Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show Chapter 26

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Han Changsheng returned to the mountain with An Yuan. Having heard what happened, Yue Peng ran over to see An Yuan's injuries. In distress, he asked, "How did you get this hurt?"

An Yuan smiled. "Sect head, I am fine. It's a flesh wound. Fortunately, Da s.h.i.+xiong protected me."

Yue Peng looked at Han Changsheng, surprised. When had the head disciple become so reliable?

Han Changsheng sent An Yuan into the room. Yue Peng ordered someone to get the doctor. He also asked about the incident and sent someone to investigate who trespa.s.sed the main gate.

When the doctor arrived, he checked An Yuan's injuries and gave him medicine for external use.

"Will my disciple suffer sequelae?" Yue Peng asked.

The doctor shook his head. "It isn't that serious. Use the medicine, and it will be better in about half a month."

Yue Peng breathed a sigh of relief.

A bitter, hateful expression shaded Han Changsheng's face. Did he lift a stone and hit himself in the foot? He didn't mean to hurt the Dog Lord! If Lu Qingqian arranged that d.a.m.n trap, he'd force him to wash his underwear and socks for half a year when he returned to Lushan! The mysterious old man had ten days of life left, and An Yuan's foot was injured. Even if he was driven out of Yuehua Sect, how could he find the mysterious old man?! This was one of the most important turning points in his life. If he delayed fate, the Black and White Impermanence might as well do it themselves! 

However, everyone's eyes were on him. Han Changsheng became worried about An Yuan's injury.

Gently holding his hand, An Yuan laughed, "Da s.h.i.+xiong, I am fine. I'm blessed. It will be better soon."

Han Changsheng resisted the urge to turn away and sat on An Yuan's bed, holding his head. "That's good. I will accompany you and change the medicine for you every day to make sure you get better soon."

An Yuan smiled. "Thank you."

It was rather strange for Yue Peng to watch his head disciple and second disciple act this way. He didn't know they had grown so close.

Remembering his presence, An Yuan hurriedly said, "Sect head, were you going to teach Da s.h.i.+xiong this afternoon? I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me."

Han Changsheng's lip curled. He didn't want to learn Yuehua Sect's rotten sword style, so he gazed into An Yuan's eyes. "You're injured, what martial arts do I still need to learn? I will accompany you."

Expression complicated, Yue Peng hesitated. "Jiulong, what have you done recently? Or, who have you met?"

Han Changsheng was shocked. A flicker of worry arose that Lu Qingqian was discovered, but he kept his calm. "No one. Why does sect head mention it?"

Yue Peng's face warped again, and he whispered, "That's strange."

"Jiulong," Yue Peng sighed, "I won't teach you the new Yuehua Nine Style."

Shock written across his face, An Yuan asked, "Sect head, what happened? Is there a misunderstanding?"

If only it was a misunderstanding, Yue Peng thought. Regret, incomprehension, and envy shaded his gaze. He sighed again. "Elder Lan Fang told me this morning he will accept Jiulong as his direct disciple."

The room fell silent. Even a pin dropping on the ground would echo.

Half of Han Changsheng's three immortal souls and seven mortal forms fled. His whole body was paralyzed. That old guy wanted to accept him as his direct disciple?! The Yuehua Sect was so casual, could it be any worse?!

Yue Peng looked at Han Changsheng, shaking his head. Yuehua Sect had lots of problems, and almost all of them revolved around the head disciple. He had always matched his unmarried Yue Yu-er to An Yuan as his future son-in-law. Although Yue Yu-er didn't agree, she didn't explicitly oppose it either. As soon as she was of age, she could marry. However, after returning from catching the Yin and Yang Sha, Yue Yu-er decided she didn't want to marry An Yuan. She said that if she had to choose a husband from Yuehua Sect, she would rather Li Jiulong. In the past, An Yuan was the most popular, and he had more prestige than Da s.h.i.+xiong Li Jiulong. The younger disciples loved to follow him around. But now, many weren't interested in following An Yuan. They preferred Li Jiulong.

How did Da s.h.i.+xiong become so powerful? Not only did he seize the Yin and Yang, but he also ruthlessly taught the Yunxiao Sect disciples a lesson. . . In a just few days, Da s.h.i.+xiong went from someone who never stood up straight to someone with awe-inspiring authority. 

And, now, Elder Lan Fang was out of seclusion. Regardless of whether he chose for talent or strength, An Yuan was a well-deserved candidate. Ten years earlier, before entering seclusion, Elder Lan Fang praised An Yuan. He claimed his bone structure had the apt.i.tude to become a martial arts expert, mentioned his calm temperament, and predicted he would become an accomplished person. 

The last thing Yue Peng expected after his seclusion was for him to choose Li Jiulong as his direct disciple. The sect head had never seen him before! What was going on here?

