Falling Star Part 8

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Solley snorted to herself and realized she was getting tipsy.

That was fi ne, she needed to unwind. Looking out across the sands, she was surprised to spy Gin striding in her direction, a big smile on her face, her arms fi lled with packages. The warm breeze lifted her hair as it gleamed in the sun, moving it fl uidly, like liquid ink. The pale blue cotton s.h.i.+rt fl uttered over her white tank top, displaying tantalizing glimpses of muscular shoulders and chest. Sea green bikini shorts hugged her hips and enhanced the well-toned sweep of her tanned thighs.

A hot little sigh escaped Solley as the object of her l.u.s.t and dejection drew closer. She took another sip of her rum and and thought of the never-ending gossip about Gin's amours and her supposed liaison with Kelly Rose. Paparazzi always had their fi nger on the pulse. Well, that Sniper would have her fi nger on everything she could. Solley pictured her on her belly, half buried in the sand like a s.e.xy little sphinx.

Solley gave a sharp gasp as she added two and two. Gin was obviously hiding her secret affair with Kelly Rose behind a smokescreen. She'd lied about everything, including her reasons for not sleeping with Solley, no doubt to protect the "star" from being outed. Anyone earning as much money as Kelly Rose did whatever it took to maintain the right image.

Solley could understand Gin's desire to keep their privacy intact. She just wished Gin had trusted her enough to tell her the truth, or simply to say no without an explanation. Why invent the elaborate fi ction about pretending to care but wanting to protect her and the kids. Jeez, it wasn't like Solley couldn't take a bruising. Even if Gin wasn't seeing Kelly Rose, obviously the last thing she would want was a tired old leftover like Solley hitting on her.

a 87 a See what happens when you try to be brave? her demons whispered.

Solley's new mantra shriveled up. She felt foolish and humiliated for kidding herself.

Meanwhile, a happy and confi dent Gin mounted the veranda steps, arms full of bodyboards and kites she'd ordered for the kids. It was really their mother she'd come a-wooing, and the way to a mother's heart was always through her children. The smile on her lips faded as she met Solley's stormy glare head-on.

"Is something wrong?" She faltered. "Has something happened to one of the kids again?"

"Have you seen the kids recently?"

"No, not since this morning." Gin felt stress mount in her body.

"Then they're probably all right." Solley dripped sarcasm.

"Sol, what's wrong? Where are they?"

"They're still at the camp with Marsha. Stop pretending you give a d.a.m.n. Why aren't you there...with your girlfriend?"


"Oh, I a.s.sure you, you will be." Solley bit back a reference to Sniper's planned expose. She fl ung herself onto her wobbly feet and stomped off to refi ll her gla.s.s.

Confused, and concerned by Solley's slightly unsteady gait, Gin deposited her packages and followed her to the kitchen. "How many of those have you had?" she asked as Solley mixed a generous rum and

"Enough to make me fi nally wise up to you. Think I don't know your little game? Well, I'm not stupid. Everyone else knows, too. Ha!"

"What are you talking about? What's got you so mad?"

"I think most of today got me mad. I met a photographer.

a 88 a A cute, s.e.xy woman who's interested in me." She slapped her chest. "And she gave me the lowdown on you and Ms. s.l.u.tty Rose, not that it's news. Half of Trash Town down there," she waved vaguely toward the movie camp, "was b.i.t.c.hing about it."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Sniper, with the beautiful smoky eyes."

"Sniper?" Gin was immediately alert. "Keep away from her, Solley. She's dangerous. She wants insider information on the movie and she'll use you to get it."

"She can use me any which way she wants." Solley took another big gulp of her drink. She was buzzing. It was defi nitely time to slow down. "I'm not gonna be pushed around and lied to anymore. Not by Dan, and defi nitely not by you."

Solley's accusations ricocheted around Gin's head as she grappled with the angry words. "Sniper's shooting in the dark.

Look, I don't know what she's told you, but you can't trust a word she says. There's nothing going on between Kelly and me."

"What a hypocrite. I can't trust her?" Solley waved a fi nger in reprimand. "In fact, I'm going down to the dunes right now to fi nd her. And maybe get some sand burns." She swerved toward the door.

"Solley, no." Gin grabbed her upper arm, holding her in a fi rm grasp that hinted at the strength underlying the smaller woman's physique.

Solley tried to struggle free but realized she was going nowhere while her arm was clasped in Gin's grip. "Why'd you lie?" She turned her anger on her captor. "It's not like I'm afraid of rejection, you know. For years I've watched my partner's desire for me atrophy. After I had the twins my body disgusted her. She never touched me or wanted me the same way again."

