Carnifex. Part 49

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Cruz saluted Cano and reported, then added, "You missed all the fun."

Cano shrugged and pointed with his chin at Bas.h.i.+r and Salam, preceding the cavalry column with heads down and hands bound. "Not all," he disagreed.

Cano then turned and gave the woman riding beside him a mock dirty look. "Wicked wife! Incompetent. Call yourself a seeress. Hah! Thirty to forty heads you promised us, and on that promise I awakened my men for this this? I should divorce you."

The woman just laughed, as did the Pashtun close enough to Cano to hear.

Even Cruz laughed at that. It was patently obvious, just from a glance, that this tribune would not leave the woman for anything.

"We've got a helicopter coming in for the prisoners, your two unwounded ones plus two we have that might or might not make it."

"Then Centurion Cruz," Cano said, "I present to you and your men two hale prisoners of war, compliments of this wicked woman whom I shall certainly beat mercilessly at some more convenient time."

The woman, Cruz noted, pulled a vicious looking dagger from her belt and began nonchalantly flas.h.i.+ng the blade in the sun. Still, the whole time she smiled at her husband.

Camp San Lorenzo, Jalala Province, Pashtia, 14/7/469 There was a bit more rock and concrete in this camp than there had been in Camp Balboa back in Sumer. Moreover, while the "brutal Pashtian winter" wasn't all that bad it was somewhat uncomfortably cool in these hills at night and in the winter, even this far north. Thus, the spread of legionary barracks and offices, mess halls and warehouses were, in the main, wood-lined and heated. The wood had once been growing on the spot where the camp sat.

Standing in one such, with a small fire going in a sort of Franklin stove in one corner, a number of men-and one small boy-sat in comfortable chairs. All but the boy sipped something alcoholic, often enough scotch. A recently captured map was tacked to one wall. The map showed a valley dominated by a single, tall elevation in the center, with two streams that cut around the mountain, and long ridges to either side. Both mountain and ridges were heavily trenched and bunkered.

The legion hadn't needed the map to know this was a a main enemy base; it was simply too obvious. What the map provided was considerable detail on the fortifications of that base as well as the suggestion that it was a regular meeting point for the elite of the enemy movement. Also, that is was main enemy base; it was simply too obvious. What the map provided was considerable detail on the fortifications of that base as well as the suggestion that it was a regular meeting point for the elite of the enemy movement. Also, that is was the the enemy base. enemy base.

"The problem, Patricio," Fernandez said, pointing at the map which had been delivered by Cruz's maniple commander the day prior, "is that their base is in Kashmir and Kashmir has both a credible air force and nukes."

Carrera didn't bother saying, So do we...have nukes. So do we...have nukes. Fernandez was one of a very few who knew that the Legion Fernandez was one of a very few who knew that the Legion did did have nukes. Moreover, the original three had been supplemented by the other four which had needed reworking and recertification. And hadn't have nukes. Moreover, the original three had been supplemented by the other four which had needed reworking and recertification. And hadn't that that been a b.i.t.c.h to arrange through some off line Volgan contacts? been a b.i.t.c.h to arrange through some off line Volgan contacts?

The problem was that Kashmir didn't know know the Legion had nukes and, so, might be inclined to discount the possibility and use their own. Nor would it have been altogether wise to have let them know. the Legion had nukes and, so, might be inclined to discount the possibility and use their own. Nor would it have been altogether wise to have let them know.

"And even if they don't use the nukes, they have a real air force, a good one. You can't count on the Federated States to provide air cover for an attack into the territory of even a very nominal ally any more than you can count on them putting us under their own nuclear umbrella if we attack across the border."

"We can stymie their air force if we can helo in the air defense maniple," Jimenez suggested.

