Seventh Annual Report Part 33

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III. _Omaha_ (U-man-han), on Omaha Reservation, Nebraska.

IV. _Ponca_ (formerly _Ponka_ on maps; Ponka); 605 on Ponca Reservation, Indian Territory; 217 at Santee Agency, Nebraska.

[Transcribers Note: [K] and [S] represent inverted K and S]

V. _Kaw_ ([K]an-ze; the Kansa Indians); on the Kansas Reservation, Indian Territory.

VI. _Osage_; _Big Osage_ (Pa-he-tsi, Those on a Mountain); _Little Osage_ (Those at the foot of the Mountain); _Arkansas Band_ ([S]an-?su-?in, Dwellers in a Highland Grove), Osage Reservation, Indian Territory.

VII. _Quapaw_ (U-?a-qpa; Kwapa). A few are on the Quapaw Reserve, but about 200 are on the Osage Reserve, Oklahoma. (They are the _Arkansa_ of early times.)

VIII. _Iowa_, on Great Nemaha Reserve, Kansas and Nebraska, and 86 on Sac and Fox Reserve, Indian Territory.

IX. _Otoe_ (Wa-to-qta-ta), on Otoe Reserve, Indian Territory.

X. _Missouri_ or _Missouria_ (Ni-u-ta-tci), on Otoe Reserve.

XI. _Winnebago_ (Ho-tca-ga-ra); most in Nebraska, on their reserve: some are in Wisconsin; some in Michigan, according to Dr. Reynolds.

XII. _Mandan_, on Fort Berthold Reserve, North Dakota.

XIII. _Gros Ventres_ (a misleading name; syn. _Minnetaree_; Hi-da-tsa); on the same reserve.

XIV. _Crow_ (Absruqe, Aubsroke, etc.), Crow Reserve, Montana.

XV. _Tutelo_ (Ye-san); among the Six Nations, Grand River Reserve, Province of Ontario, Canada.

XVI. _Biloxi_ (Ta-neks ha-ya), part on the Red River, at Avoyelles, Louisiana; part in Indian Territory, among the Choctaw and Caddo.

XVII. _Catawba_.

XVIII. _Woccon_.

_Population._--The present number of the Siouan family is about 43,400, of whom about 2,204 are in British North America, the rest being in the United States. Below is given the population of the tribes officially recognized, compiled chiefly from the Canadian Indian Report for 1888, the United States Indian Commissioners Report for 1889, and the United States Census Bulletin for 1890:

Dakota: Mdewakantonwan and Wahpekute (Santee) on Santee Reserve, Nebraska 869 At Flandreau, Dakota 292 Santee at Devils Lake Agency 54 Sisseton and Wahpeton on Sisseton Reserve, South Dakota 1,522 Sisseton, Wahpeton, and Cuthead (Yanktonnais) at Devils Lake Reservation 857

