Texas Sirens: Small Town Siren Part 6

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you could come by the house tonight for supper. I was going to grill some steaks. I thought it would be a good way to catch up."

"I'm afraid Abby has plans for tonight," a low voice growled behind her. Abby nearly jumped out of her skin. She pulled her hand quickly away from Kyle and wondered why she felt guilty. She hadn't been doing anything wrong. Jack looked like she had, though. At least Sam looked happy to see her.

Kyle's eyes widened. "Does she?"

Sam smiled and slapped Kyle on the back. He managed to make the gesture friendly. "She does, indeed." Sam looked at the little boys.

"How's the team going?"

The boys smiled and chattered about their baseball games. Kyle looked a little rueful as his gaze switched between the men. "The team really appreciated the new uniforms, Sam. Jack, the lighting system is incredible. It's really helped those kids. They love baseball.

Now they can play night games since we have the lights. As their coach, I have to say thank you. You've made a huge difference in those kids' lives."

"Glad to help, Kyle." Jack's eyes were still dark.

Sam chatted with the kids, and Kyle leaned forward. "Is that the way it is, then?"

"It is," Jack replied firmly.

"What is?" Abby didn't understand the masculine byplay. She had the notion that this cryptic conversation was all about her, but neither man was actually looking at her.

Kyle's head fell back, and he laughed. "Well, h.e.l.l, I always did say it would take two men to tame Abigail Elizabeth Moore."

"Kyle Morgan!" Abby looked around the cafe. Sure enough, people were staring.

"Remember that," Jack said blandly as he took Abby's hand. "I need to talk to Abby about a little thing called grand theft auto.

Sherry, take her tables for a bit, will you?"


Abby found herself being hustled back toward Christa's small office as Sherry, the other waitress, leapt into action. Did everyone just jump to do Jack Barnes's bidding when he opened his mouth?

Abby was willing to admit he was a forceful man, but he needed to understand she wasn't a doormat.

"Don't you push me around." Abby found herself being herded through the door.

She turned to face Jack and forced herself to stand her ground as Jack looked at her. He really could be intimidating when he wanted.

Abby stepped up and went toe-to-toe with him. Unfortunately, it meant she had to crane her neck to look up at him.

She reached up and poked him straight in the chest. "You don't scare me, Jack Barnes."

"I can tell," he said with a s.e.xy little smile. His mouth turned down as he got serious. "Maybe you better get a little scared, though, darlin'. Let's go over all the ways you have insulted me today."

"I wasn't insulting you," Abby protested.

"You left this morning without so much as a kiss goodbye. Do you how much that hurts a man? Sam didn't even get in his cuddling time. He gets cranky without it. Were you just using us for s.e.x, Abby?"

"That's ridiculous." Abby's hands unconsciously went to his chest and started rubbing soothingly. Now that he was close and they were alone, Abby was thinking about all sorts of things she'd rather do than fight with him. All the reasons she had given herself earlier seemed far away now that Jack was standing right in front of her. "Of course I didn't do that."

Jack's face could have been carved from granite. "How am I supposed to know that? I wors.h.i.+pped you last night. I told you how I felt. You said nothing, and then this morning, you left, stealing my truck in the process."


"I didn't mean to make you worry." Jack was really upset. They had been serious about having her in their lives. Abby's heart seized a little at the thought of having them with her all the time.

"Then I walk in to try to talk to you, try to figure out what we did wrong last night..."

"You didn't do anything wrong, Jack," Abby said quickly. "You and Sam were perfect."

"Then why were you making a date with Kyle Morgan?"

"I wasn't making a date with Kyle Morgan." Abby was shocked he would even think such a thing. Getting busy with Kyle Morgan was the furthest thing from her mind. "He just wanted to catch up. We went to high school together."

"Don't you be naive, Abby." Jack pulled up a chair and sat down.

"He was asking you out. He wants a mama for his kids and a sweet body in his bed. He must have thought he hit the jackpot when you sashayed into town."

Kyle coached high school football. She knew there was no way he could be seriously contemplating a relations.h.i.+p with her. Walter Echols was on the school board. He might be contemplating a higher office, but Adam's younger brother would never be so absorbed with his campaign that he couldn't crush one man's career.

"I wasn't going to date Kyle Morgan."

Jack pulled her into his lap, and Abby steadied herself on his broad shoulders. She was already responding to him. How could she want him again so soon after last night?

"Why wouldn't you go out with him?" Jack asked quietly, his hand tipping her face up to look at him.

"Because I don't want anyone but you and Sam. I haven't since I walked back into town."

Jack's lips curled up just a bit. He leaned over and brushed his mouth lightly against hers, leaving her wanting more. His hand played on her knees and threatened to go straight up her skirt.

"Jack, we can't," she whispered. "People might be able to hear."


"Then you'll have to be quiet, won't you, darlin'? I know that will be hard for you. You make a lot of noise, and I love it." Jack had a devilish look on his face. "We still need to figure out how you can make up for stealing my truck."

Abby had a wicked idea. Jack and Sam made her forget her inhibitions. Abby slid off his lap and got to her knees in front of him.

