The Commanding Stone Part 40

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Ademel Caranis (Ad'-eh-mel Ka'-ran-is): Captain of the City Watch of Almaris.

Aidrel Entraly (Ay'-drel En'-trah-lee): Member of Aunphar's Inner Circle.

akesh: A messenger of the Telchan.

Aleith'aqtar (Ah-layth' Ak'-tar): "Land of the Obedient," homeland of the Havalqa.

Alkaneiros (Alk'-ah-nare'-ohs): Ruby ring of Demos Thelar, worn by the Archmage of Hethnost.

Almaris (Al-mare'-is): Capital city of Khedesh.

andraleirazi (an'-drah-lay-rah'-zee): Magical powder that can be used to create the Binding Rings of Barados to imprison beings of spirit.

Archmage: The elected ruler of the wizards of Hethnost.

Arghen Helehba (Ar'ghen Hel'-eh-ba): Loh'shree commander attached to Ezqedir's army.

Arilek Levkorail (Air'-ih-lek Lev'-kor-ail): The Lord Commander and Governor General of the Taeratens of the Naege.

Aron Toresh (Air'-on Tor'-esh): Earl of Tolthean, knight lieutenant of the Realm.

Arsailen (Ar-say'-len): "Bringer of Oblivion," the name of a creature used for executions in the era of the Atalari s.h.i.+ning Nation.

Aunphar el'Turya (On'far el-Toor'-ya): Former priest of Telros, now the Prophet of the One G.o.d.

awaenjir (Ah-wain-jeer'): Device of magic used to Awaken a wizard's dormant powers.

Balandrick Vaules (Bah-lan'-drick Vole'-es): Youngest of the four sons of Earl Herenne Vaules of Carengil, and the captain of Gerin's personal guard.

Bariq the Wise (Bar-eek'): One of the Havalqa Powers, G.o.d of those who study the Mysteries.

Baris Toresh (Bare'-is Tor'-esh): Claressa's husband, son of Aron and Vaina Toresh.

Baryas.h.i.+n Order (Bar'-yah-sheen): A secret order of wizards who committed murders in an attempt to grant themselves eternal life. They originated within Hethnost but fled when they were discovered, and were later destroyed.

Chamber of the Moon: Location of the Varsae Estrikavis.

City Watch: Military order charged with enforcing the king's law in Almaris.

Cleave: Deepwater harbor bisecting part of Almaris.

dalar-aelom (da-lahr' ay'-lom): Name of the religion of the One G.o.d, an ancient Khedes.h.i.+an phrase that means "holy path."

Demos Thelar (Dem'ohs Thay'-lar): Wizard who created the methlenel and awaenjir, and devised the Rituals of Discovery and Awakenings, among other accomplishments. Considered one of the greatest wizards who ever lived.

Donael Rundgar (Don-ay'-il Rund'-gar): Captain of Therain's personal guard.

Doomwar: Ancient war between the Atalari and a host of dragons that endured for decades and ended with the complete destruction of the Atalari s.h.i.+ning Nation.

Dreamers: Nonhuman ent.i.ties with many mystical powers. Their exact numbers are not known; even their appearance is kept secret, under pain of death. They are the advisors of the Exalted of the Havalqa and wield enormous power.

Drufar (Droo'-far): "Silent servants," Loremasters of Bariq chosen to serve the Dreamers.

Elqos the Worker (El'-kohs): One of the Havalqa Powers, G.o.d of workers, laborers, and servants.

Enbrahel (En'-bra-hel): A Loremaster, a.s.sistant to Tolsadri.

Formale (For'-mah-lay): Region of Helcarea near the Bronze Demon Hills.

Gleso in'Palurq (Gles'-oh in Pa-lurk'): Founder of the Havalqa more than five and a half thousand years ago.

Hael Kouref (Hail Koor'-ef): A band of outlaws in Threndellen sworn to fight those who serve the Threndish king.

Hammdras (Hahm'-dras): Wall enclosing the Valley of Wizards, where Hethnost lies.

Havalqa (Ha-val'-ka): "The Steadfast," name of a people from beyond the Maurelian Sea who follow a multiG.o.d pantheon and whose society is organized into a rigid caste system.

