The Phoenix Pack: Feral Sins Part 31

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"Taryn -"

She held a hand up to halt his argument. "See your total lack of enthusiasm just proves you need to learn to let go a little. You would have learned to during adolescence if you hadn't spent most of that time running a pack. Time to make up for that. Don't you realize that you missed a crucial part of your development as a person?"

He frowned. "I turned out all right."

"Erections don't equal personal growth, Trey."

Ryan's laugh didn't wash down well with Trey, especially since he was generally a grunter.

Not wanting to admit that it did look kind of fun, Trey simply shrugged and gave a long suffering sigh as he allowed her to drag him with her to join the queue. Bouncing like little kids, Dante and his enforcers followed behind them, deciding who they were going to pair with on the ride.

Trey shouldn't have been surprised when Taryn took a separate car than him and shot him one of her 'come get me' smiles. Oh he chased after her alright, but then the sneaky little wildcat spun around and rammed right into the front of his car, laughing. And Trey found himself laughing along with her. The guys repeatedly came at him and Taryn as a group, and it amazed him how even while in a car that was no smaller in size than the others, she still found a way to wriggle out whenever she was surrounded.

"You liked it," said Taryn smugly when the ride ended and she made her way to him.

He jiggled his head and locked his arm around her. "It was alright."

Taryn chuckled and play-punched his chest. "Let's see what else we can find that's 'alright'."

Trey groaned and huffed, but inside he was actually a little eager to try something else. Of course his little mate had sensed that and pounced on it, dragging him on rides such as the Hurricane, the Pirate s.h.i.+p, the Log Flume, the Ghost Train, the Ferris Wheel, the Orbiter, the Gravitron, and the Waltzer. Okay, the term 'dragging him' was a little misleading. All she had really had to do was point in the general direction of the ride and he was there. She had been right the adrenaline rush had him prepared to ride just about anything...except for the deathtrap.

What Trey hadn't been able to understand was how he had come to be addicted to trying to win prizes on the side stalls when it was obvious they were set up in a way that made it practically impossible to win. Most of the prizes were c.r.a.p too, so logic should tell him not to waste his money or time, but he'd been drawn to them like pigs to s.h.i.+t.

It hadn't been just him. The guys too had tried their luck repeatedly at ones like Coconut Shy, Hoopla, Cork Shooting, Tin Can Alley, Donkey Derby, and Ball in the Basket. Taryn had ended up with two bags full of cuddly toys in various sizes and colors, and a large soft tiger which was almost as big as her. As Marcus had found that highly amusing or been the only one dumb enough to show that he found it highly amusing Taryn had elected him as the one who would carry it.

"Whoa, Bucking Bronco," announced Dominic.

All with hotdogs in hand, they each followed Dominic as he dashed over to a large tent within which there were two mechanical rodeo bulls covered in piebald blankets that had a piece of black leather for a saddle st.i.tched into them.

"Come on, Taryn you and me." Dominic smirked c.o.c.kily. "Don't get me wrong, I already know I can hang on longest, I just want to watch you ride that thing."

Trey slapped the dirty pervert over the head.


"Only be serious if you're happy to be beat by a girl," warned Taryn. She and Shaya would play that for hours when they were kids. Still both females held records that beat anyone else's within Lance's pack.

Dominic grinned impishly. "I like it when the person I'm up against actually thinks they'll win. It's more fun that way."

Sighing, Taryn handed her hotdog to Trey for safekeeping. "If you're so eager to humiliate yourself, I don't see why I shouldn't help you out with that."

"Oh yeah, this will be a sight to see," drawled Marcus, laughing wickedly. Trick nodded his agreement, laughing along with him.

Knowing exactly what Marcus meant by that, Trey slapped both him and Trick over the head.

"What was that for?" complained Trick. "I didn't say anything."

"You didn't have to." Trey's heart was in his throat the entire time he watched her being spun about and bounced and bucked, but he still laughed and cheered her on. And still got as h.o.r.n.y as all h.e.l.l watching the way her body moved in sync with the bull as she maintained her balance, giving him a lot of dirty ideas to add to the many he already had.

