Worth Dying For Part 22

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"Rheyna, please," Caroline begged. She grabbed her knees, raising them slightly off the floor, opening wider. Caroline closed her eyes and pushed her hips against Rheyna's fingers. She cried out, her pain mixed with pleasure as Rheyna's fingers broke through.

Rheyna heard a groan and then realized that the sound had come from somewhere deep inside of her. Her senses were reeling, so hot, so wet, and velvety, she thought as she slowly thrust her fingers inside Caroline. With each rise and fall of her hips, Caroline urged Rheyna on.

With her fingers resting inside, Rheyna used her free hand to hold Caroline open. She lowered her head, rubbing her tongue along the sides of Caroline's lips, luxuriating in the taste of salt and sweat and the smell that was Caroline. She pressed her face into the soft tufts of hair and then took Caroline fully in her mouth. Her tongue began a steady rhythm, matched by the thrusts of her fingers. She loved the taste, loved knowing that she was making her swell, knowing that Caroline was ready to explode.

Rheyna felt excitement course through her body as Caroline's nails raked up and down her back.

"Oh, G.o.d, Rheyna!" Caroline cried out, her hips rising slightly off the floor.

Rheyna felt wetness spreading between her own legs as Caroline's pa.s.sion mounted, her body shaking with spasms. Caroline shuddered as the o.r.g.a.s.m rippled through her body.

Rheyna collapsed in a pool of wetness against Caroline's belly, finally resting. I love this woman. I truly love this woman more than I thought humanly possible, she thought as Caroline ran her hands through her hair. She closed her eyes as Caroline's fingers slowly traced the lines of her face, gently caressing Rheyna's eyes, her lips, her cheeks.

Caroline pulled Rheyna up to lie beside her. She took Rheyna in her arms and kissed her softly on the mouth, smelling her own essence on Rheyna's lips, she felt her own vitality returning. I can't believe this is happening to me, Caroline thought as she laced Rheyna's fingers with her own. She brought Rheyna's hand to her mouth and groaned against Rheyna's finger as she took it inside her mouth.

She watched the reaction on Rheyna's face as she slowly pulled it out and then sucked it back in. She felt Rheyna s.h.i.+ver, and then heard her deep intake of breath as she ran her tongue between Rheyna's fingers, slowly sucking on one before moving to the others. Without taking her eyes off Rheyna's, she trailed a row of kisses down her arm before moving to her breast. She kissed the soft area around Rheyna's nipple and felt it harden against her mouth.

Caroline leaned back to look at her, "Do you realize how beautiful you are?" she asked huskily.

"Only if you tell me," Rheyna whispered, her grey eyes clouded with desire.

Caroline wanted to please her, to give her the same amount of pleasure that Rheyna had given her. She looked at Rheyna, lowering her head almost shyly. "I want to please you, but I don't have much experience at this," she said apologetically.

Rheyna reached down, brushed Caroline's hair back from her face, and smiled. "Sweetheart, I can promise you that right now, you wouldn't have to do much more than look at me."

"But I want it to be as good for you as it was for me."

"Please touch me," Rheyna whispered.

Caroline was disoriented as she ran her hand over and down Rheyna's stomach. She felt her head spin, heard Rheyna's gasp as her fingers were covered with moistness. So wet, she thought as her hands seemed to take on a mind of their own. She explored the warm wetness with her fingers, yielding from the slight pressure and then she penetrated her lover's core. She was stunned by the softness. She felt Rheyna's hands in her hair and then on her shoulders.

Rheyna pulled her up, holding her close against her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Caroline felt Rheyna's legs clamp against her hand and then Rheyna's hands were on her shoulders, her fingers tightening. Caroline found her own hips moving in an urgent rhythm against Rheyna's and then she felt Rheyna stiffen. Her own breathing coming in ragged gasps, she held Rheyna tightly. She covered Rheyna's mouth with her lips, her tongue searching deeply.

"I love you so much!" she cried out against Caroline's mouth, her back arching, pressing hard against Caroline's fingers. Her body shook and then stilled as she collapsed on the floor, her chest heaving.

"Please, not yet, baby," Rheyna said as she reached down to stop Caroline from removing her fingers. "I just want to lay here, hold you, feel you," she said, wrapping her arm around Caroline's waist.

Caroline laid her head against Rheyna's chest. They lay like that for several minutes before Rheyna finally let Caroline remove her hand.

Caroline looked up. Rheyna's eyes were closed, a grin playing at the corners of her mouth. Her eyes fluttered open to look at Caroline.

"See ... what you do to me?" she asked.

