Legend of Swordsman Chapter 6058: The Elder Brother of Realm King

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Chapter 6058: The Elder Brother of Realm King

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Only my elder brother can help now!” Realm King said helplessly as he traversed through s.p.a.cetime, returning to the Realm G.o.d Continent and heading directly to a small island in the sea.

Last time, for the sake of the G.o.d of Life, he had visited several bigwigs in the Starry Sky, and in the end, Weiss intervened.

As a result, the Wanliu Divine Tree was almost destroyed.

Weiss was not going to help him again.

Moreover, seeking help from the Starry Sky at this time was useless; he could only rely on his friends on the Realm G.o.d Continent.

For instance, the “Great Realm King,” who governed the four subsidiary s.p.a.cetimes.

Outside the Starry Sky, there were four subsidiary s.p.a.cetimes.

Each had a Realm King representing the east, south, west, and north.

Above Realm Kings but below Realm King G.o.d.

There was also a low-key G.o.d.

He was the Great Realm King.

This Great Realm King was extremely low-key, rarely showing up, and few knew his whereabouts.

Only the four Realm Kings and Realm King G.o.d knew his residence.

The Northern Realm King adjusted his attire and, with a move, landed on the island.

“Elder Brother!”

Standing on the beach, Realm King called out, but no one responded.

After calling again, there was a slight sound from the island’s only wooden house.

The door of the wooden house was pushed open from the inside.

A delicate child walked out, and upon seeing the Northern Realm King, his face lit up with joy. He said, “Master predicted correctly, Uncle has indeed come!”

“Jing Xu, where is your master?” Northern Realm King had no time for pleasantries and quickly inquired about the whereabouts of the Great Realm King. If he were here, he would have come out, which clearly meant he wasn’t present.

Seeing the anxious look on the Northern Realm King’s face, Jing Xu calmly said, “Master has gone to Nantian Mansion to visit a friend. He should have just arrived!”

“Then I will…” Knowing the Great Realm King had gone to Nantian Mansion, the Northern Realm King prepared to leave immediately.

As he was about to leave, Jing Xu stopped him, “Uncle Bei, are you here because of Berut in the mid-level s.p.a.cetime?”

“How did you know?” Northern Realm King was taken aback.

Even he had just learned about this matter.

Could it be that Jian Wushuang’s connections were so extensive that they had ties on the Realm G.o.d Continent?

He knew Jian Wushuang had ties with Weiss, but Weiss never came to the Realm G.o.d Continent, nor would he ask the Great Realm King for help.

Besides, Weiss was one of the 12 Star Spirits and had no time for such trivial matters.

If he wanted to, he would have dealt with Berut long ago.

Berut was just a demiG.o.d at his peak, not a real threat.

He couldn’t even compare to Mie Sheng.

Jing Xu, antic.i.p.ating this, explained, “Master told me you would come and that it was because of the mid-level s.p.a.cetime. Master went to Nantian Mansion to visit friends because of this matter!”

“Oh?” Realm King was delighted upon hearing this. He hadn’t expected his elder brother to be aware of the trouble in the mid-elvel s.p.a.cetime of the Northern Starry Sky.

It was indeed a case of getting what he wanted without much effort.

“So, the Great Realm King knows about Berut?”

In fact, he didn’t know much about Berut, not even why he had such powerful treasures.

He could devour the entire mid-level s.p.a.cetime.

“That, I don’t know either. My master only instructed that when my martial uncle arrives, I am to follow him to the Northern s.p.a.cetime and kill Berut!”

“Kill Berut!”

Jing Xu, who still looked like a child, spoke such domineering words.

However, his aura seemed ordinary, showing nothing special.

Even in the Ninth Tribulation realm, divine power would be suppressed to 20 million in the Northern s.p.a.cetime. How could he kill Berut?

Realm King did not doubt his words at all.

Since the Great Realm King had given the order, there must be confidence behind it.

Moreover, this martial nephew of his was not simple; he was a demiG.o.d.

Despite his childlike appearance, once he exploded into action, transforming into his divine demon form, he had few opponents in the Ninth Tribulation realm.

He once had a formidable record of fighting three demiG.o.ds alone.

“Good! Good! Good!”

Realm King said ‘good’ three times in succession, then quickly took Jing Xu, left the island, tore through s.p.a.ce, and headed straight for Northern s.p.a.cetime.

At this time, the mid-level of the Northern s.p.a.cetime had completely collapsed.

Only the Abyssal s.p.a.cetime was still struggling.

Almost all the Universe Masters of the mid-level s.p.a.cetime had gathered there.

“What happened in the Nianshen Secret Realm that destroyed more than 30 s.p.a.cetime zones in a row, leaving only the Abyssal s.p.a.cetime stable!”

“Hard to say. It’s probably related to those super-strong beings from the upper-level s.p.a.cetime. In any case, this time we leave it to fate!”

Those who were unaware had resigned themselves to fate. Only a few of the Giant G.o.d Clan knew the truth.

However, their expressions were not good.

They could have escaped, but they heeded Flrosa’s words and decided to stay and gamble once.

It seemed they had bet wrong.

“Frolasa, this is all your fault! If it weren’t for you, we would have already gone to the Giant G.o.d Mountain in the Starry Sky. Aren’t there plenty of treasures in the Starry Sky?” The red-browed one couldn’t help but complain.

Although Immortal Lord Juyang looked distressed, he said nothing, mainly because he also didn’t want to leave.

The Starry Sky, the Giant G.o.d Mountain, the territory of the Giant G.o.d Clan.

There were countless opportunities in the Starry Sky, but their strength was insufficient.

In the Starry Sky, they’d be subordinates.

In the Northern s.p.a.cetime, they were the bosses.

No one liked being a subordinate.

He was only at the peak of the Eighth Tribulation realm.

There was no need to return to the Starry Sky so early.

At least he wanted to reach the perfection of the Eighth Tribulation realm before considering returning to the clan to break through to the Ninth Tribulation realm.

That way, it would be a triumphant return, and he’d be a big shot even in the Starry Sky.

“Shut up!” Fuego yelled angrily.

He believed in Frolasa, but the current situation was indeed unfavorable for them.

He might have to fall again.

Last time, Frolasa had revived him, so he had faith in Frolasa.

If they bet wrong, they would accept it.

Seeing the gloomy faces of the few from the Giant G.o.d Clan, the Abyss Lord wanted to approach and extract information.

However, despite internal issues, they presented a united front externally, ignoring the Abyss Lord.

“Sigh!” The Abyss Lord couldn’t help but sigh, glancing back at the abyss opposite the Nianshen Secret Realm.

He had a feeling that something major was about to happen.


From the abyss of the Nianshen Secret Realm came a strange sound.

Countless red eyes opened from within.

The Abyssal s.p.a.cetime reacted similarly. The sudden appearance of these eyes drew the attention of many strong beings, causing them to retreat.

The eyes revealed their forms from the darkness—The Decay Legion!

It had devoured the essence of the entire mid-level s.p.a.cetime.

Even at his peak as a demiG.o.d, Berut couldn’t fully absorb it.

He had only absorbed a portion of the devoured power.

The remaining power transformed into his Decay Legion.

Countless bats unfurled their ma.s.sive wings and rushed out of the abyss.

Each bat beast had the combat power of the Seventh Tribulation realm.

Especially those from the Nianshen Secret Realm, where large groups of bat beasts even reached the Eighth Tribulation realm.

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Legend of Swordsman Chapter 6058: The Elder Brother of Realm King summary

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