This was more likely than it had once seemed. A number of Volgan wars.h.i.+ps, laid up and rusting, had been stripped for their heavy, range-finding lasers. The lasers-power hogs, all-had then been mounted on three hundred and sixty degree rotating carriages, with less powerful and power-consuming lasers mounted coaxially. The lesser lasers could send out low energy streams of light more or less continuously. When they got a bounce back from an aerial target they automatically fired the main laser, blinding or at least stunning the pilot. Since blind pilots cannot fly...

There was a treaty against this, against the use of lasers to blind. Carrera ignored that and, when questioned by the press during one of the very few press conferences he deigned to endure, had answered, "If we wanted to blind them so they would be blind, that would be illegal. In fact, we want to blind them so they crash their planes and die die. This does not leave them blinded for later on in life and, so, is perfectly legal."

Even the Federated States hated that position, their pilots more so.

It was Harrington's turn again to serve as the forward Ib, or logistics officer, of the deployed legion. He had more objections. "If that map and what's drawn on it is right-"

Triste, also back from Balboa and serving as Ic, or Intelligence, interjected, "We snuck an RPV there last night. The map is correct. There are several thousand of them, well armed, with decent air defense, dug in like rats and surrounded by mines and wire."

"-well then," Harrington continued, "that's even worse. It will take hundreds of tons of artillery and heavy mortar ammunition to breach that place, maybe thousands-"

"Thousands," confirmed the artillery cohort commander. "Even though the base will be in range of our rockets without them crossing over or getting very far from a good road," he added.

"See? I can't move that much. I just can't. can't. And you'll need infantry to clear the place, and to make sure there are no escapes. We don't have the lift, Pat." And you'll need infantry to clear the place, and to make sure there are no escapes. We don't have the lift, Pat."

Carrera turned furiously on his logistician. "You stupid f.u.c.k! I pay pay you to f.u.c.king solve problems, not to whine about what you can't do-" He stopped abruptly, shame-faced, and said, "I'm didn't deserve that. I don't know what-" His voice trailed off. you to f.u.c.king solve problems, not to whine about what you can't do-" He stopped abruptly, shame-faced, and said, "I'm didn't deserve that. I don't know what-" His voice trailed off.

Everyone went silent. Even Harrington wasn't angry, or more than a little hurt. Carrera, unlike the rest of them, had been at war for over eight years without more than an occasional break. The strain was telling...but none of them had the heart to tell him it was time for him to take a long rest.

The small boy in the company of men was Hamilcar, Carrera's first child with Lourdes. He was a good looking kid, and tall for his age. The stature, like the huge eyes, probably came from his mother. On Carrera's last visit home the boy had begged to come along and, since his mother had stayed in a combat zone with him as a baby, she had been in a very difficult position to refuse. Then, too, she was terribly worried about her Patricio and his health, both physical and mental. That last visit home had been...difficult.

Hamilcar was loathe to speak, surrounded, as he was, by half a dozen men that he had grown up admiring. But it seemed so obvious to him. He would have thought it would be obvious to his father, too.

Well, no one else was going to say anything. He'd have to. Clearing his throat he piped up in a little-boy voice, "Father, if you landed a cohort inside the enemy base, on that large hill in the center, it would draw them away from the outside. Wouldn't that help you?"

The room went quiet as every man turned to look at little Hamilcar in something between surprise and wonder.

"Acorn never falls far from the tree, does it?" Jimenez commented.

"Helps anyway," Harrington admitted grudgingly. "If we can crush their air defense so we even can can land men on the hill.'s a d.a.m.ned steep hill...hard to actually land a chopper on. But it doesn't solve the other problems." land men on the hill.'s a d.a.m.ned steep hill...hard to actually land a chopper on. But it doesn't solve the other problems."

"Even those might not be insurmountable," Carrera said, calm again if infinitely weary. "The major problem is that if we hit it and don't get most of the leaders.h.i.+p, then it's all a b.l.o.o.d.y d.a.m.ned waste."

Fernandez brightened. "I might have a solution to that, Patricio. Give me a couple of days."