"You made it very easy for me," Caroline answered as her fingertips traced the outline of Rheyna's lips and then followed it up with a kiss.

Rheyna grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch, and covered their bodies. Caroline lay back down and draped her leg over Rheyna's leg. She wrapped her arm tightly around Rheyna's waist.

Rheyna played with Caroline's hair as she watched the multicolored flames dancing inside the fireplace. She felt a lump growing in her throat and was powerless to stop the tears flowing down her cheeks. She had to ask the question. She needed to know.


"Yes, sweetheart?" Caroline murmured against her skin.

"Have you ever made love with anyone else?"

Caroline raised her head to look at Rheyna. After a few seconds, she shook her head.

"Why not?" Rheyna asked.

Caroline lay her head back down against Rheyna's chest. "I was waiting for you."

Rheyna felt as if her heart were going to burst. She kissed the top of Caroline's head.

"And I am so glad you did," she whispered.

After a few minutes, Rheyna heard soft snoring sounds and realized that Caroline had fallen asleep. She lay there for quite awhile, looking at Caroline and loving her with every ounce of her being. She wanted the night to last forever. As she smoothed Caroline's hair back from her face, her thoughts turned to Jenny, and for the second time that night, she cried. She had kept her promise.

Rheyna woke around midnight. She gently shook Caroline awake and led her to bed, where they made love again. This time, their lovemaking was slow, gentle, loving, unhurried as they took their time exploring each other's bodies.

Around seven, Rheyna slid out of bed. Staying in bed after she was awake was not her style, and today would be no different from any other. Caroline was still asleep when she came in an hour later.

Rheyna set the tray of coffee down on the nightstand. She looked at the woman who had stolen her heart. She was beautiful, even when she was sleeping. Caroline's eyes slowly opened, her mouth curved into a lazy grin.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Rheyna said as she bent to kiss her.

Caroline reached up, pulled Rheyna down on top of her, and nibbled on the soft part of her ear.

"That was the best night of my life," she said.

"Mine, too," Rheyna said, leaning back to look at her.

Caroline's eyes twinkled, and Rheyna felt an all-too-familiar ache start to grow in her groin.

"I want more," Caroline said huskily.

Rheyna pulled back the blanket and slid under the covers beside her. She didn't need a second invitation. "Your wish is my command."

Big Tony glanced up from his paper. He watched Terasa pull out the chair across from him and sit down. She picked up a piece of toast and spread jam on it.

"Where's Caroline?"

"She and Rheyna went away for the weekend," Terasa answered as she poured herself a cup of coffee and then refilled his.

A frown furrowed his brow, his eyes narrowing to little more than slits. "I think she spends way too much time with her."

Terasa took another bite of toast and met his gaze. "I thought you liked Rheyna."

He carefully folded the paper and laid it down on the table. "Has nothing to do with it. Doesn't it bother you that she's a d.y.k.e?"

Terasa looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "Oh, Anthony, you know I hate it when you talk like that and besides, you don't know that Rheyna's-"

"A queer, she's a queer, Terasa. Just say it," he interrupted. His lips curved into a snide smirk as he emphasized each letter, "Q-u-e-e-r."

Terasa looked at him. She shook her head in disgust.

Big Tony continued to grin at her. "You can call it what'cha want, Terasa, I don't really give a d.a.m.n. Those two spend way too much time together and you can argue all you want, but that girl is a d.y.k.e."

Terasa pushed her chair away from the table and stood up. She threw her napkin down on the table and left the room.

Rheyna and Caroline finally crawled out of bed around noon and took showers before eating lunch. Rheyna handed Caroline a plate to dry.

"What would you like to do today?" she asked.

She looked at Rheyna with a l.u.s.tful gleam in her eye. It was a gleam that Rheyna was coming to love and fear equally in a very short amount of time. She was so sore; she could hardly walk as it was.

Rheyna kissed the tip of Caroline's nose. "We have to get out of the house sometime today," she teased.

Caroline pretended to act hurt. "Why do we have to get out of the house?"

Rheyna ignored her question. "Do you like to fish?" She didn't realize the humor in her question until she saw the look on Caroline's face.

"Is there a joke in this somewhere?" Caroline chuckled.

"I'm serious. I love to fish."

Caroline's eyebrows rose a good half inch.

"Out ... in ... the ... water," Rheyna said, emphasizing each word and trying like h.e.l.l to be serious.

"Okay, okay. I get the point," Caroline laughed. "I don't know how to fish, but I'm willing to learn."

"Then I guess I'll just have to teach you." Rheyna opened the fridge and took out a container of Canadian Night Crawlers.