Jack's c.o.c.k immediately responded. Abby touched the zipper of his jeans and felt the long, thick line of his erection. Jack sighed while she gently lowered the zipper. Last night the boys had been intent on pleasuring her. Jack had been right to say they wors.h.i.+pped her. They made her feel like a G.o.ddess, but she hadn't been required to do more than lay back and enjoy it.

Abby realized now that she had missed actively partic.i.p.ating.

They hadn't asked her to suck them off, and in Abby's mind that had been a mistake. Jack s.h.i.+fted to push his jeans and briefs down. Abby moved so could easily get to his rock-hard d.i.c.k.

"Lick the head," he said, his voice low.

Abby let her tongue reach out to delicately lick the broad purple crown of Jack's c.o.c.k. He moaned, letting her know how much he liked it. Abby treated it like a delicious ice cream cone she wanted to savor. She curled her tongue around the ridge and sucked the head lightly into her mouth. The tip of her tongue delved gently into the slit, licking the salty confection already forming there. She loved this.

She genuinely loved sucking c.o.c.k.

"That's right, darlin'. d.a.m.n, your mouth feels good." His hands found her hair, and before she knew it, her ponytail was gone and Jack's fingers were tangled in her long hair. "Take me deeper now."

Abby obliged, loving the feel of his hardness against her tongue.

He was all steel and silky skin, and she loved the way his p.e.n.i.s jumped when she lightly licked it, as if it was seeking her out. She relaxed her jaw and let him sink deeper into the warm wetness of her mouth.

"G.o.d, that feels incredible. Suck harder, Abby."


He tightened his grip on her hair and slowly fed her his length.

She didn't panic as he filled her, just breathed through her nose and let her tongue swirl around as much as it could with what little room was left.

"Take it all, darlin'. Swallow me down."

Jack thrust his c.o.c.k deeper.

"Baby," Jack warned, "baby, you're gonna make me come."

Abby pushed a little farther until she could feel the head of his c.o.c.k touch the back of her throat. She reached up and caressed his tight sac as she pointedly swallowed around him. Jack groaned and held her head on him as he spurted his s.e.m.e.n into her mouth. Abby's throat worked furiously to suck it all down. It was salty sweet, and she licked it off his d.i.c.k as he softened inside her.

Jack's hands were gentle in her hair. She looked up at him, and his eyes were so tender. She wondered if any female had ever seen him looking so vulnerable before. In that moment, Abby realized how deep she was in with both him and Sam. It both terrified and thrilled her. She had thought this feeling long past her. Abby had loved her husband. She and Ben had been friends first, and then lovers and partners in raising her daughter. If she was honest with herself, she had married Benjamin as much for Lexi's sake as her own. What she felt for Jack and Sam had nothing to do with anyone but the three of them.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Jack's voice was deep with s.e.xual satisfaction. He tucked himself back into his white briefs and redid the fly of his jeans.

Smiling brightly, Abby came off her knees and settled herself back on Jack's lap. She held her face up, ready for his kiss. "You're welcome. I hope that makes up for me leaving this morning. I should have stayed and cuddled." Now that she thought about it, she was upset she'd missed cuddling time. If she kept it quiet, maybe she could manage an affair with the two of them. She just had to keep them off the Echols's family radar.


Lightly brus.h.i.+ng his lips across hers, Jack's hands went firmly to her waist. "I am properly placated for your very rude exit from our bed this morning." Quicker than she could think, Abby found herself flipped over and turned across Jack's knee. "But there is still the matter of one stolen and damaged truck," Jack announced in that voice Abby was beginning to realize meant business. One big hand caressed her bottom as the other held her down.

"Now, Jack." Abby tried really hard not to laugh because that might upset him further. She had no real fear of him at all. He would never hurt her, and frankly, she was a little curious. The last few years had been one long, dry spell, and she'd filled in the dreary s.p.a.ce with an astonis.h.i.+ng amount of erotica. Jack might think she was intimidated, but in truth, she was already getting hot. Sucking him off had made her wet and ready. His hand getting ready to spank her did nothing to change that fact.

"I am sorry about the truck. I have depth perception issues."

He flipped the little pink skirt of her uniform up to her waist, uncovering the little bikini panties she wore.

"These won't do." With a strong jerk, he pulled the panties off her hips, and they tangled around her knees, leaving the twin globes of her a.s.s exposed. Abby wiggled a little as his hand cupped her mound.

She heard him chuckle. "Now what do we have here? You're already wet, Abby. I guess I don't have to worry about scaring you off. I am more than willing to let you drive my truck whenever you like, darlin'." Jack teased her with his long fingers. She started to moan.

She wasn't trying to get away. She was trying to tempt him inside. "I am even willing to deal with your depth perception issues. But you have to deal with the discipline I will hand out for every ding you put on that fine piece of machinery."

His hand pulled away from her, but only for a moment. Then it came down with a hard thwack to her a.s.s.


Abby barely stopped herself from screaming. The spanking stung briefly, and then she felt the heat deep in her p.u.s.s.y. She moaned as he brought his hand down again.

Abby could feel Jack getting hard again.

"You like this, Abby? I like it, too. Your cheeks are a pretty pink.

I love that color."

"Do it again." She thrust her b.u.t.t up. She wondered what it would feel like if he spanked her p.u.s.s.y.

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Texas Sirens: Small Town Siren Part 6 summary

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