A Demon Lord's Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss Chapter 552.2

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Chapter 552.2

“Ahem. So, um, they’re Lyuu’s relatives, right? This way, this way. – I’ve been trying to be a bit more friendly and say h.e.l.lo to them, but it seems like they’re having a hard time fitting in with human society.” (Nell)

Nell took me and Rir through the streets of Alfiero.

“Ah, I guess the environment is different from what they were used to. I’m sure it’s difficult for them, the Groll tribe, as well.” (Yuki)

“That’s right, it seems like the clan has faced many setbacks, but the interactions with the people here seem to be going well. In that respect, our family has already achieved racial integration and become an actual family!” (Nell)

“There’s not a single person of the same race in our family. Well, Riou was born as a warwolf, so that’s the first time, right?” (Yuki)

The Wraith girls belonged to the same race, but they’re like three people in one.

“Well, Riou may be a warwolf by race, but she has Onii-san’s blood in her too. I think… compared to a pure warwolf, it’s more like a half-breed or something.” (Nell)

“She liked Rir the first time she saw him.” (Yuki)

“I guess it’s the warwolf blood.” (Nell)

Nell laughed as she said this.

Well, I understand what she’s getting at.

“I think that even if I and Onii-san had a child, it would probably be [Human], and even if Layla and Onii-san had a child, it would likely be [Horned Sheep].” (Nell)

“…I guess that’s most likely how it’s going to be.” (Yuki)

“Sakuya, for example, although we know that he is indeed Lefi’s son, I think he inherited Onii-san’s blood more strongly compared to Riou. The blood of the Demon Lord race. Onii-san is already a [High Lord], but… even now, I still wonder what a [High Lord] is.” (Nell)

“That’s also what I want to understand the most.” (Yuki)

While we were talking about such things, we arrived at a building that was frequented by many beastmen.

Apparently, this place was some kind of beastmen, so I asked Rir to wait outside while I followed Nell into the building.

“Willari-san! h.e.l.lo!” (Nell)

“Oh, Nell! h.e.l.lo, it’s been a while. Is that… your husband?” (Willari)

The woman Nell called out to was a female warwolf I didn’t know.

It appeared that the two of them knew each other and were quite at ease.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Yuki. I’m Nell and Lyuu’s husband…” (Yuki)

“This presence… It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Willari Groll. I work here as a staff member. Nell-san has been very kind to me.” (Willari)

Although they didn’t look alike, as long as they were from the Groll tribe, they must be Lyuu’s relatives.

“Oh, no, it’s my pleasure. It appears that you and Nell are getting along well.” (Willari)

“We sometimes have lunch together when our schedules allow. Willari-san also has a husband, so we talk about things like that.” (Nell)

“Haha, I’ve heard many stories from Nell, Yuki-san.” (Willari)

“…many stories?” (Yuki)

“Yes, many stories.” (Willari)

“So many things!” (Nell)

I couldn’t say anything and just smiled wryly at the two of them laughing happily.

So Nell was also building friends.h.i.+ps like this outside. It would seem that she’s made friends with other wives in various places.

“So, what brings you here today?” (Willari)

“Oh, well, Lyuu and I had a baby, so I wanted to tell Lyuu’s parents about it.” (Yuki)

“Lyuu, Lady Lyuu!?” (Willari)

Willari-san jumped up from her chair.

Lady Lyuu.

“I’ve heard the news that Lady Lyuu was pregnant, but I haven’t heard that the baby has already been born! I can’t just sit here! We need to prepare a gift, and the whole clan needs to prepare for a festival – no, before that, contact! I have to contact them first! I have to arrange for an airs.h.i.+p right now!” (Willari)

“Ah, yes, yes. If possible, I’d like to hear from them first.” (Yuki)

And so, unable to contain herself, Willari-san threw everything else aside and ran into the depths of the building in a fl.u.s.ter.

And we were left behind.

…At any rate, it was good to know that Lyuu was loved by her relatives.

“Nell, you’re friends, right? Didn’t you tell her?” (Yuki)

“Well, it appears that she went back to her hometown for a while. Actually, it’s been three months since I last saw Willari-san. I knew she was here today, but I thought that Onii-san and the others would want to tell her themselves.” (Nell)

“Oh, I see…” (Yuki)

I didn’t know if she was working alone, but she came here to work in another country, so there may be times when she temporarily returned to her own country. Or rather, in their case, it was their village.

When Willari-san first greeted Nell, she did mention that it had been a long time.

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A Demon Lord's Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss Chapter 552.2 summary

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