Yankton: On Yankton Reservation, South Dakota 1,725 At Devils Lake Agency 123 On Fort Peck Reservation, Montana 1,121 A few on Crow Creek Reservation, South Dakota 10 A few on Lower Brul Reservation, South Dakota 10 ----- 2,989 Yanktonnais: Upper Yanktonnais on Standing Rock Reservation 1,786 Lower Yanktonnais on Crow Creek Reservation 1,058 At Standing Rock Agency 1,739 ----- 4,583 Teton: Brul, Upper Brul on Rosebud Reservation 3,245 On Devils Lake Reservation 2 Lower Brul at Crow Creek and Lower Brul Agency 1,026 Minneconjou (mostly) and Two Kettle, on Cheyenne River Reserve 2,823 Blackfeet on Standing Rock Reservation 545 Two Kettle on Rosebud Reservation 315 Oglala on Pine Ridge Reservation 4,552 Wajaja (Oglala gens) on Rosebud Reservation 1,825 Wagluxe (Oglala gens) on Rosebud Reservation 1,353 Uncapapa, on Standing Rock Reservation 571 Dakota at Carlisle, Lawrence, and Hampton schools 169 ----- 16,426 Dakota in British North America (tribes not stated): On Bird Tail Sioux Reserve, Birtle Agency, Northwest Territory 108 On Oak River Sioux Reserve, Birtle Agency 276 On Oak Lake Sioux Reserve, Birtle Agency 55 On Turtle Mountain Sioux Reserve, Birtle Agency 34 On Standing Buffalo Reserve, under Northwest Territory 184 Muscowpetungs Agency: White Cap Dakota (Moose Woods Reservation) 105 American Sioux (no reserve) 95 ----- 857 a.s.sinaboin: On Fort Belknap Reservation, Montana 952 On Fort Peck Reservation, Montana 719 At Devils Lake Agency 2 The following are in British North America: Pheasant Rumps band, at Moose Mountain (of whom 6 at Missouri and 4 at Turtle Mountain) 69 Ocean Mans band, at Moose Mountain (of whom 4 at Missouri) 68 The-man-who-took-the-coats band, at Indian Head (of whom 5 are at Milk River) 248 Bears Head band, Battleford Agency 227 Chee-pooste-quahn band, at Wolf Creek, Peace Hills Agency 128 Bears Paw band, at Morleyville 236 Chiniquy band, Reserve, at Sarcee Agency 134 Jacobs band 227 ----- 3,008 Omaha: Omaha and Winnebago Agency, Nebraska 1,158 At Carlisle School, Pennsylvania 19 At Hampton School, Virginia 10 At Lawrence School, Kansas 10 ----- 1,197 Ponka: In Nebraska (under the Santee agent) 217 In Indian Territory (under the Ponka agent) 605 At Carlisle, Pennsylvania 1 At Lawrence, Kansas 24 ----- 847 Osage: At Osage Agency, Indian Territory 1,509 At Carlisle, Pennsylvania 7 At Lawrence, Kansas 65 ----- 1,581 Kansa or Kaw: At Osage Agency, Indian Territory 198 At Carlisle, Pennsylvania 1 At Lawrence, Kansas 15 ----- 214 Quapaw: On Quapaw Reserve, Indian Territory 154 On Osage Reserve, Indian Territory 71 At Carlisle, Pennsylvania 3 At Lawrence, Kansas 4 ----- 232 Iowa: On Great Nemaha Reservation, Kansas 165 On Sac and Fox Reservation, Oklahoma 102 At Carlisle, Pennsylvania 1 At Lawrence, Kansas 5 ----- 273

Oto and Missouri, in Indian Territory 358

Winnebago: In Nebraska 1,215 In Wisconsin (1889) 930 At Carlisle, Pennsylvania 27 At Lawrence, Kansas 2 At Hampton, Virginia 10 ----- 2,184 Mandan: On Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota 251 At Hampton, Virginia 1 ----- 252

Hidatsa, on Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota 522

Crow, on Crow Reservation, Montana 2,287

Tutelo, about a dozen mixed bloods on Grand River Reserve, Ontario, Canada, and a few more near Montreal (?), say, about 20

Biloxi: In Louisiana, about 25 At Atoka, Indian Territory 1 ----- 26 Catawba: In York County, South Carolina, about 80 Scattered through North Carolina, about 40?

----- 120?


> Skittagets, Gallatin in Trans. and Coll. Am. Eth. Soc., II, pt. 1, c, 1848 (the equivalent of his Queen Charlottes Island group, p. 77).

> Skittagetts, Berghaus, Physik. Atlas, map 17, 1852.

> Skidegattz, Gallatin in Schoolcraft, Ind. Tribes, III, 403, 1853 (obvious typographical error; Queen Charlotte Island).

X Haidah, Scouler in Jour. Roy. Geog. Soc. Lond., XI, 224, 1841 (same as his Northern family; see below).

= Haidah, Latham, Nat. Hist. Man, 300, 1850 (Skittegats, Ma.s.sets, k.u.mshahas, Kyganie). Latham in Trans. Philolog. Soc. Lond., 72, 1856 (includes Skittigats, Ma.s.setts, k.u.mshahas, and Kyganie of Queen Charlottes Ids. and Prince of Wales Archipelago). Latham, Opuscula, 339, 1860. Buschmann, Spuren der aztek. Sprache, 673, 1859. Latham, El. Comp. Phil., 401, 1862 (as in 1856). Dall in Proc. Am. 269, 1869 (Queen Charlottes Ids. and southern part of Alexander Archipelago). Bancroft, Nat. Races, III, 564, 604, 1882.

> Hai-dai, Schoolcraft, Ind. Tribes, V, 489, 1855. Kane, Wanderings of an Artist, app., 1859, (Works census, 1836-41, of northwest coast tribes, cla.s.sified by language).