Anger ran away with her. "So I understand lack of desire. I a 89 a understand loss of love and respect. I understand being second best. I understand losing, period. What I don't understand is why you bothered to lie to me when all you needed to say was aI don't want you.' Why the phony care and consideration? I don't need your f.u.c.king charity."

"Solley..." Gin was stricken.

"Oh, forget it. f.u.c.k off back to your trailer. To your starlet.

You can bend all your camp over backward, as far as I'm concerned. I'm not crying over you. You're really not that important. All I wanted was a f.u.c.k from the mighty Gin Ito.

What's wrong with that? There seems to be a wait list. All I did was join it."

Gin's hand fell, allowing Solley to shake loose. Shocked by her own outburst, Solley stumbled toward the door, no longer sure where she was headed. What was wrong with her?

Where did that come from? She didn't need to broadcast how she felt about herself, or her body, or Dan's opinion of it. She could take being turned away. She lived with it every freakin'


Before she could make it out the door, a pair of fi rm hands on her shoulders spun her round. Angry eyes locked with hers, swallowing her in their inky, infi nite depths. Solley burned with fury, glaring right back. Her chest tightened, her heart pumping pure anger. But there was something else in the air between them, a current, an energy that crackled like the fi nal moments of a burned down fuse.

Then Gin exploded. "You're the liar! I have no starlets.

No I'm alone. My child is dead. And no one will allow me respect or privacy to grieve. Because I have no male lover, I must be gay, so clowns like Kelly want to start a media circus about invented relations.h.i.+ps. I can't fi nd s.p.a.ce to heal. I don't know how to heal. And then I meet you, you stupid, f.u.c.ked-up madwoman. You and your crazy children."

a 90 a "Gin, stop." Solley's feeble protest sounded like air hissing from a tire.

But Gin was unstoppable. Eyes gleaming like a demon's, she roared, "You're so wrapped up in your quick f.u.c.k, and your quick fi x, and your instant gratifi go on. Go fi nd Sniper and let her shove her sandy fi ngers in you. I hope it soothes your ego, if nothing else."

Solley slapped her before she even realized her hand had moved. She stared aghast at the mark staining Gin's cheek.

She barely had time to register her shame before strong hands grasped her upper arms and she was pushed against the pantry door. A calendar and several small leafl ets shook from their pins and scattered across the fl oor tiles. Solley's protests died as Gin angrily claimed her, crus.h.i.+ng her lips until she whimpered.

Gin drew back, still holding Solley's arms. She pushed her thigh hard against Solley's crotch. Their foreheads pressed together, eyes inches apart. Slowly she covered Solley's lips with her own, this time sucking, softly caressing, drawing out a delicious moan. She let her hands roam down to cradle the luscious rounded hips, pulling Solley closer.

Everything was a hot, h.o.r.n.y haze to Solley. How had she ended up here, pinned against this wall? What the h.e.l.l had she said to unleash this succubus from her fantasies into the real world? Her mind buzzed while her body burned. Her traitorous hands buried themselves in Gin's thick black hair, and she was guiding that searing mouth to the secret places on her neck that would melt her into total, s.l.u.tty surrender.

"Take me to bed." Gin breathed into one of those warm pulse points before delivering a soft nip. "Now."

a 91 a a 92 a


Gin's command was a sobering splash of cold water to Solley's overheated mind. She drew a sharp breath as a hot tongue traced her sensitive collarbone. Her skin tingled and her spine turned liquid.

"No." Only one feeble word struggled out of her locked throat.

Gin's lips hesitated in their nuzzling dance. "No?" she queried darkly.

"No, this is madness." Solley tried to disentangle herself, hands shaking. "You can't do this to me. Just three nights ago you pushed me away. You were being responsible. The big protector."

Gin tightened her hold on Solley's waist, keeping her pinned between her body and the door. "Three nights ago you ripped the s.h.i.+rt off my back. You were the one wanting this.

You've just accused me of having numerous lesbian affairs, of not wanting you, of spurning you." She nipped Solley's full lower lip before soothing it with the tip of her tongue. "Well, I'm here and I'm yours. This is where I want to be. This will be whatever we make it."

Deepening the kiss, she poured herself into its melting sweetness, for this was the one that truly mattered, the seducer's a 93 a kiss that would make Solley hers. She stroked a slow upward path from Solley's hipbone to the outer curve of a full breast.