Bas.h.i.+r had not seen his brother, Salam, since they'd surrendered. He'd been interrogated, of course, and warned that very severe consequences would follow if he didn't tell the absolute truth. It was also explained to him that Salam was being asked the same questions and that, if the stories didn't match perfectly, the severe consequences would be administered to both.

"Absolute truth from each of you is your only salvation," the interrogator had explained.

Bas.h.i.+r had only told one lie, that concerning the whereabouts and names of his family. Unfortunately, he and Salam had never been given the chance to work out anything between them. Bas.h.i.+r would remember the beating that followed for years. Even after he'd told the truth the beatings had continued until, apparently, Salam had likewise come clean. Or perhaps they'd continued just on general principle or to see if they'd come up with different answers. Bas.h.i.+r didn't know.

Their parents, plus their brothers and sisters were brought to the camp two days later, though they were apparently well treated. Neither attempted the slightest lie after that.

Fernandez spoke, through an interpreter, to Bas.h.i.+r first. The man looked pretty badly off, face bruised and eyes half-swollen shut. He walked like a much older, indeed a very old, man. That would pa.s.s, Fernandez knew. The guards were expert and had been under firm instructions to do no permanent damage.

He had the guard remove Bas.h.i.+r's manacles and offered the young man water and some food, legionary rations, in fact, which Bas.h.i.+r choked down, greedily. He especially liked the one-hundred-gram bar of honey-sweetened halawa halawa, seven hundred calories of crushed sesame seed goodness in just over four ounces.

While he ate Fernandez made a show of looking over his file. "Ah...I see you tried to join us once."

"How did you-?"

"Your picture was taken when you were interviewed. We matched that to your picture taken when you were first brought here. The computers do that almost instantly. Hmmm...rejected, I, not rejected. We placed you and your brother on the wait list. We'd likely have taken you in a couple of months."

"The recruiter didn't tell us that," Bas.h.i.+r answered. "He said if we could come up with a bribe he might get us a position in a couple of months."

Fernandez smiled evilly. Corruption was always a problem, though it was a problem the Legion dealt with very severely. In reality there was only one punishment, death.

"Did he indeed? We'll see to that. I understand you tried to lie to us," Fernandez said.

"What fool would give you the names of their people?"

"Good point," Fernandez agreed. "We'll forgive you the lie though, of course, you and your brother are under sentence of death for aiding our enemies. Their guilt became yours when you agreed to help them."

"We've never been tried!" Bas.h.i.+r objected, hotly.

"You will be...if necessary. Do you doubt the results of that trial?" Again Fernandez smiled, though not so evilly.

"No," Bas.h.i.+r said, with resignation.

"Still..." Fernandez hesitated, "you did did cooperate fully once you realized you had to. And...then, too...what good is a boy who won't take a beating to protect his family?" cooperate fully once you realized you had to. And...then, too...what good is a boy who won't take a beating to protect his family?"

It was a slender reed, barely to be perceived. The Pashtun grabbed it anyway. "I could cooperate more."

"There would be great risks," Fernandez cautioned, "and not merely for yourself...great rewards, too, of course."

Later, after Bas.h.i.+r had been brought back to his cell to think a bit, Fernandez interviewed Cano and Alena, privately.

"Tribune," he said, "there is something very weird going on here. You were not supposed to be at that ambush. It was miles away from your patrolling area. Yet there you were. I checked back over the last couple of years. Your group of scouts is always always nearby whenever trouble crops up and you are even remotely in range. You've got the highest kill rate of any group in the Legion. Why?" nearby whenever trouble crops up and you are even remotely in range. You've got the highest kill rate of any group in the Legion. Why?"

Cano just looked at Alena and said, "My wife's a witch."

Fernandez looked intently at the Pashtun girl.

"I'm not a witch, exactly," she said, looking up at the wood paneling of Fernandez's office. "At least I don't think I am. But I do pay attention..."


