Demon Sword Maiden Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 31 – The Army Arrives In Heian-kyō

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Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 31 – The Army Arrives In Heian-kyō

On the vast battlefield, a palpable tension lingered. It was uncertain whether it was due to Yos.h.i.+tada’s final command, but following the formidable charge of the 10,000 demon cavalry, the remaining 20,000 soldiers ceased their attack. Contrary to expectations, they didn’t continue the battle; instead, they scattered in all directions, seeking to escape with their lives. The punitive army, having witnessed the extraordinary events, chose not to pursue the fleeing troops.

Ijuin, still trying to process the day’s events, reflected on the moment the cavalrymen, transformed into demon samurai, charged with a tenfold increase in their aura. “If General Lynne hadn’t intervened, those 10,000 demon cavalry would have wreaked havoc on our ranks. They might not have secured victory, but the casualties on our side would have been substantial,” she mused aloud.

s.h.i.+zuru, riding up next to Ijuin, added gravely, “It’s perplexing… If Lord Yos.h.i.+tada and his cavalry hadn’t consumed those pills at the last moment, turning into such fierce demons, Lily… might have refrained from taking action against them


Rei, approaching on her ma.s.sive black horse Nioh, interjected with a cold gaze, “No, it’s more than that. Lord Yos.h.i.+tada knew that transforming into demons was the only way to compel Lily to act. He deliberately ordered his entire army to ingest those pills…”

Ijuin and s.h.i.+zuru exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the depth of Rei’s insight, though they couldn’t be sure of Yos.h.i.+tada’s true intentions.

The army proceeded to march onward, arriving at the outskirts of Heian-kyō two days later. To their surprise, the gates of Heian-kyō stood wide open, a stark contrast to the expected fortified defenses. The absence of soldiers or guards at the city’s formidable gates raised suspicions, halting the army’s advance as they cautiously aligned themselves outside the city.

Above Heian-kyō, dense demonic clouds cast a cold, dark shadow over the city, adding to the unnerving stillness. “What does this mean?” Makoto pondered from the deck of the grand sedan, eyeing the eerily quiet Heian-kyō suspiciously.

The Twelve Nioh King Sedan Chair, carrying Lily and her sisters, settled before the open city gate. The sight of the deserted, cloud-enshrouded city gate left them wary yet puzzled.

Suddenly, a dark, majestic figure with black wings soared above the city gate. This figure, adorned with a tattered straw coat and a menacing red mask, wielded a large club and a fan in each hand. It was Daitengu, one of the three supreme archdemons. His appearance, combined with the ominous aura he exuded, intensified the eeriness at the deserted Heian-kyō city gate.

Upon spotting Ayaka and Lily, Daitengu’s eyes brimmed with intense hatred. Yet, he restrained his animosity and addressed the army with a booming voice, “Heian-kyō, the ancient capital, has stood for a thousand years. It would be a tragedy to wage war within its walls, leading to immense destruction and loss. Kagami Lily! I challenge you to a duel to the death. The outcome of this battle shall decide the fate of the world.”

The sisters, taken aback by Daitengu’s proposal, reacted with shock and suspicion. “What scheme is Daitengu concocting?” “We can’t trust the words of this demon!”

Lily, fixing her gaze on the distant figure of Daitengu at the city gate, remained silent, contemplating her response to this unexpected challenge.

Daitengu continued, his voice reverberating with calculated malice, “Kagami Lily, the fate of Heian-kyō’s millions of residents hangs in the balance. As you claim to serve the emperor, surely you don’t want the city’s destruction on your conscience? Consider this: the Emperor himself is in the palace. Should anything go awry during battle, would you not become an eternal sinner? Or perhaps, is treason your true intent? Think carefully, Kagami Lily. If Heian-kyō falls by your hand, victory will only brand you as the greatest sinner in history!”

Lily, undeterred, responded firmly, “Enough, Daitengu! A one-on-one duel, you say? I accept your challenge.”

Ayaka quickly interjected, “Don’t do it, Lily! Daitengu is a master of deceit. His words are far from trustworthy!”

s.h.i.+zuka Gozen, with a deep-seated loathing for Daitengu, added, “Remember the fate of my husband, Yos.h.i.+tsune. Even a hero in his prime fell to such trickery!”

Lily was well aware of Daitengu’s devious nature. Yet, the stakes were too high – the safety of millions and the emperor himself. She couldn’t ignore such risks. Preparing for Daitengu’s likely treachery, she eyed the demon, his mask a facade of cunning and guile. With a swift leap, she soared into the air, challenging him, “Daitengu, set your terms for this duel!”