An Yuan was shocked but also felt bad. He admired Elder Lan Fang for a long time and always hoped one day, he'd be the one to learn from him. However,  Elder Lan Fang appointed Da s.h.i.+xiong as his direct disciple. An Yuan had no such luck. Still, he smiled. "Congratulations, Da s.h.i.+xiong."

Unsatisfied, Han Changsheng pushed his temper aside. "Sect head, this is such a great honor. I may not be competent enough, isn't it better to ask the old. . . Elder Lan Fang, to choose another disciple?"

Yue Peng laughed. "I know your heart is satisfied. You don't have to be modest. Since you were hand-picked by Elder Lan Fang, no one can change it. Go back and prepare and go to see Elder Lan Fang this afternoon."

It took every bit of Han Changsheng's concentration to keep from rolling his eyes. Who was f.u.c.king modest? Now he was irritated! He was the number one demonic cult leader, and hiding his ident.i.ty in the righteous sect was already sullen, now he encountered these annoying things one after another! Did he come to this righteous sect to learn martial arts?! Was it coming to become an apprentice to a master?! He came to create chaos! Now there was no chaos; he killed the big devil, became a hero who was praised by all, and he was f.u.c.king taken by a legendary b.a.s.t.a.r.d elder. If this news got out, how could he go back to his old ways?! What will the evil forces in the world think of him?! Losing so much face!!

Yue Peng wasn't thrilled in his heart. If Elder Lan Fang had released the words, he wouldn't dare violate them, otherwise who would give Li Jiulong this opportunity! Yue Peng hated not being able to go himself! This head disciple, Li Jiulong, his heart wasn't good, his martial arts talent was also flat. He really didn't know what kind of luck he struck to so unreasonably mess up his plans.

Han Changsheng really wanted to leave, but things had already reached this point. He could only force himself to continue.

Yue Peng had other things to deal with, and he had to inform the other elders that Elder Lan Fang had accepted a direct disciple. He can only stay for a while and said: "Huangfu, you rest and get well as soon as possible. These days you don't have to handle the various I will have the others deal with it for you." He turned to Han Changsheng again, "Jiulong, being the direct disciple of Elder Lan Fang is a big event, I originally planned to do a ceremony for you, but Elder Lan Fang doesn't like these mundane things. He's a quiet and simple person, so going to find him before late afternoon is fine."

Han Changsheng didn't know whether he was happy or sad. He couldn't hide, and before he finished driving away the Dog Lord, he went to the old man's place and wandered around. If Yue Peng made everything complicated with etiquette, he didn't know how to delay it for a few days.

Han Changsheng had to say, "Thank you, sect head, this disciple understands."

Yue Peng nodded and left.

Han Changsheng stayed in An Yuan's room for a long time. When he saw late afternoon approach, An Yuan urged, "Renjie, go see Elder Lan Fang."

Han Changsheng reluctantly said, "It's too early, what's the rush?"

An Yuan solemnly said, "Elder Lan Fang is an elder. To officially become his disciple, go early. How can you delay it? There isn't much time. You can go back to your room and change into clean clothes. Don't neglect the elders."

Han Changsheng said, "But I am reluctant to part with s.h.i.+di." I haven't seen you tossing and turning in pain yet. How can I be willing to leave?!

An Yuan was shocked and said with a smile, "Why don't you come back and see me tomorrow? Our time together is still long."

This forced Han Changsheng to leave, return to his room to change and take out the tools to fix his makeup. Then he went to the back of the mountain where the little stinky egg took him last night, neither urgent nor relaxed.

He ambled until he reached the valley where he had been last night just before late afternoon. When he came last night, it was pitch-dark, and he couldn't see even his fingers, so he didn't know where exactly it was. It was a surprise to come back today.

This was a peach blossom valley. It was quiet, and a stream flowed through the valley. Both sides were covered with peach trees. There were many fallen flowers, and it made the spring day intoxicatingly beautiful. It was an excellent place to cultivate. He didn't see anyone in the valley, so he walked down and squatted by the stream. The water was crystal clear, and there were small fish swimming in it.

"Meow~" Suddenly, Han Changsheng heard a cat behind him.

He turned around and saw the little stinky egg staring at him with its head askew.

Han Changsheng picked up the small stinky egg, and it turned over in his arms, revealing its s.h.i.+ning white belly for him to pet.

Han Changsheng stroked the fur on its belly: "Small stinky egg." You've done me a terrible disservice. If I knew you brought me to see a peerless man, I would have gone to bed early.

Suddenly, an ampleness voice sounded in the valley.

"The kitten likes you."

Han Changsheng looked up, unaware when this old man with a white beard and white hair arrived. He heard the voice, the one who spoke to him last night. Although the man had white hair and beard, he looked kind and had a good complexion. There were few wrinkles on his face. He looked about fifty or sixty. It was said that practicing martial arts not only strengthened the body but also delayed aging. This was not a false myth; the body of the old man was much younger than his actual age.

This guy should be Elder Lan Fang.

Translator(s): Empress
Editor(s): Teo, Dark, Bet

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Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show Chapter 26 summary

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