= Haida, Gibbs in Cont. N.A. Eth., I, 135, 1877. Tolmie and Dawson, Comp. Vocabs., 15, 1884 (vocabs. of Kaigani Sept, Ma.s.set, Skidegate, dialects; also map showing distribution). Dall in Proc. Am., 375, 1885 (mere mention of family).

< hydahs,="" keane,="" app.="" stanfords="" comp.="" (cent.="" and="" so.="" am.),="" 460,="" 473,="" 1878="" (enumerates="" ma.s.sets,="" klue,="" kiddan,="" ninstance,="" skid-a-gate,="" skid-a-gatees,="" c.u.m-she-was,="" kaiganies,="" tsimsheeans,="" na.s.s,="" skeenas,="",="" hailtzas,="">

> Queen Charlottes Island, Gallatin in Trans. and Coll. Am. Antiq.

Soc., II, 15, 306, 1836 (no tribe indicated). Gallatin in Trans. Am.

Eth. Soc., II, pt. 1, 77, 1848 (based on Skittagete language). Latham in Jour. Eth. Soc. Lond., 1, 154, 1848. Latham, Opuscula, 349, 1860.

X Northern, Scouler in Jour. Roy. Geog. Soc. Lond., XI, 219, 1841 (includes Queen Charlottes Island and tribes on islands and coast up to 60 N.L.; Haidas, Ma.s.settes, Skittegs, c.u.mshaws). Prichard, Phys. Hist. Mankind, V, 433, 1847 (follows Scouler).

= Kygni, Dall in Proc. Am., 269, 1869 (Queen Charlottes Ids.

or Haidahs).

X Nootka, Bancroft, Nat. Races, III, 564, 1882 (contains Quane, probably of present family; Quactoe, Saukaulutuck).

The vocabulary referred by Gallatin[95] to Queen Charlottes Islands unquestionably belongs to the present family. In addition to being a compound word and being objectionable as a family name on account of its unwieldiness, the term is a purely geographic one and is based upon no stated tribe; hence it is not eligible for use in systematic nomenclature. As it appears in the Archologia Americana it represents nothing but the locality whence the vocabulary of an unknown tribe was received.

[Footnote 95: Archologia Americana, 1836, II, pp. 15, 306.]

The family name to be considered as next in order of date is the Northern (or Haidah) of Scouler, which appears in volume XI, Royal Geographical Society, page 218, et seq. The term as employed by Scouler is involved in much confusion, and it is somewhat difficult to determine just what tribes the author intended to cover by the designation.

Reduced to its simplest form, the case stands as follows: Scoulers primary division of the Indians of the Northwest was into two groups, the insular and the inland. The insular (and coast tribes) were then subdivided into two families, viz, Northern or Haidah family (for the terms are interchangeably used, as on page 224) and the Southern or Nootka-Columbian family. Under the Northern or Haidah family the author all the Indian tribes in the Russian territory, the Kolchians (Athapascas of Gallatin, 1836), the Koloshes, Ugalentzes, and Tun Ghaase (the Koluscans of Gallatin, 1836); the Atnas (Salish of Gallatin, 1836); the Kenaians (Athapascas, Gallatin, 1836); the Haidah tribes proper of Queen Charlotte Island, and the Chimesyans.

It will appear at a glance that such a heterogeneous a.s.semblage of tribes, representing as they do several distinct stocks, can not have been cla.s.sed together on purely linguistic evidence. In point of fact, Scoulers remarkable cla.s.sification seems to rest only in a very slight degree upon a linguistic basis, if indeed it can be said to have a linguistic basis at all. Consideration of physical character, manners, and customs were clearly accorded such weight by this author as to practically remove his Northern or Haidah family from the list of linguistic stocks.

The next family name which was applied in this connection is the Skittagets of Gallatin as above cited. This name is given to designate a family on page _c_, volume II, of Transactions of the Ethnological Society, 1848. In his subsequent list of vocabularies, page 77, he changes his designation to Queen Charlotte Island, placing under this family name the Skittagete tribe. His presentation of the former name of Skittagets in his complete list of families is, however, sufficiently formal to render it valid as a family designation, and it is, therefore, retained for the tribes of the Queen Charlotte Archipelago which have usually been called Haida.

From a comparison of the vocabularies of the Haida language with others of the neighboring Koluschan family, Dr. Franz Boas is inclined to consider that the two are genetically related. The two languages possess a considerable number of words in common, but a more thorough investigation is requisite for the settlement of the question than has yet been given. Pending this the two families are here treated separately.

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Seventh Annual Report Part 33 summary

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