Eventually a cursing Dominic fell to the soft mat, scowling and laughing at the same time. He didn't even bother to get up, just remained flat on his back. "I only fell because I got distracted by your b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Could you tell them to stop looking at my eyes?"

"Idiot," she chuckled as she offered him her hand to pull him up.

"I've got a better idea. I'll stay here and you can sit on my face while I eat my way to your heart."

She groaned. "These dirty lines are getting worse. It's good for you that you're pretty." He laughed.

"You were awesome on that thing," Dante told her as she past. Ryan grunted his agreement.

"You can ride me like that anytime," Trey whispered into her ear when she was back at his side.

She laughed and gave him a mysterious smile, gladly letting him enfold her with his arms. "How's the birthday boy?"

He smirked, cupping her a.s.s. "Hard as a rock imagining all the things I'm going to do to you later."

Watching as his smirk turned mischievous, she narrowed her eyes. "And what would those things be?"

"You'll find out tonight. You know what being my s.e.x toy means, don't you? It means you can't fight me. For that entire hour, you have to do exactly as I say."

Yes she knew that. She also knew it would absolutely kill her. "It's my gift to you. See, birthdays can be fun."

His smirk widened. "Oh it'll be fun, baby, I can promise you that." He already knew exactly what he was going to do to her and just how much she would be tempted to fight him. h.e.l.l, the evening couldn't come soon enough.

Not liking that he was trying to make her nervous, she decided the teasing should go both ways. "Oh my G.o.d, oh my G.o.d," she rasped into his ear. Pulling back, she smiled. "Sorry, I was just practicing." He pinched her a.s.s.

"So what's next?" asked Ryan before taking a swig of his Cola.

Tao smiled. "We have to go in the Funhouse."

So they did, and Trey could admit it was kind of fun. Then they strolled through the House of Mirrors, which he thought was the craziest and possibly also the dumbest thing ever. But he was too hyped up to give a s.h.i.+t that he had just wasted minutes out of his life looking at contortions of his own reflection something he could do at home just by getting drunk.

Engrossed in the act of sharing cotton candy with Taryn the worst sharer ever and occasionally licking some from her lips, Trey hadn't realized they were so close to the deathtrap until Dante spoke.

"Well, Trey, you up for this or what?"

Peering up, up, up and taking in all the steep drops, sharp curves and stomach churning loops, Trey shook his head h.e.l.l no. It looked even more hazardous and rickety up-close. Not to mention the creaky 'I'm going to snap any moment' noises coming from it. "I'll just stay here and hold the tiger and the bags."

"Oh come on," implored Marcus.

"Yeah," said Taryn, "Come on."

Trey gave her a pointed look. "You're not going on it either."

"You'll love it, I promise."

He snorted. "No, I won't, because I'll be dead."

She pressed herself against him and instantly his arms went around her. "Don't worry. I'll protect you."

"I'm not scared."

"Liars go to h.e.l.l, remember."

"Baby, look at that thing. It looks like there's only one screw holding the d.a.m.n thing together."

She tugged on his t-s.h.i.+rt as if it would somehow help her get through to him. "It's supposed to look like that dangerous, exciting, thrilling."

"If almost dying gives you a thrill, I'll beat you b.l.o.o.d.y and rush you to the hospital."

Frustrated, Taryn slapped his chest. "Buck up, Trey. It's just a ride. People go on it every day. People have been riding it tonight for hours."

"Maybe if we were in Disneyworld then yeah, I'd feel confident that it was all put together right."

"Big Thunder Mountain Railroad has crashed something like three times, you know," interjected Trick, earning a scowl from Trey.

She tugged on Trey's upper arm. "Come on, Voice of Doom and Gloom, let's go. You'll love it, I swear."

No he wouldn't love it at all and Trey was resolved that he wasn't going on that thing. Until she tugged his head down to hers and whined, 'Please?' She even pouted her bottom lip. The transformation reminded him of when Puss 'n' Boots from the Shrek movies went from trained killer to helpless kitten. And, just for good measure, she grinded against his c.o.c.k which was still semi-hard from having watched her on the rodeo bull. "You're dangerous."

Wearing a self-satisfied smile, she kissed him smack on the lips. "I knew you'd do me proud."

