Seventh Annual Report Part 51

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_Helianthus occidentalis_, Riddell. Sunflower. Pukitewubbokuns.

The crushed root is applied to bruises and contusions.

_Polygala senega_, L. Seneca Snakeroot. Winissikens.

1. A decoction of the roots is used for colds and cough.

2. An infusion of the leaves is given for sore throat; also to destroy water-bugs that have been swallowed.

_Rubus occidentalis_, L. Black Raspberry. Makademiskwiminok-- Black Blood Berry.

A decoction made of the crushed roots is taken to relieve pains in the stomach.

_Rubus strigosus_, Michx. Wild Red Raspberry. Miskwiminok-- Blood Berry.

The roots are sometimes used as a subst.i.tute for the preceding.

_Gaylussacia resinosa_, Torr. and Gr. Huckleberry. Minun.

Forms one of the chief articles of trade during the summer. The berry occupies a conspicuous place in the myth of the Road of the Dead, referred to in connection with the Ghost Society.

_Prunus Virginiana_, L. Choke Cherry. Sisanweminakonsh.

1. The branchlets are used for making an ordinary drink; used also during gestation.

2. The fruit is eaten.

_Prunus serotina_, Ehrhart. Wild Black Cherry. Okwemish-- Scabby Bark.

1. The inner bark is applied to external sores, either by first boiling, bruising, or chewing it.

2. An infusion of the inner bark is sometimes given to relieve pains and soreness of the chest.

_Prunus Pennsylvanica_, L. Wild Red Cherry. Kusigwak.u.minok.

1. A decoction of the crushed root is given for pains and other stomach disorders.

2. Fruit is eaten and highly prized.

3. This, believed to be synonymous with the June Cherry of Minnesota, is referred to in the myths and ceremonies of the Ghost Society.

_Prunus Americana_, Marsh. Wild Plum. Bogesanok.

The small rootlets, and the bark of the larger ones, are crushed and boiled together with the roots of the following named plants, as a remedy for diarrhea. The remaining plants were not in bloom at the time during which the investigations were made, and therefore were not identified by the preceptors, they being enabled to furnish only the names and an imperfect description. They are as follows, viz: Minensok, two species, one with red berries, the other with yellow ones; Wabosominisok-- Rabbit berries; s.h.i.+gwanauisok, having small red berries; and Cratgus coccinea, L. Scarlet-fruited Thorn. Oginik.

_Typha latifolia_, L. Common Cat-tail. Napogushk-- Flat gra.s.s.

The roots are crushed by pounding or chewing, and applied as a poultice to sores.

_Sporobolus heterolepis_ Gr. Napogushkuns-- Little Flat Gra.s.s.

1. Used sometimes as a subst.i.tute for the preceding.

2. Roots are boiled and the decoction taken to induce emesis, to remove bile.

_Fragaria vesca_, L. Wild Strawberry. Ode iminne-- Heart Berry.

Referred to in the ceremony of the Ghost Society.

The fruit is highly valued as a luxury.

_Acer Pennsylvanic.u.m_, L. Striped Maple. Monzomish-- Moose Wood.

The inner bark sc.r.a.ped from four sticks or branches, each two feet long, is put into a cloth and boiled, the liquid which can subsequently be pressed out of the bag is swallowed, to act as an emetic.

_Fraxinus sambucifolia_, Lam. Black or Water Ash. Agimak.

1. The inner bark is soaked in warm water, and the liquid applied to sore eyes.

2. The wood is employed in making the rims for frames of snow-shoes.

_Veronica Virginica_, L. Culvers Root. Wisogedzhibik-- Bitter Root.

A decoction of the crushed root is taken as a purgative.

_Salix Candida_, Willd. h.o.a.ry Willow. Sisigobemish.

The thick inner bark of the roots is sc.r.a.ped off, boiled, and the decoction taken for cough.

_Symphoricarpos vulgaris_, Michx. Indian Currant. Gussigwakamish.

The inner bark of the root boiled and the decoction, when cold, applied to sore eyes.

_Geum strictum_, Ait. Aven. Neboneankwek-- Hair on one side.

The roots are boiled and a weak decoction taken internally for soreness in the chest, and cough.

_Rumex crispus_, L. Curled Dock. Ozabets.h.i.+wik.

The roots are bruised or crushed and applied to abrasions, sores, etc.

_Amorpha canescens_, Nutt. Lead Plant. Weabonagkak-- That which turns white.

A decoction, made of the roots, is used for pains in the stomach.

_Rosa blanda_, Ait. Early Wild Rose. Oginik.

A piece of root placed in lukewarm water, after which the liquid is applied to inflamed eyes.

_Anemone_ (_sp.?_) Anemone. Wisogibok; also called Hartshorn plant by the mixed-bloods of Minnesota.

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Seventh Annual Report Part 51 summary

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