Helion Spears (Hee'-lee-on): The soldiers and emissaries of Aidrel.

Herol-eilu Antaqar (Hair'-ol eye'-loo An'-ta-kahr): A holy book among the Herolen, describing some of the exploits of Herol the Soldier.

Herol the Soldier (Hair'-ol): One of the Havalqa Powers, G.o.d of warriors and mercenaries.

Hethnost (Heth'-nost): Fortress city in the Redhorn Hills, home of most of the remaining wizards in Osseria.

Holvareh (Hohl-var'-eh): G.o.d above the Havalqa Powers, the Father of All.

Huma endi Algariq (Hyoo'-mah en-dee Al-gahr'-eek): Son of Katel yalez Algariq.

Jade Temple: Training school in Kalmanyikul dedicated to the followers of Bariq the Wise.

Jaros Waklan (Jar'-ohs Wahk'-lan): Former Minister of the Realm of Khedesh.

Jurje Dremjou (Jur'-jee Drem'-joo): Wahtar of the Jade Temple.

Kalabrendis Dhosa (Kal-ah-bren'-dis Doh'-sah): The great meeting hall in Hethnost, where conclaves are held.

Kalmanyikul (Kal-man'-yih-kool): Capital city of the Havalqa.

kamichi (ka-mee'-chee): A Neddari sorcerer-priest.

Katel yalez Algariq (Ka-tel' yah-leez Al-gahr'-eek): A soul stealer, hunter, and follower of the Harridan.

Kelpa: Wild dog adopted by Therain.

Kua'tani (Koo'-ah tahn'-ee): King of Threndellen.

Kursil Rulhamad (Kur'-seel Rool-ha'-mahd): A maegosi, hunter and follower of the Harridan.

Leru's Eye (Lair'-oo): One of the Mysteries of Bariq, a sensing power.

Loesta Fedron (Low-es'-ta): Mother of Tyne, Tremmel, and Rukee.

Loh'shree: Nonhuman creatures of Aleith'aqtar who command mysterious powers.

Lorem taril'na Ezqedir (Lor'-em ta-ril na Ez'-keh-deer): General in the Havalqa military.

maegosi (may-goh'-see): A Havalqa sorcerer able to control quatans.

Magister's Palace: The seat of secular governmental authority in the holy city of Turen in Threndellen.

Marrek Drayke: Villager who becomes a companion of Tyne Fedron.

Medril: Lord Commander of the Sunrise Guard at Hethnost.

Metharog the Father (Meh-thar'-og): One of the Havalqa Powers, G.o.d of the ruling cla.s.s.

methlenel (meth'-leh-nel): Device of magic used by wizards in the Ritual of Discovery to locate potential wizards.

Naragenth ul-Darhel (Nare'ah-genth): The first amber wizard. A king of Khedesh and creator of the Varsae Estrikavis.

Neddari (Ned-dar'-ee): Warrior society ruled by various clan chieftains.

Neddari War: Conflict caused by Asankaru, the undead Eletheros Storm King, who posed as a Neddari G.o.d in order to acquire the Horn of Tireon in an attempt to regain true life for himself and his people.

Nimnahal (Nim'-na-hal): Gerin's sword, originally called Glaros, rechristened as Nimnahal ("Starfire" in Osirin) after he infused it with magic.

Olo'kidare (Oh'-lo kid-ahn'-eh): Loremaster attached to Ezqedir's army.

Omara Atreyano (Oh-mar'-ah At-ray-ahn'-oh): Nellemar's wife.

Paerendras (Pay-air'-en-dras): Khedes.h.i.+an G.o.d of the sea.

Pahjuleh Palace (Pah'-joo-leh): Imperial palace in the center of Kalmanyikul, home to the Exalted and the Dreamers.

paru'enthred (par'-oo en'-thred): "Inner eye" in Osirin, describing the ability of wizards to focus and shape the flow of magic through their bodies.

Pashti (Pash'-tee): Indigenous people of southern Osseria, conquered by Khedesh and his Raimen when they came to the southlands. Now mostly a servant cla.s.s in the kingdom.

quatan (kwah'-tan): Creature from Aleith'aqtar whose body contains rezarim, making it immune from magic.

Raimen (Ray'-ih-men): The original followers of Khedesh, a nomadic warrior society from the distant south, beyond the borders of Osseria.