1 Easton Street, London, England, European Union, 11 January, 2126 In his plush office, all woods and wools and crystal, Louis Arbeit stretched like a satisfied cat after a kill.

The nature of the kill? Fifty-thousand small arms smuggled into various spots on Terra Nova in aid of the various insurgencies there. More on point; the payment received for them.

It was perfect, Arbeit self-congratulated. Amnesty can go anywhere there; even the guerillas accepted us because we Amnesty can go anywhere there; even the guerillas accepted us because we brought them arms. brought them arms. Oh, not directly, of course. That would have been too dangerous. Instead, we bought s.p.a.ce from the Food and Agricultural Organization from what was set aside for them for cargo on the resupply, reinforcement and resettlement s.h.i.+ps. And my father made sure that s.p.a.ce was considered "hands off" by the crews. After all, it was only "food." Oh, not directly, of course. That would have been too dangerous. Instead, we bought s.p.a.ce from the Food and Agricultural Organization from what was set aside for them for cargo on the resupply, reinforcement and resettlement s.h.i.+ps. And my father made sure that s.p.a.ce was considered "hands off" by the crews. After all, it was only "food."

The real food and the arms went to the colonies in Southern Columbia and Northern Uhuru. They paid us and then delivered the arms to the guerillas and the food to whoever needed it.

Arbeit sighed with contentment. And at two-hundred grams of gold for an obsolescent rifle and one thousand rounds, we robbed those b.a.s.t.a.r.d guerillas, too. And at two-hundred grams of gold for an obsolescent rifle and one thousand rounds, we robbed those b.a.s.t.a.r.d guerillas, too.

Looking up and out the window of his office, Arbeit thought, sadly, A shame about the old man, though. I wonder if the guerillas would have him if they'd known how important he was to their supply of arms and munitions. Fortunately mother is taking it well. A shame about the old man, though. I wonder if the guerillas would have him if they'd known how important he was to their supply of arms and munitions. Fortunately mother is taking it well.

He stood and began to pace about the s.p.a.cious office. The thing is, though; where should I best invest the money? Even after paying off my helpers, generously, I've still got four tons of gold just sitting in Switzerland. The thing is, though; where should I best invest the money? Even after paying off my helpers, generously, I've still got four tons of gold just sitting in Switzerland.

Maybe it's time to talk to SecGen Simoua about making my posting for life. A single ton of my gold should be enough to remind him of his promise to my father. Then again, the Swiss are said to have some new anti-agathics. New and pricey. pricey. Since the old SecGen died, finally, I am reminded that I am mortal and need them. Perhaps Simoua would settle for half a ton, or three quarters. Since the old SecGen died, finally, I am reminded that I am mortal and need them. Perhaps Simoua would settle for half a ton, or three quarters.

Chapter Twenty.

G.o.d helps a man as long as he helps his brother.-Muhammad (PBUH)

22/7/469 AC, Tariq Pa.s.s, Kashmir This was not one of the big Narrow and rugged, untraversable by vehicles, it had three major advantages. It was located about where Bas.h.i.+r could have gotten to if he had begun the trek back the night of the ambush. It had a small, flat plain on the southern side just just large enough for a Cricket to land with two men and take off again with its pilot aboard. Lastly, it was not much used by anybody. Thus, it was unlikely that the Cricket would be seen, less still reported. large enough for a Cricket to land with two men and take off again with its pilot aboard. Lastly, it was not much used by anybody. Thus, it was unlikely that the Cricket would be seen, less still reported.

The pilot brought the plane into the rough field slowly, not much faster than a man could run, Bas.h.i.+r thought. He was thankful beyond measure when the thing touched down. His only previous flight had been on the helicopter that took him into his brief captivity. He'd hated that, but at least he hadn't had to see see the ground below him or the clouds around. The Cricket gave no such mercy. the ground below him or the clouds around. The Cricket gave no such mercy.

