Texas Sirens: Small Town Siren Part 7

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"Maybe later, sweetheart," Jack said with a chuckle. He leaned over and kissed her a.s.s, one kiss on each cheek. He reached down and pulled her panties off, then set her on her feet.

"What are you doing, Jack?" Abby felt her entire body flush with s.e.xual arousal.

He shoved her white panties into his jeans pocket. "I think I'll take these with me. I like the idea of being able to push your skirt up and having my way with you."

"I like it, too, Jack." Abby was getting a little suspicious that her punishment wasn't over. She was willing to deal with a s.e.xy spanking, but leaving her unsatisfied was going to p.i.s.s her off. "Let's do it now."

Jack patted his stomach. "Oh, darlin', I can't. I was denied my breakfast this morning. I had to spend the whole morning worried sick about you, so I just don't have the energy."

"You a.s.shole," Abby spat as Jack made for the door. "I want my panties back."

Jack pulled them out and waved them as he walked through the door. "Prize of war, baby, prize of war." He shut the door, and Abby thought briefly about walking out after him and announcing loudly to everyone in the cafe that Jack Barnes was a terrible tease.

She promised herself she would get some revenge on that man.

Right after she'd taken care of herself. b.a.s.t.a.r.d. She was so hot she couldn't think straight, and he was probably sitting out there laughing about it.


"Abby, sweetheart?" Sam's voice was soft as he opened the door and looked her over before closing it and locking it behind him. He stood there with his angelic face, and it was all Abby could do not to jump him. He looked delicious in a white western s.h.i.+rt and tight blue jeans. "What did that mean old Jack do to you?"

Abby felt herself pouting but couldn't quite stop it. Sam's hands reached out for her, and the look on his face was sweetly lascivious.

Jack might deny her, but Sam sure as h.e.l.l wasn't going to.

"He yelled at me." Abby heard the hitch in her breath. She was close to getting emotional. It had been that kind of morning. She had been able to put her car out of her mind, but now it seemed to be cras.h.i.+ng in on her. She needed some affection. She should never have left this morning. She should have stayed in the comfort of that big bed, safe in between them. "He yelled at me, and he spanked me, and he stole my panties."

Sam looked like he trying hard not to laugh. "Was that the worst thing he did?"

She shook her head.

"What was the worst thing?"

"He didn't even f.u.c.k me," Abby said on a low wail.

Sam pulled her into his arms. "I'm so sorry that mean old Jack did that. He can be downright ruthless sometimes. To be truthful, though, you did steal his truck."

"And I tried to make up for it." Abby nuzzled his chest and let her arms wind around him. "I gave him a b.l.o.w. .j.o.b and everything."

"Well, I'll just have to step up and take care of you, Abigail. I can't let Jack get away with something as bad as that."

Abby went up on her toes and pressed her lips to his. "No, we can't let him get away with it." A thought made her pause. "Sam, we should stop. I don't want to make Jack mad. I don't want to come between the two of you."


Sam grinned as he looked down at her. "Who do you think high-fived me on my way in here? He didn't have any plans to leave you unsatisfied, baby."

Abby sighed, and her hands went to his zipper. "I knew there was a reason I liked him."

He leaned down and kissed her pa.s.sionately, his tongue forcing its way in to play with hers. Abby hopped up on the desk, thankful Christa was such a neat freak. There was next to nothing on the top.

She let her knees fall apart, and Sam immediately invaded. He shoved his pants down to his knees, and his fingers foraged between her legs.

He slipped a finger between the slick folds of her p.u.s.s.y, rubbing up and down and circling her swollen c.l.i.toris.

"d.a.m.n, baby," Sam breathed against her mouth. "Jack did a number on you. You are soaking wet. Did you like your spanking?"

Abby bit her lip and pressed up against Sam's teasing hand. She needed more. She needed his c.o.c.k. "I did. Please, Sam."

Sam's blue eyes were dark as he looked at Abby. Abby watched as he quickly sheathed his big c.o.c.k in a condom. "Please, what? What do you want me to do to you?"

She knew what she wanted, and she wasn't afraid to ask for it.

"f.u.c.k me, Sam. f.u.c.k me now, and f.u.c.k me hard."

"Yes, ma'am." Sam slammed into her p.u.s.s.y.

He felt so right inside her. Abby held herself wide for him. He pushed and pushed until he was tightly seated. He didn't need to go easy. Jack had her wet and ready for some rough play.

Abby moaned and clutched Sam's shoulders as he pounded into her. Her hands slid down his back to tighten on his perfect a.s.s. It clenched and released under her hands, and she fought to pull him in deeper.

