Guardians Of The Flame - The Sleeping Dragon Part 28

Guardians Of The Flame - The Sleeping Dragon -

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"No," the voice answered, coming at him from every direction. "Never will the Hand aid you again. I'm... sorry, Karl Cullinane, but we... can't."

"I don't understand."

True. I told her you were a decent persona"for a human, that isa"but I never claimed you were intelligent.*

"As I said, I've arranged some company for you."

A huge, triangular head peeked in through the door.


*Yes, I'm Ellegon. And you are Karl Cullinane.* A paw slapped against stone. *And this is a floor...*

"Enough. I take it you're the company."

*Very clever. I am also transportation. We will camp on the edge of the forest tonight. Just in case you're interested, I've spent a good part of the past year ferrying some of your possessions here, things you left at the base of Bremon. Including one red mare that emptied her bowels all the way across the Waste. I don't think she likes me. But she does look tasty.*

We are not eating my horse. And are you certain you can carry all of us?

*No. Actually, I just want to see how high I can get before we crash. Any other stupid questions?*

"Well, I wanted to ask the Matriarch abouta""

*She wouldn't answer. You are on your own.*

"Isn't that we?"

*No. Not until you introduce me to the other three. I already know Walter Slovotsky.*

"And then?"

*Karl, it took me three centuries of being chained in a cesspool to learn what you found in months. You just may be able to do it.*

"You call that an answer?"

The dragon's head c.o.c.ked to one side. *As a matter of fact, I do.*



Give me where to stand, and I shall move the world.


Karl walked a few hundred yards from the fire before spreading his blankets on the damp gra.s.s.

Slipping out of his leggings and tunic, he slid between the blankets and lay back, pillowing his head on his hands. High above, a coal-black sky winked its million eyes.

How the h.e.l.l are we going to do it? Where do we start? With Pandathaway's Slavers' Guild, I suppose, but...

He shrugged. Slavery had been alive on this world for millennia. He wasn't going to figure out how to end it tonight.

But tomorrow was another day.

And besides, I've been told that thinking isn't my strong suit. He chuckled, and then sighed deeply.

*Well, you're correct for once.*


He sighed. Doria was gone, now. He probably wouldn't see her again. Would she be happy with the Society?

*They take care of their own, Karl.*

"Probably. Do me a favor; get out of my mind for a while. It's been kind of a tough daya""


"a"year, then. I could use some rest."

*I was just going to ask if you minded if I hunted up some food.*

"Not my department; take it up with Ahira. Where are you, anyway?"

*Down by the stream. I thought I might s.n.a.t.c.h up a few fish while I'm on watch. I can see Walter and Ahira and Riccetti from here, sitting around the fire, arguing. And Andrea's worryinga"*

"Arguing and worrying? About what?"

*Riccetti's talking about going back to the other side for a book of tables, of all things. Why he's so interested in furniture, I don't know.*

"Engineering tables, Ellegon. Different sort of thing." Although Karl had had quite enough of Riccetti's arguing about books. First the spell books, and now this. "What's Andy worried about?"

*Parents, relatives, friends. How they'll miss her, not know what happened to her. Anda"*

"Hmma"remind her about the time differential on this side. It's a problem for all of us, but we've got a few years to figure out what to do about it. It'll be at least a day or so, on the other side, before we're seriously missed. And that'll stack up to..." He trailed off, too lazy and too tired to worry over the calculation. Save it for morning. Save it all for morning.

*But I was wondering about the food. I'll keep alert, I promise. Young dragons don't sleep much at all, you know.*

"Young dragons also don't stop bugging the h.e.l.l out of me."


Ellegon went silent. Karl let his eyelids sag shut, his muscles unkink. Loosen the neck, slow the heart, rest the mind...

Silently, she slid into his arms. He sat up with a jerk, bowling her over. "What the""

Andy-Andy propped her chin on one hand. "If you're going to bounce me around the meadow, I'll go elsewhere." A loose strand of hair fell across her nose. She blew it off and moved closer to him, brus.h.i.+ng the blankets aside.

No, there weren't any bikini marks. Amazing.

After a while, she pushed him away. But gently, and only a few inches. "Looks like you finally found yourself a professiona""



"Don't talk dirty. "

Whether he reached for her, or she for him, he was never quite sure.

But he couldn't have cared less.

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Guardians Of The Flame - The Sleeping Dragon Part 28 summary

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