Cupping its weight, she gently moved her thumb across the raspberry tip. Her moan of pleasure merged with Solley's.

All Solley's resolve seemed to melt into her panties. She was helpless. Pliable. Lost and so, so hopelessly turned on.

They stumbled upstairs to Gin's room like trysting teenagers. Doors slammed and clothes were torn off and scattered as teeth and tongues swooped on every newly exposed inch of skin. They fell on the bed, twisting and turning, holding each other tightly, heads empty, hands and mouths full. The last vestiges of clothing pooled on the fl oor, and fi nally, with heated fl esh, they brushed against each other.

A rush ripped through Solley's body and she pulled Gin into her arms. "G.o.d, you're so beautiful. I can't believe how much I want you. How you make me feel. It's been so long since I felt like this."

Gin gasped as the air was hugged out of her lungs.

Growling playfully, Solley pushed her back onto the bed and crawled over her, eyes glittering with raw, primitive energy.

Swooping with a hungry mouth, she drew in Gin's bottom lip, sucking on it thoroughly. Her hands pushed Gin's damp thighs as far apart as possible, giving her total access to the thick silken triangle and the juicy softness beyond.

Gin moaned deeply as molten lava scorched through her veins. She felt herself grow swollen and wet under the bold gaze burning over her s.e.x. Desire coursed through her.

Every nerve snapped and sang. Gin's heart lay swollen in her chest, bursting with emotion, the desire was so raw in her. And she was acting on it, breaking out of her comatose life and reaching out unashamedly for what she wanted. Braving the future, daring it to make her regret this moment. This was her fi rst step into a new life. She was amazed to be taking it, hand in hand with Solley.

a 94 a Leaning back on her knees, Solley let her eyes feast on the exposed fl esh before her. She ma.s.saged the strong thighs with trembling hands. Gin's nipples hardened, stealing Solley's focus. "Oh." she groaned. "Oh, G.o.d."

These b.r.e.a.s.t.s, these nipples would always be her weakness, her total downfall, where Gin's body was concerned. If she never was allowed to touch this body again, this vision was what she would always carry with her, scorching her synapses every time she thought of Gin.

Beneath her, Gin undulated like water, soft and silken, pulsating with the rhythm of the persistent mouth tugging on her nipple. Her hands buried themselves in the curtain of fl aming hair that draped silkily across Solley's shoulders. She drew Solley up begging for another kiss. She was so addicted to those opium lips.

Solley carefully reached down to pinch the moistened c.l.i.toris between thumb and forefi nger, gently rolling it, causing Gin to jolt at such a direct touch. They locked eyes, and placing her hand to the dead center of Gin's chest, Solley held her down.

Stroking the engorged organ, she murmured, "I want you so bad. You make me feel so hot for you I can't believe it. And I want you to want me like that, too. I want you to think of me all day tomorrow. I want your body to hum whenever you remember what I'm going to do to you."

Gin's throat worked tightly as she swallowed. She wanted to speak, but she couldn't. With a soft groan, she touched the hand that covered her heart, sliding her fi ngers between Solley's.

"Relax, baby," Solley whispered. "Let me look after you.

I want this to be good for you."

She pressed a long, s.e.x-soaked fi nger against Gin's center and slowly, persistently entered her. Guided by the rhythm of Gin's rocking hips, she gently introduced a second fi nger after a 95 a several strokes, spanning to touch the tight inner walls and fi ll her.

Gin gasped and squirmed. Her face was fl ushed, her eyes hooded with raw need. She s.h.i.+vered as the questing fi ngers found the spongy spot and began to stroke. Solley applied more movement and pressure. She let her free hand drift from beneath Gin's to cover one tempting breast. The nipple pushed up into the heart of her palm, and with a deep groan, she nuzzled the delicious fl esh spread out before her.

Gin clung to her, pressing and circling her back and shoulders, holding her closer. As Solley slowly increased the pump, Gin uttered a small cry and one hand fl ew back, gripping the bedpost until her knuckles shone white.

Solley remained magnetically drawn to the stiff nipples, squeezing and fl icking each into jutting arousal. "I just can't leave these babies alone. I swear, if I could put them in my pocket, I'd take them with me."

Gin's head swam. Her skin felt so burnt she swore it would crawl off her body and curl up under the bed. The air seemed to be solidifying in her lungs, her chest heaving to suck in each breath and then force it out. Solley's fi ngers continued their full plunge while her tongue ravished Gin's b.r.e.a.s.t.s with long sweeps. Then cool air spun across her chest as Solley s.h.i.+fted downward. Her hot breath caressed Gin's s.e.x. The tongue that had thrashed her nipples now lavished long fi rm strokes over her engorged c.l.i.toris. White light shone behind her eyes.

