whispered words she had secretly prayed for. She had come prepared to storm a citadel, only to fi nd her love refl ected back.

"Oh, Solley, you've no idea how much I'm drowning in love for you. I was told once true love steals you forever. And I believe it."

Gin watched, aghast, as two big, fat tears rolled slowly a 169 a down Solley's cheeks. Carefully she kissed one then the other away, before stealing across to Solley's soft full lips.

Their kiss began softly as they shyly tasted one another.

Gin sighed as Solley's tongue gently smoothed her lips, then timidly moved deeper. They both groaned, and Solley buried her hands in Gin's short hair. She felt Gin's arms encircle her waist as her lips traveled a familiar trail from earlobe to collarbone.

Nipping and sucking, inhaling the musk of Solley's skin, Gin gathered her into her arms and laid her carefully on the sand-dusted foundation of her new home. Stretching out beside her, she kissed across the soft fabric of her blouse and slowly unb.u.t.toned it. Her tongue danced across the exposed skin to the sensuous swell cupped in delicate lace.

"I didn't tell you before, Solley, and I should have. Your body is so beautiful to me, so full of creamy curves and secret honeyed places. And your scent, it drives me wild. I adore the smell of your skin. And the taste of you."

Her lips trailed hot kisses down Solley's quivering belly.

Unceremoniously, she pulled Solley's skirt up over her hips, bunching it at her waist. Instinctively Solley lifted her legs to wrap around the taut, strong body. Her breathing was ragged as her hips started to rock.

Here, on the hillside of La Sirena Verde, cradled in the sand and gra.s.s overlooking the starlit sea, barely focusing on the stars twinkling above, Solley's body hummed with delight.

It felt so natural, so right to give her all to the woman who held her as if she was the most precious thing in her world.

"You are so, so beautiful," Gin murmured, peeling away Solley's panties, freeing her aroma into the night air. She growled and swooped to claim the scented s.e.x.

Solley cried out at the intensity of the urgent tongue as it burrowed deep. She burned and throbbed, her petaled folds a 170 a slick with honey. She fi ercely ground her hips into Gin's mouth, riding her, seeking release. A thick tongue swept over her swollen c.l.i.toris, pulling it into a greedy mouth, where it was tugged on mercilessly.

Again and again, this sucking, plunging pleasure beat into her remorselessly, giving no quarter. The buildup to her release thundered from afar like a growing tsunami. Back arching, belly pus.h.i.+ng up toward the sky, she convulsed as a huge o.r.g.a.s.mic wave surged through her singing body, exploding in a thousand different directions. Tears streamed down her face, and deep, racking sobs shook her as emotional release followed the physical.

"I'm here, baby. I'm here. I love you, I love you. Don't cry." Gin crawled up and gathered her in her arms. Kissing her forehead with damp lover's lips, she brushed her cheeks clear of teardrops.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Solley sniffl ed, curling into her lover's arms. "I don't know what's wrong...because...I'm actually very, very happy." Another rush of tears spilled down her face, followed by a hiccupping sob.

"Shh. That was a big one. It's bound to make you a little wobbly."

Gin helped her arrange her clothes and they snuggled back down in the dunes, unwilling to return to reality just yet. They lay coc.o.o.ned in each other's arms, gazing up at the heavens, sure that tonight every star shone for them alone. "I think we've rescued each other, Solley. It feels so right to be here with you. I've waited so long for love to come back into my life. Sometimes I thought my only knowledge of it would be Miki's smile. But this summer everything was different...

with you. And I nearly blew it, because I stupidly thought the right thing to do was to walk away and leave you and the kids with Dan."

a 171 a "G.o.d, Dan and the kids..." Solley reluctantly focused on real life after the stupor of their lovemaking.

"It'll be okay. I've helped Dan out fi nancially. I can do more. Just tell me what you need and I'll do it. I'll help any way I can."

Solley rolled onto her side to face Gin, head resting on her palm. Tension invaded her. She could feel her frown deepening.

"You helped Dan out?"

"Yes, I brokered the deal she wanted. I have a little clout at the studio end. I thought you knew."

She was so matter-of-fact, Solley could almost believe the deal was friendly and casual. "No."

"Dan said she was staying in LA for the kids' sake, but she needed a guarantor and cash injection to secure her business and your fi nancial security as a family. So I helped her out. In exchange, she dropped the lawsuit threats and the custody c.r.a.p against you."