"It's feels so good, Sam." Abby's head fell back. Sam's hands found her still sensitive a.s.s, using her rear to hold her tight for his f.u.c.king. Her cheeks still tingled, reminding her of everything Jack had done to her, and the image made her even hotter. He was sitting 62 out there in the dining room, and he knew exactly what they were doing.

Sam f.u.c.ked into her p.u.s.s.y like a man on a mission. He pressed into her and rolled his hips so he could slam against her c.l.i.t with each thrust. Abby pushed back against him, fighting for her o.r.g.a.s.m with everything she had. Sam's finger slipped between her cheeks, and he circled her tight a.n.u.s.

"I can't wait to take you here." Sam groaned, and Abby felt his finger push inside her rear.

"Sam!" Abby cried out at the surprise sensation.

Sam played with her a.n.u.s, gently pus.h.i.+ng in and out, while she started to come. She panted as she tightened her legs around his waist.

Abby's release was the best feeling in the world. Then it was Sam's turn to moan. He picked up the pace and pounded into her. His finger came out of her a.s.s as she fell back, completely sated, and Sam took his own pleasure. He rocked hard into her. Sam threw his head back as he stiffened over her when he came. He fell over on top of her. Abby was happy to have him so close. She kissed his cheek and the strong line of his jaw. When he looked up, he smiled at her.

"If that was punishment, Sam," Abby began with a grin, "you tell Jack I'm gonna be a very bad girl."


Chapter Five.

Walter Echols valiantly managed to not roll his eyes as his mother joined her small group of friends. Not a one of them was younger than seventy, and he liked to think of them as a school of blue-haired barracudas. There were five of them, not counting his mother, and they met each week at the First Methodist Church of Willow Fork.

Walter wondered why it had ever been called First. It seemed silly since he expected there never would be a second. There was a Presbyterian church on the other side of town, but it was attended by the blue collars of the town. Sometimes Walter wished he could be counted as one of those blue collars. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy his family's money. He enjoyed a good car and fine dining as much as the next person. But, in a small town, money wasn't just something he enjoyed. Money was who he was, and he had a duty to it.

One of the barracudas broke from the group and began swimming toward him. She was using a walker to do it, but Walter still the felt the menace. Even an ancient barracuda still had teeth. They might have been purchased, but they were sharp. This was one of those times when not having money would work in his favor. Hillary Gla.s.s slowly worked her way toward him, an indignant gleam in her eye. If he was a regular Joe, he would be free to flee, but he wasn't, and he had a reputation to uphold.

"Good morning, Mrs. Gla.s.s," Walter said politely as he looked around the Fellows.h.i.+p Hall. His wife was talking to the pastor. No help there. He reached mentally for something to say. "How is your son, Lyle?" Walter smiled broadly, proud of himself for pulling that out of thin air.


"Still queer and going to h.e.l.l," the old lady said with a frown.

"That's what happens when you let your son leave a nice place like this and go to college in some G.o.dless city."

Oh, yeah, Walter remembered.

Lyle Gla.s.s was a flaming h.o.m.os.e.xual. Funny man. He'd gone to school with him. The man had never failed to make his cla.s.smates laugh, but he'd been gay long before he'd reached the G.o.dless campus of Baylor University, if he recalled correctly, Lyle had moved to Dallas. Walter would have to look him up the next time he was there.

Walter was thirty-five and rapidly discovering this was a time when a man wanted to reconnect with his past. But then, he suspected, the past was exactly what had put the righteous gleam in Hillary Gla.s.s's rheumy eyes.

"What are you doing to protect your poor mother from that tramp?" Hillary's voice was loud enough that a few people turned to see what was going on.

"I doubt Abigail Moore is coming after my mama," Walter said evenly. The thought of Abby actively attempting to hurt his elderly mother was ridiculous. The woman could have had her revenge in a million different ways, yet she hadn't even sued the family for her daughter's support. Adam had died with a trust fund, but Abby hadn't come after it. Besides, lately, he had started wondering how he was going to protect Abby from his mama.

Walter Echols loved his wife. Jan was his second wife. He'd been young when he had allowed himself to be shoved into a marriage with the "right" woman. Claire had come from a good, solid family and had been selected by his mother. It had only been a few years after Adam's death, and Walter had been willing to do anything to please his parents. They had been sh.e.l.l shocked, and so had Walter. When Walter graduated from college, he'd let his mother shove him into the next step. Unfortunately, his mother's choice of a perfect wife had left him for another man two years into the marriage. When Walter's mother had tried to come up with another mate, Walter had put his


foot down for the first time in his life. Ruby Echols might not have approved of Jan, but ten years and two beautiful kids later, she'd been forced to accept her.