Her juices slickly lubricated Solley's fi ngers as their rhythm increased inside her. The suction on her c.l.i.t was practically unbearable as it was pumped by possessive lips. Her hips rolling uncontrollably, she bucked up into Solley's mouth, belly rippling with effort. Drying saliva kept her nipples puckered rigid.

"Solley. Oh, Sol. Oh..." Her litany rang around the room.

a 96 a More white light, then fl ashes, colored fl ashes, beautiful...

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Oh, G.o.d."

Her entire body spasmed, contorting on the bedspread into a deep, soul-ripping o.r.g.a.s.m. She gripped Solley's hair, keeping her mouth glued to her. Shuddering, she let out a long moan as a languid tongue was drawn one last, nerve-shattering time along her twitching s.e.x.

The power, the taste, the scent. Solley reveled in this woman. Triumphantly, her lips and chin slick with Gin's juices, she crawled up her body, grinning like a lunatic. Gin pulled her into a deep kiss, licking her own taste from the curved cheek and bowed lips, sucking her saltiness off Solley's tongue. She wanted more. She wanted to gorge on Solley's moist scent, to bathe her face between those long, tanned legs and nestle between the smooth thighs. With easy strength, she slid down so that Solley straddled her shoulders. The wet folds she coveted pressed against her eager mouth. Gin took her time, slowly exploring as Solley rocked gently back and forth.

Gripping the bedrail, Solley felt Gin's tongue deep within her, circling and fl ickering and pus.h.i.+ng her higher. Firm hands on her b.u.t.t cheeks held her in place, fi ngers biting deep into her fl esh, allowing her just the minimum of movement while her pelvis screamed to thrust and plunge. Instead she was impaled and exquisitely tortured on this pliant spike of succulent muscle. Head fl ung back, she moaned at the ceiling.

All the years of nothingness rolled away, the aridity of her love life, her uncertainty in her s.e.xual being, a loneliness so deep she thought nothing could ever touch it. Like rainwater fi lling dried-out riverbeds, swirling into hollows and crevices, seeping down into cracked earth saturating dormant roots, a tide of renewal pounded through her. Hot, thick blood replenished every chamber of her heart. And, as her sense of self brimmed over, so did her eyes, until huge fat tears slid down her face.

a 97 a Gin's hold relaxed and she moved her mouth a fraction to suck Solley's thoroughly swollen c.l.i.t. A long, low groan rose up through Solley and almost immediately turned into a strangled cry as she wailed out a guttural o.r.g.a.s.m. Her thighs quivered and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s mashed against the cold iron of the headboard as she arched and shuddered in absolute release.

She had wanted to last a little longer, to savor the wonderful tenderness of the woman nestled between her thighs. But her emotional needs were too raw, too close to the surface. Raised like scars, pebbled like Braille, they crept across her skin, leaving her open and interpreted to the loving brush of Gin's fi ngertips. Exhausted, she fell into the arms waiting to hold her and hid her tearstained face in Gin's soft neck. Her heart raced wildly until she could fi nally breathe control back into her body and accept the sated happiness that coc.o.o.ned her.

Much, much later, with her head on Gin's shoulder, Solley casually played postcoitus with the small taut b.r.e.a.s.t.s and their dark stubs.

"I was so jealous fi rst time I touched these. I thought about how many lovers had squeezed and sucked them. And seen how long and s.e.xy and...chewable they are. I wanted to be the only one to know those things. Now, after s.e.x with you, I just want to light 'em up and smoke 'em."

Gin laughed, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s quivering. "They're never usually like this unless I'm aroused. I was mortifi ed that night when you pulled my s.h.i.+rt open and there they were, aiming straight for your mouth. I knew then I was in big, big trouble. It seems my t.i.ts have all the brain cells."

"Girl, if you only knew my lurid plans for you that night.

I was going to devour you, cannibalize you, keep these for my a 98 a pleasure alone." She idly tugged a nipple. "Make them mine, all mine."

"Oh, d.a.m.n." Gin suddenly remembered she had a calendar, a job, and an existence outside of this bed. "Speaking of possessiveness, I was supposed to meet Kelly half an hour ago."

"You must be devastated." Solley smiled. Sniper wouldn't be happy, either, to lose out on her front-page scoop.

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Falling Star Part 8 summary

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