In a way, it had been a business deal like any other, except that the small print had scoured her heart until it bled. The irony wasn't lost on her; she was still bitter that the situation she'd instigated made it necessary for her to walk away from what she wanted most.

"She told me she got an unexpected guarantor and that she could do the deal. G.o.d, I was so happy when she shut up about that blackmailing nonsense." Solley's temper began to rise like mercury on a hot morning. In frustration, she said, "I wish you'd talked with me fi rst. How could you give her all that money?"

"I saw you in the bedroom with her at Janie's that night.

So I wasn't surprised when Dan told me you were both going to try again," Gin explained softly.

"What?" Solley bolted upright, more and more horrifi ed.

"Dan told you that?"

a 172 a Gin sat up, too, unsure of the anger sparking off Solley.

"She's a dung beetle, but she's also a shrewd businesswoman.

I knew she could provide well for you all if she closed this deal. It was the best gift I could think of. A safe, prosperous future for you all."

"Gin, Dan and I decided to try and raise our kids together, but we're not a couple. We shared a deathbed that night.

There's nothing left to be patched up, even if I wanted to try.

And I don't."

"Does Dan know that?" Gin recalled Dan's self-satisfi ed p.r.o.nouncements. According to her, Solley came crawling back on her hands and knees, desperate for them to be reunited.

Solley tried not to sound sarcastic. "Dan knows exactly how I feel about her."

"She said you two were talking about having an open relations.h.i.+p."

"That wh.o.r.e of a b.i.t.c.h. Where's my d.a.m.ned cell phone?"


But Solley had leapt to her feet and was charging back down the track toward Janie's house, like a fi ery streak of lightening, like a trailing comet, like Judgment Day.

a 173 a a 174 a


Sniper felt less than happy. She was sat on a chair on the deck surrounded by Gin Ito, Solley, Janie, Grace, and Marsha Bren, and she didn't even have a camera in hand to mark this auspicious occasion. Normally she'd have lain in the sand until she took root to get a snap like this. Now all her gear was piled up on the deck behind psycho-b.i.t.c.h Grace Rayner, whose hot'n h.o.r.n.y acquaintance she'd made two days ago.

Since then, her nether regions felt like they'd been scoured by sandpaper. Her fl esh screamed for some soothing gel, but despite the raw discomfort, a very warm tingle rose deep in her belly every time she glanced at the younger Rayner. s.h.i.+t, she had the hots for her, and that meant trouble. They'd only had a few rolls in the hay, or in this case, the dunes, over the last two days, and it was already obvious that Grace would be really, really bad for her.

Sniper didn't want to be here having brunch with the terrifying sisters, but she had her career to think about and Grace had promised to get her an exclusive. All she had to do was apologize and she would be invited to the cast and crew party tonight. She s.h.i.+fted uncomfortably at the thought of groveling. A trickle of sand escaped the leg of her shorts and a 175 a pooled on the decking, leading to a knowing smirk from Grace and narrow-eyed annoyance from her older sister.

"Sniper just wants to apologize to everyone for the trouble she caused with her dirty-rat snooping," Grace began hastily.

"Don't you, Sniper?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry."

"Sorry what?"

"Sorry for all the dirty-rat snooping stuff," she mumbled, chin on chest. f.u.c.k, half of them were kung fu experts. What if they thumped her to death and got the dog to bury her in the sand?

"And you especially want to apologize to Solley for the c.r.a.p that she's had to endure, don't you?"

"It's okay." Solley held Sniper's eyes steadily. "No harm done. Forgive and forget is what I say." Grace frowned at this unusual graciousness. She wanted Solley to lose it. She wanted blood and snot. Where was Sol the Avenger?

Janie did not necessarily want blood and snot on her decking, but she, too, thought Solley had been uncharacteristically generous to the photographer. Catching the look that pa.s.sed between Solley and Gin, she was even more bewildered. Ever since Gin had arrived two nights ago, they'd both been in some kind of dream state, oblivious to the events around them.

Marsha, big-hearted as ever, felt for the young woman so beleaguered by Rayner women. She knew fi rsthand what that felt like. "So, what are you going do to make it up?" she asked, moving the conversation in a more positive direction.

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Falling Star Part 16 summary

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