Regnel's curse: Name for the seizures that sometimes afflict a mursaaba eunuch, a by-product of their power.

Releasing Fire: Spell used by wizards to cremate the bodies of their dead.

rezarim (reh-zar'-im): A metallic substance that can nullify a wizard's magic. During the wars between the Atalari and Gendalos races, the Gendalos used rezarim weapons to give them an advantage in battle.

Ruren the Silent (Rur'en): One of the Havalqa Powers, G.o.d of the Underworld and Master of the Dead.

Sai'fen (Sigh'-fen): Elite, black-armored soldiers of the Steadfast entrusted with the physical safety of the Dreamers.

Scepter of the King: Ivory rod inlaid with gold, silver, and pearl filigrees that is the official symbol of the King of Khedesh. Its upper end is formed of gold in the shape of a gull, its sleek wings thrown forward so their tips nearly touch beyond the bird's beak.

Serpent Fangs: Name of the elite guards of the Pahjuhleh Palace in Kalmanyikul.

sharfaya (shar-fay'-ah): A garment worn by Havalqa n.o.blewomen, fas.h.i.+oned from a long bolt of cloth wound loosely about the body.

Shayphim (Shay'-fim): Demonic figure of evil said to roam the southlands of Osseria with his Hounds Venga and Molok. He searches for wayward men and women whose spirits he captures and deposits in the Cauldron of Souls, where they are trapped forever, cut off from the light of the G.o.ds and unable to enter Velyol. The saying, "To Shayphim with him!" or "Shayphim take him!" is a curse that the dead will be denied the afterlife with the G.o.ds.

Sunrise Guard: Mortal soldiers entrusted with the protection of Hethnost.

taekrim (tay'-krim): "Vigilant," name of those who follow dalar-aelom.

Taeratens (Tare'-ah-tens): Elite fighter of Khedesh, marked with a circle-within-a-circle tattoos on the backs of their hands. They are trained in the fortress of the Naege in Almaris.

Tashqinni lumal Neyis (Tash-keen'-nee loo'-mal Ney'-is): the Exalted of the Havalqa.

tel'fan: A power in which an Adept of Bariq determines the caste a.s.signment of one recently brought among the Steadfast.

Telros: Chief G.o.d of the Khedes.h.i.+an pantheon.

Terl Enkelares (Terl En-ke-lahr'-reez): Gerin's Minister of the Realm.

tevosa (teh-voh'-sa): A rare disease that sometimes afflicts a wizard later in life. It causes them to lose the ability to separate the past from the present, and as it progresses destroys the mind.

Tulqan the Harridan (Tool'-kwan): One of the Powers of the Havalqa, G.o.ddess of the outcast. She at times is opposed to the wishes of the other G.o.ds, and her followers are often wicked for its own sake.

Urlos (Er'-lohs): Helcarean G.o.d of the dead.

Uron River (Yoor'-on): Small river flowing through the Helcarean region of Formale.

Vanil (Van'-ihl): Mysterious beings who inhabited Osseria before the coming of the Atalari. They were believed to have the power to devour the soul of a sentient being and thus deny it existence in the afterlife.

Varsae Estrikavis (Var'-say Es-tri-kah'-vis): Library of magical knowledge a.s.sembled by Naragenth and the great wizards of his age. It was hidden due to the outbreak of the Wars of Unification, and its location lost when Naragenth was killed in the siege of Almaris. Recently rediscovered by Gerin.

Varsae Sandrova (Var'-say San-droh'-vah): The library of Hethnost.

Velyol (Vel'-yol): The mansions of the dead where the G.o.d Bellon reins.

Ventro Gulethis (Ven'-tro Goo-leth'-is): Loremaster attached to Ezqedir's army.

Vethiq aril Tolsadri (Veh-theek' air'-il Tol-sah'-dree): Voice of the Exalted, Adept of Bariq the Wise, Loremaster of the Mysteries, and First of the sailing vessel Kaashal.

Wahtar: t.i.tle of the leader of the Jade Temple, and second to Tolsadri in rank among the followers of Bariq the Wise.

Word of Reflection: A very powerful and dangerous kind of magic.

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The Commanding Stone Part 40 summary

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