A Demon Lord's Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss Chapter 539

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Chapter 539


Over the past years, Layla had learned many things about pregnancy and practiced what she needed to do when Lyuu and Lefi gave birth. She and Lefi remained calm and helped me to keep my head cool.

My goal was to bring Xena-san, who had been looking after us for some time as a midwife, here.

She knew that Lyuu was about to give birth, so she was living near the Teleportation Door we had set up in the Demon Realm so that she could come to us at any time.

In other words, she was staying at the [Rogard Imperial] in the Demon Realm, which Finar had prepared for me.

I was no longer the Rogard Empire’s emperor, but more than half of the site was still mine because it was essentially prepared for me.

Incidentally, I heard that there were two Rogard Empire officials who belonged to the Arbent, a secret spy organization, working there.

I wondered if there would be any problems letting a secret agent work at the, but it appears that this person was prepared for my occasional visits, and therefore, the Demon King would be notified of my situation as well.

For this reason, I had originally restricted the Teleportation Door to the Demon Realm’s royal capital, connecting it only to a Teleportation Door somewhere near the entrance of the Demon Forest, but now I have connected it directly to my dungeon.

Also today, Nell was at work and was not around to help, but apparently she called while I was away to get Xena, and notified the others that she would be home by the time I returned with Xena.

After returning, Xena and Nell immediately started helping with the delivery – and I was kicked out.

Well, it had to be done.

There was nothing for a man like me to do at a time like this, so all I could do currently was to stand alone in a state of utter dismay.

So, I was waiting with the little girls at the j.a.panese Inn.

“It will be fine, it will be fine… the baby will be born safely. I’ve prepared plenty of elixirs and such. Xena-san is experienced…no problem. Yes, no problem.” (Yuki)

Illuna and Enne looked at me with worry. Next, they put their hands on my knees, pumping them from both sides.

“Onii-chan, calm down. You don’t have to be so impatient, Lyuu-chan is strong!” (Illuna)

“…And the child is also the child of the Master and Lyuu. I’m sure the child will be just as strong.” (Enne)

Then s.h.i.+ looked up at me with a smirk as she sat down in front of me in a gym chair.

“Master, master, s.h.i.+ and the others, we will do our best, as sisters!” (s.h.i.+)

After her words, the floating Wraith Girls landed on my shoulders and head and notified me through their thoughts as if to say, “As a sister, I have to take good care of the child!” “I’ll show them how cool I am!” “I’m looking forward to the day when we can play together”.

My anxiety about the wait was dissipated when I talked to them.

I couldn’t help but feel a little more at ease.

I was impatient. What’s the point of me being impatient? Calm down.

“…Yes, you’re right. It’s me and Lyuu’s baby, isn’t it? I’m sure it’s full of energy.” (Yuki)

“That’s right! It’s got lots of energy, ears, a tail, and wings!” (Illuna)

“If it has wings, I don’t know what race it will be anymore.” (Yuki)

I replied to Illuna’s words with a laugh.

I wondered who the child would be more like…me or Lyuu.

I waited and waited, talking to Illuna and the others.

I was conscious of not wanting to appear too nervous to them, so I continued to sit quietly.

–How long had I been sitting like that?

It had already been several hours.

Lefi came to take a break, apparently being told that she shouldn’t be too reckless since she was pregnant, but after a light meal, she said, “This is no problem for me or my baby!” and went back to help Lyuu give birth.

I was hesitant to stop her, but she really seemed to have a lot of energy left in her, so I didn’t.

Really… the women in my family were strong. They were so different from me, who could only be nervous.

After putting a blanket on Illuna, who was tired of waiting and fell asleep, and putting s.h.i.+, who was curled up in a dormant state, on a cus.h.i.+on, I played chess with Enne to calm down my mind.

But I was losing worse than usual. I guess I was unable to concentrate on anything.

Usually, when the Wraith Girls were free, they drifted off on their own, but today they were with me and were very quiet.

We also contacted the pet army, and they were now all gathered in the gra.s.sland area. Our baby’s birth was a big event for them.

And then…

With a click, the door was opened.

Nell beckoned me to come in.

Immediately, I headed for the door, where I saw a small baby wrapped in a cloth, crying energetically.

“It’s a girl.” (Xena)

Xena said as she wiped her sweat with a hand towel.

My and Lyuu’s baby.

She had wispy ears and a tiny tail.

Her race was [War Wolf], as evidenced by her appearance.

I guess she looked more like Lyuu, but her hair color was black like mine.

My heart was on fire.

I felt like it was about to explode.

This girl’s name will be–

“–Lyuu… alright, we have already decided, your name will be Riou.” (Yuki)

Since it was a girl, she was given the name Riou which we had decided before when we were thinking of names and was a mix of both of our names.

I was a little concerned because it sounded almost the same as Rir, but I couldn’t think of anything more appropriate, and Lyuu didn’t object, saying, “If it’s going to be like Rir-sama, you’re more than welcome to name it!” I decided on that name because Lyuu didn’t object to it.

“Lyuu.” (Yuki)

“Yes.” (Lyuu)

“Thank you.” (Yuki)

“Hm…yes.” (Lyuu)

Lyuu, despite her tired face.

She became a mother and smiled with a look of compa.s.sion.

I brushed her hand, and then gently touched my child.

The warmth of life.

Thank you for being born.

Thank you for being our child.

I know I might not be a good father in many ways… but from now on, let’s grow up and live together, step by step.

And so, one more person had joined our family.

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A Demon Lord's Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss Chapter 539 summary

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