Yes, Walter thought, he loved his wife, but if he'd been single, he would have been all over Abigail Moore like cheese on nachos.

She was one gorgeous woman, even now. He had seen her on a couple of occasions and thought she might even be s.e.xier than she had been then. There was a worldliness about her now that had been absent before. She had confidence that only experience could give a person.

He'd been two years younger than his brother when Hurricane Abby hit, but even at fifteen he'd understood what his big brother saw in the redhead. She was beautiful and loyal. Abby had been funny and always sweet to her boyfriend's kid brother. She had been wild. She and Adam had lived a fast life for a small town. They'd been caught drinking at the lake on more than one occasion, and if they were in a parked car, everyone knew not to approach it until it stopped rocking and the windows cleared. Walter could still remember how happy his brother had been once he'd told his parents off and promised he would keep seeing Abby even if they cut him off.

They hadn't had the chance. Adam had wrapped his car around a tree when he lost control. Abby hadn't even been with him at the time, but his parents had blamed her. They blamed Abby for Adam's wildness, but Walter knew his brother better. Adam had been wild long before he got together with a girl from the wrong side of town.

Now she was back, and twenty years hadn't dimmed his mother's fury.

"That piece of trash just being in this town hurts your mother,"

Hillary complained.

"She's only in town to help her mother back on her feet." Walter tried to be reasonable, though he'd already tried the line on his mom and it hadn't worked. "Diane Moore broke her hip last month. She's been struggling." He didn't mention that Abigail was a registered 66 nurse. Hillary wouldn't be impressed with her education or experience.

"I don't care about her," Hillary said bluntly. "And neither should you. It's her fault her daughter turned out so vile. You better do something, Walter, or your mother's friends will step in and do it for you."

Walter heard the click-clack of Hillary's walker as she moved away from him. He put his fingers to his temples. He was getting a headache. He'd already talked to the sheriff about gently edging Abby out of town. He didn't want to inundate her with tickets, but she needed to know it would be hard to stay here. She had been plain in her intention to leave once her work here was done. She wasn't shoving her way into the upscale social events of Willow Fork. She worked at her friend's cafe and helped her mom out. Why his mother couldn't leave be, Walter had no idea. He would have to come up with something else to placate her.

Jan looked over at him and smiled as she picked up their little girl and fixed her four-year-old body to the hip his mother had commented was far too large for a true lady. His mother wouldn't know a true lady if one bit her in the a.s.s, and Jan had offered to on several occasions. Walter smiled back and wondered when he was going to be a man. His one foray into rebellion had netted him the best woman he'd ever met. He was currently engaged in his second foray. His mother had been dead set against him running for state senate, but Walter wanted out of town so bad he could taste it.

Luckily, his father had been all for it before he died last spring.

Walter felt bad for Abby, but he needed his mother's support. Just this one last time.

Once he got to Austin, all bets were off, he promised himself. But for now, he had to find a way to deal with Abby.


After spending a couple of minutes in the bathroom trying to make sure she didn't look like a woman who had performed numerous s.e.xual services for two different men, Abby walked back into the kitchen with her head held high. She was a professional. She had spent years working in one of the toughest ERs in the state, and she could stare down just about anyone. Working as a nurse in the emergency room had prepared her to handle just about anything. If someone gave her that righteous look she'd come to expect, she would just treat them like a drunk on full moon at Peter Smith Hospital.

"You done with your break, hon?" Len Sawyer gave her a knowing smile as she walked into the kitchen. He settled a ma.s.sive stack of bacon on a single plate. He had been Christa's short-order cook for ten years. Abby had only met him a month ago, but he seemed to have taken a s.h.i.+ne to her. He was an older man who was happily married to a beautician. Karen Sawyer had told Abby to come into her shop any time she liked and she would take care of those troublesome grays. Abby had very much appreciated the thought, but instead used a box at home because she didn't want to put anyone out of business. It was a pain in the b.u.t.t, but she was also driving to Tyler when she needed anything. Abby couldn't stand the thought that she would be turned away the way she had been when she was seventeen.

She could still remember the humiliation of trying to buy milk at the grocery store and being told she wasn't welcome. That was when she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she had to leave. Ruby's threat to get her mother fired was just the cherry on top of the cake.

"Yes," Abby said with a crisp nod. "I am quite refreshed and ready to go back to work."

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Texas Sirens: Small Town Siren Part 7 summary

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