"Oh I'll do you alright. As soon as we get home." After a twenty minute wait which gave him plenty of time to debate his decision and work himself up even more he was taking a seat beside Taryn and reluctantly tugging down the padded bars to fit securely against his shoulders before connecting the thin little strap from between his legs to the bars. He pulled, testing the fit. And found that there was a nice big life-threatening gap. "This is loose."

Taryn rolled her eyes. "It's supposed to be or you'd suffocate. Look, mine's the same." When his eyes widened, she realized that was probably the worst thing she could have said. "It'll be fine." The attendant gave the bars a pull and, satisfied, continued on to check the others. "See, fine."

"You can't be serious."

"If you'll just relax, you'll enjoy it. Really, you don't need to be -"

"I'm not scared," he snapped.

"Trey, I understand that Macho Man Law means you absolutely have to deny it but -"

"Taryn, you -"

Abruptly the ride came to life. She smiled rea.s.suringly while patting his hand. "Just relax."

Relax? If there wasn't so much d.a.m.n noise Trey would have informed her that she was dead either way. If the ride didn't kill her, he would just for staying on the d.a.m.n thing when her tiny body could easily slip out. Okay, maybe it couldn't easily slip out, but stranger things had happened. Like the fact that he was even on this ride at all.

Trey glanced at Taryn to find that, like the rest of the pack who were all paired up in the rows in front of them, she had her hands in the air as they slowly chugged up the steep hill. She was even glancing down at the view below and then admiring the stars as if she was just on a bus or something. Trey didn't do either. When he wasn't checking on Taryn he was keeping his gaze focused straight ahead.

"Did you ever see Final Destination 3?" Taryn asked wearing a teasing smile.

Trey didn't find it funny. "You're a b.i.t.c.h."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"It is, and I'll be spanking your a.s.s for it later."


Growling, he focused his gaze on the seats ahead of him. He wasn't sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing when they finally reached the peak. The silence that suddenly hung over them as they paused there didn't help his nerves at all. And then they were falling. No, they were plummeting toward the ground and the cool night air was rus.h.i.+ng up, stealing his breath. At the last moment they sharply swerved and then they were caught up in a series of twists, turns, loops and b.u.mps and they were being jerked, shoved, squashed and jostled. Then, just as quickly as it had begun, it was over.

Taryn laughed and clapped along with the others and then turned to Trey. He was, well, white. At least he wasn't green. He looked at her then and although his scowl was there his eyes were alight with the same light-heartedness she had seen whenever they played in the forest. "See, I told you that you'd love it."

"I'm still going to spank your a.s.s."


The little witch was stalling. Trey smiled to himself. Fifteen minutes ago she had told him to get naked on the bed and wait for her, and then she had disappeared into the bathroom. Well he was naked, and he was waiting, and he was so hard it hurt he had been since the moment she told him she had a kinky piece of lingerie from Victoria's Secret. The only time his c.o.c.k had given him a brief reprieve was when he went on that d.a.m.n deathtrap. Now it was time for her to live up to her end of the bargain, and he had a feeling his mate was regretting having made it in the first place.

He could feel that she was nervous. She should be he had plenty in mind for her tonight. Now he would introduce her to his ideas of fun. Or, at least, he would if she would just come out of the d.a.m.n bathroom. "Ready yet, baby?"

"Almost," she replied from behind the door.

Smiling, he asked, "You're not thinking of backing out of our deal, are you?"

"Of course not," she snapped.

"Then get your a.s.s in here." After a good thirty seconds the lock clicked open and she stepped into the room. His jaw hit the floor. "Holy s.h.i.+t." Her gorgeous b.r.e.a.s.t.s were spilling out of satin cups that were held in place by spaghetti straps and had a loose fitting skirt that fell to her upper thigh, barely hiding the matching lacy black thong. Even better, the skirt split down the center, flas.h.i.+ng him a strip of the velvety skin of her stomach. His wolf growled, wanting Trey to place her on her hands and knees and then f.u.c.k her until neither of them could move.

He sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. His voice was taut with l.u.s.t. "Come here." When she hesitated, he arched a brow and said sternly, "You're my toy for the next hour, remember. You have to do as I say."

d.a.m.n caveman b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Antic.i.p.ation, excitement, curiosity, and nervousness raged through Taryn as she went to stand between his legs. For a long moment he didn't touch her, just caressed her entire body from head to toe with his gaze. The hunger in his eyes sent a bolt of heat through her. As if she wasn't hot enough just looking at him sitting there in his birthday suit! G.o.d the man had one h.e.l.l of a body. He was all muscle and power with a raw s.e.xuality emitting from him that captivated her wolf. Oh yeah it was a body that promised gratification something he had already delivered plenty of times.

"Mine. All mine." His expression dared her to deny it, but she didn't. He wondered just how long the good behavior would last. "Hands behind your back." To his surprise, she immediately obeyed. "Very good. Keep them there." He slid his hands through the split in the skirt and shaped her waist, enjoying the feel of her soft skin beneath his fingers. Snaking his hands further around, he dipped them to cup her a.s.s while licking along the swell of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He loved her a.s.s it was firm and pert and fit just right in his hands, much like the b.r.e.a.s.t.s he was staring at. "I think I'd like better access to these." He slipped his hands into the satin cups and scooped out her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Perfect.

A moan slipped out of Taryn as he curled his tongue around one of her nipples. He sucked, bit, licked and grazed it with his teeth before moving on to the other. Gooseb.u.mps broke over her skin when he pulled back and blew on both wet buds until they tightened painfully. Needing his mouth on them again to take away the ache, she swayed forward slightly and arched into him. The piece of s.h.i.+t spanked her a.s.s instead.

"Spread your legs a little for me. Good girl." Without any preamble he slipped a finger inside her and groaned when her muscles gripped it tight and moisture greeted it. He slowly thrust his finger in and out of her, watching her face the entire time and the range of responses that played across it pleasure, need, frustration, restlessness. "Do you like that?" He frowned at her nod. "Give me the words, baby."

"Yes I like it."

"Good girl." Rewardingly, he drew a nipple into his mouth while circling her c.l.i.t with the thumb of the hand that was finger-f.u.c.king her. Then he inserted another finger and gave her more of those lazy thrusts that never failed to drive her crazy and that was the whole idea. He needed that nervous tension gone from her body, needed her mindless and so driven by the need to come that she wouldn't balk at those desires she pretended she didn't have. So he continued with the leisurely thrusts, occasionally curving to find her sweet spot but then slowing almost to a halt whenever she came close to climaxing.

Motherf.u.c.king son of a G.o.dd.a.m.n c.o.c.k-sucking b.i.t.c.h! For the eighth time now he had refused to let her come. Taryn considered breaking his nose...but that would mean she would need to take the time to heal him and it would only prolong things. As he well knew, she wasn't much into soft, slow and savouring every minute. Right now, all she wanted was her mate to f.u.c.k her senseless. Was that really too much to ask? At this point she was shaking with want and frustration, and the word 'please' was actually on the edge of her tongue. h.e.l.l if she would say it though.

She gasped as he latched onto her nipple again, sucking hard and sending a zing of bliss to her c.l.i.t. She didn't realize she'd moved her hands and threaded them through his hair until he pulled back and gave her a warning look. Growling her annoyance, she clasped her hands behind her. She almost sobbed when, for the ninth time, he brought her to the edge but didn't allow her to topple over. It was official he was evil.

"Would you like to know what's going to happen next, baby? Some of the pack are coming in. They'll be here any minute now." Just as he'd expected, she froze. He gave her a particularly hard thrust with his fingers and pressed his thumb down on her c.l.i.t, wrenching a moan from her. "None of them are going to f.u.c.k you. I can't have that. But they are going to watch, and they are going to touch you. They're going to watch me take you and wish it was them f.u.c.king you, but they'll know they can't have you like that because you're mine."

Oh the devious b.a.s.t.a.r.d. He'd purposely set out to get her into a desperate, mindless state where she wouldn't care about anything other than him letting her come and it had worked! She was going to kill him, really, she was. Tomorrow. After he'd made her come half a dozen times. Then she'd kill him.

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The Phoenix Pack: Feral Sins Part 31 summary

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