Caroline scrunched her nose in disgust. "Gross, you have live worms in there?"

Rheyna set the worms on the counter. "How else are you supposed to catch a fish?"

Caroline smiled at her. "The local fish market works for me," she said nonchalantly.

Rheyna couldn't help but laugh. Caroline was killing her. She slid her arms around Caroline's waist and kissed the soft skin behind her ear. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of her hair. "Ah, come on, I promise it'll be fun," she whispered.

Caroline turned around and laced her arms around Rheyna's neck. She stood up on her tiptoes to kiss Rheyna.

I love kissing her, Rheyna thought as she tilted Caroline's chin up with her fingers. "How about you get the wine and sandwiches while I round up some poles and a blanket?"

Caroline turned and opened a cabinet door. "I think I can handle that."

Sonny laid the manila folder in Big Tony's outstretched hand. He leaned back in the chair and crossed his feet at the ankles. "It cost us a small fortune, but you were right, Tony."

Big Tony lit his cigar, blew the smoke up in the air, and opened the folder. He looked at the top photo of FBI Special Agent Rheyna Sorento, also known as Rheyna Moretti, meeting with FBI Agent Kyle Edwards. He moved it aside and glanced at the others. "Our friend ... deserves a very large bonus. Explains a lot, don't it now? Explains why they always seemed a step ahead." Big Tony stared at a spot on the wall over Sonny's shoulder. He clicked his tongue against his teeth as he contemplated his next move.

Sonny knew that with each click, a volcano bubbling from deep inside Big Tony grew closer to erupting. He was now in his most dangerous state of mind. Johnny Scala had heard the clicking sound and probably Charlene, too. "How you wanna handle it?" Sonny asked, although he knew what the answer would be.

Big Tony looked back at the folder on his desk and picked up a photo showing Rheyna with her graduating cla.s.s at the academy. With a flick of his wrist, he flung it across the room. He pushed his seat back and stood, tugging down on his suit jacket. "Let's you and me take a walk."

Rheyna watched with amus.e.m.e.nt while Caroline fought with the blanket. She would spread it out on one side and then the breeze would catch the edge and blow it back over. Finally, Caroline set the picnic basket on one corner and the bottle of wine on the other. She turned and saw Rheyna laughing at her. She placed her hands on her hips. "Why are you laughing at me?" she asked.

"I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you," Rheyna said as she flipped the lid open on the cooler.

Caroline made a pouting look and stuck her tongue out. "That's funny but I don't think I was laughing."

Rheyna grabbed the container of night crawlers from the cooler and walked down to the edge of the water. Caroline came over, stood above her, and watched as she threaded a fat worm onto the end of the hook.

"That is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen," she said.

"Really?" Rheyna asked with amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Yes, really," Caroline said, and then took two steps back to keep the swinging worm from hitting her.

Rheyna held the pole out to her. "Come over here, please."

Caroline took the pole and stood there with a blank look on her face. She didn't have the slightest idea of what to do with it. Rheyna knew she would like this part of teaching. She came up behind Caroline and put her arms around her waist.

She placed Caroline's hands in the proper position on the pole and reel. "Now, you bring the pole back like this," she instructed as she pulled the pole back over their heads. She pushed Caroline's finger down on the b.u.t.ton to unlock the line. "And then you fling it forward like this to release the line."

They watched the bobber and worm sail through the air and then hit the water with a plop. Within seconds, the red and white bobber bounced back up to the surface. Rheyna personally preferred to fish on the bottom without a float, but figured it would be much easier for Caroline, since it was her first time and all. She could teach her how to fish on the bottom on their next fis.h.i.+ng trip. She smiled at the thought of having another first with Caroline.

"Okay, now what?" Caroline asked when Rheyna finished setting the line and laid the pole on the ground beside her.

"Now we wait for the fish to bite. You see that little red and white ball out there?" Rheyna pointed at the bobber. Caroline nodded. "When that goes completely under the water, you jerk it real hard, and-"

Before Rheyna could finish her sentence, Caroline pulled her down on top of her and began kissing the sides of her neck.

"I think I could really like this fis.h.i.+ng stuff," she whispered in Rheyna's ear between kisses.

Rheyna turned and kissed her. "I could like anything as long as it's with you."

A movement out the corner of Rheyna's eye got her attention. She turned her head in time to see the bobber disappear completely under the water.

"You've got a bite!" Rheyna yelled and jumped up. She grabbed the pole and handed it to Caroline, just as the bobber went down again.

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Worth Dying For Part 22 summary

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