With hand gestures, the pilot directed Bas.h.i.+r to help him turn the plane around to face into the wind. They did this by the simple expedient of picking up the tail and shuffling sideways, pivoting the plane around the fixed landing gear. Then he'd clapped the Pashtun on the back and bid him on his way.

As Bas.h.i.+r caught his last ground-bound glimpse of the plane, before turning along the rock-strewn path, he saw the pilot pouring fuel into it from a twenty liter fuel can. When next he looked, the plane was already airborne.

Bas.h.i.+r didn't know why he had been selected. He was, and he knew it, the least intelligent of the two brothers. Moreover, the infidel, Fernandez, had made similar offers to both to which both had agreed.

What had decided Fernandez, though he never made this plain, was that Salam had seemed incrementally more likely to seek his own safety and abandon his relatives to their fate than Bas.h.i.+r had. The key to this was that that Bas.h.i.+r, unbeknownst to himself, had broken under beating much later than Salam, and then only after hearing his brother being pounded. "He's the better kid," Fernandez had told Carrera. "He cares more for his family."

Though he didn't know, Bas.h.i.+r suspected it might be something like that. Salam was a good brother...but you did have to watch him.

He'd been left off with very little: some food and water, the pack he'd been captured with, his rifle, a bandoleer of ammunition and a very very small radio. The radio was underpowered, due to its size among other things. On the other hand, it would pick up broadcasts as would any other radio that looked like it; which is to say that looked like a cheap, yellow transistor radio made in Zhong Guo. small radio. The radio was underpowered, due to its size among other things. On the other hand, it would pick up broadcasts as would any other radio that looked like it; which is to say that looked like a cheap, yellow transistor radio made in Zhong Guo.

No matter about the range; a Cazador team was going to be inserted, at night, close enough to pick up any broadcast. That would not happen for another few days, giving Bas.h.i.+r time to get to his destination. He was instructed not to even try to broadcast for ten days, and then only to send one of two words, "yes" or "no" and, if "yes," a number, for the number of days until the event for which he was waiting was to take place. He was to avoid making other broadcasts entirely except under very narrowly constrained circ.u.mstances. Further, if captured and not accepted back into the Ikhwan, Ikhwan, he was advised to make a place for his parents, brothers and sisters in Paradise. he was advised to make a place for his parents, brothers and sisters in Paradise.

22/7/469 AC, Camp San Lorenzo, Pashtia "s...o...b..rd One reports insertion is complete, Legate," one of the radiomen reported to Fernandez.

"So far, so good," he said. He turned his attention to a tall Pashtian girl sitting in the operations center, staring at a map. Anything on your part, Mrs. Cano?"

Alena shook her head and answered, "No trouble, Legate, or none that I sense." She shrugged apologetically. "It's not something I can control," she explained. "Maybe something will come tonight."

Fernandez nodded. He didn't understand it, but he was too good an intelligence man not to note the more-than-coincidence. "Whatever you can determine," he said, "we'll appreciate."

27/7/469 AC, Kashmir-Pashtian border No one controlled the border. No one could even really define it.

It was a long trek and a rough one, running over foothills that would have been mountains anywhere else on the globe. The air was thin and, more than once, Bas.h.i.+r found himself short of breath. Nonetheless, he pushed on. Who knew? The foreign infidel maniac might go right ahead and hang his family from the multiple gallows Bas.h.i.+r had seen, just inside the walled compound in which he'd been questioned, if he was so much as a day late with his report.

Progress was slow up the mountain. Contraintuitively it was worse coming down. Not only was the way longer, but there was always the chance of falling and incapacitating himself. Somehow Bas.h.i.+r didn't think that evil b.a.s.t.a.r.d, Fernandez, would even wait for an excuse before fitting nooses and kicking boxes.

It was with a certain measure of relief, once he neared the base of the mountains somewhere along the ill-defined Pashtia-Kashmir border, that Bas.h.i.+r felt the rifle muzzle's cold touch behind his ear.

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Carnifex. Part 49 summary

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