Major General's Smart And Gorgeous Wife Chapter 351

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Ch. 351

Translator: SJade, Editor: Dj22031

All the small accounts were from the same IP address, and the address was registered in Sakurajima Country instead of China.

Just this one screenshot explained all the problems.

Inoue Noko could hire a small account army, so Yun Ting could not?

The one-sided speech not only supported Lin Mumu, but also helped to a.n.a.lyse and clear Chen Fangya, An Xiaoqin and Liu Yuanyuan’s names.

Public opinion had always been something that could be guided.

What Lin Mumu originally wanted to do was done one step ahead by Yun Ting.

But Lin Mumu did not intend to give up, and she could do something.

“Don’t waste time, everyone help together!” Lin Mumu called out.

The dormitory was unprecedentedly cohesive. Chen Fangya hung up the phone and An Xiaoqin also came back from the balcony.

“I have some photos here. Let’s register an account each and send them out in different time periods. Remember to use a proxy server. If there are any trusted friends, ask them to help send them.”

“I’ll ask Zhou Qiang to help.”

“I’ll ask my brother?” An Xiaoqin blinked.

“Forget about your brother…”

“I’ll ask Fang Tianyong. He was very loyal today and has always supported us.” Liu Yuanyuan said.

“Fang Tianyong? Just believe him, don’t tell him too much.”

Lin Mumu didn’t realize that Fang Tianyong was quite smart. He knew he couldn’t start with Lin Mumu, so he started with Liu Yuanyuan. Liu Yuanyuan was not a girl who was greedy for money. Fang Tianyong also knew that she had a strong self-esteem. He didn’t use money and roses to attack, but sincerely helped Liu Yuanyuan to contact a business, so that many of his friends in the antique market came to Liu Yuanyuan to buy high-end orchids.

Liu Yuanyuan didn’t know how to sell orchids. Lin Mumu marked each pot with a label with the name and price, but she basically couldn’t sell it because she didn’t know how to explain.

Fang Tianyong’s friends all had archaeological attributes. They had their own insights on these things. They didn’t need Liu Yuanyuan to explain, and they took the goods directly for Fang Ge’s sake.

In this way, they had some contacts, and Fang Tianyong was more talkative, so they were also friends.

After Lin Mumu sent out the photos in her hand, everyone registered an ID to post a video about Inoue Noko.

The photos mainly showed Inoue Noko breaking her hand when she tried to bully Lin Mumu in the fighting arena, being challenged by Yun Ting and five others, being challenged by Ning He again, being kicked out of the arena, and taking off clothes. In this photo, Yun Ting, Ning He, Lin Mumu, and Qiu Jun were blurred, but Inoue Noko and her men were mainly shown.

Lin Mumu herself simply opened her own account as a little nun, opened a new post, and said nothing, only uploaded a recording.

It was Inoue Noko provoking Lin Mumu in the fighting arena, and the content was: “You Chinese women are cowardly, timid, and selfish, and always blame their husbands. Marrying a Chinese woman is really the saddest thing.”

The rest of the content was edited out by Lin Mumu. Just this one sentence was enough to send Inoue Noko to the top of the list of public enemies.

Chen Fangya was not to be outdone, and immediately replied to the little nun: “Don’t tell me that this is also a lack of etiquette. This is definitely a lack of manners and ethnic discrimination. As a Chinese woman, I do not accept Miss Inoue Noko’s apology. What about you?”



Lin Mumu’s big move was a bit ruthless, and immediately attracted countless female supporters.

The girls who could be admitted to Yancheng University were all excellent in grades and strong in character. Who would be willing to be talked about in such a rhythm? And it was even such an insulting statement.

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Major General's Smart And Gorgeous Wife Chapter 351 summary

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