Daitengu, with a sinister chuckle, responded, “Ah, Kagami Lily, you are indeed legendary. Your bravery matches your beauty. Follow me into the city, hehehehe…” With that, he turned, his black wings beating the air, and flew into the demon-infested capital.

Daitengu’s voice, carrying an ominous tone, echoed at the city gate, “The army shall not enter until the duel is concluded!”

Lily, without hesitation, landed gracefully in front of the city gate. She stepped into Heian-kyō, her short red kimono fluttering slightly. Ayaka, Rei, s.h.i.+mizu, s.h.i.+zuka, Tomoe, and the other sisters followed suit. Daitengu made no move to stop them, likely deducing that Lily entering alone would have been too conspicuous a trap.

Lily led the way, her sisters following closely behind. Given the formidable prowess of their group, additional soldiers seemed superfluous. As they traversed the dark, deserted Suzaku Avenue of Heian-kyō, a wave of sentimentality washed over Lily. The once vibrant street now lay shrouded in silence and shadows.

On either side, the eyes of demons, vengeful spirits, and the city’s few remaining residents peered out from the darkness, their gazes fixed on this remarkable procession. To any discerning observer, it was apparent that this a.s.sembly of individuals was among the mightiest ever to walk the streets of Heian-kyō. Even if not immediately recognized, their extraordinary strength was destined to become known.

Ancient spirits such as Michizane, Masakado, and Has.h.i.+hime, long dormant in Heian-kyō, silently merged with the procession. This a.s.sembly was extraordinary – Tamamo-no-Mae, Sugawara no Michizane, Taira no Masakado, Tomoe Gozen, Has.h.i.+hime, Kagami Lily, Fujiwara no Ayaka, s.h.i.+zuka Gozen – each a legendary figure capable of shaking the world.

As Daitengu had issued a one-on-one challenge to Lily, they would bear witness. Should he attempt any foul play, they were ready to act.

At this moment, on the edge of Suzaku Avenue, a group of Has.h.i.+hime’s demons stood watchfully beside the ca.n.a.l. Among them was a human kunoichi, hidden in shadows, her gaze fixated on the tall, mature woman in miko attire following the powerful group. Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears.

“Lady Ayaka…” Hos.h.i.+ Murasaki whispered softly, her voice barely audible, as she silently watched. Despite her current status preventing her from joining them, she yearned to return to her master’s side soon.

This formidable a.s.semblage from the Heian Dynasty had reached the expansive square of the Heian Palace. For Lily, this place held deep significance. It was here she first triumphed in the Yos.h.i.+tsune Memorial Tournament and later, daringly rescued Ayaka from execution. Now, she stood here again, prepared to confront the Cloistered Emperor and any possible machinations, in a battle that would shape the world’s destiny.

Above the Heian Palace, Daitengu hovered with his dark wings spread wide, casting an ominous shadow over the group below. His mask’s eerie eyes shone fiercely, contrasting with his low, hoa.r.s.e voice.

“Kagami Lily, your arrival was antic.i.p.ated. You are truly remarkable. Had I paid you more attention earlier, perhaps today’s outcome would be different. Alas, you have grown too fast! Now, as we stand as adversaries, I can’t help but feel regret,” Daitengu’s voice echoed with a sinister undertone.

“Daitengu, is this the place you’ve chosen for your final stand?” Lily questioned, her voice tinged with resolve.

Daitengu laughed coa.r.s.ely, “The outcome is yet to be decided. Unless, you plan to rely on those experts behind you. But remember, the safety of His Majesty and the millions in the capital…”

Lily interrupted coldly, “Spare me your words. I am nothing like you.”

At this, Kimiko and Michizane, standing nearby, affirmed, “We will only act if you resort to deceit, Daitengu. But be warned, we are prepared to protect those Lily cares for.”

Daitengu, with a deep and sinister laugh, proclaimed, “Hehehe, in that case, I can rest a.s.sured and have a fair and hearty battle with Kagami Lily!” As he flapped his ma.s.sive wings, a billowing black mist spread around him, almost forming ominous black clouds. Under the solitary glow of the moon, black feathers drifted gently downwards, adding to the surreal and foreboding atmosphere.

In the midst of this tense atmosphere, Lily, clad in red, leapt forward. Her celestial maiden wooden clogs gracefully landed on the swirling cherry blossoms, propelling her into the air to confront Daitengu.

Daitengu declared with a hint of reluctance, “What an extraordinary woman you are, Kagami Lily! If circ.u.mstances were different, I would be loath to kill you. What a pity… Given this is a duel to the death, and considering the many experts watching us, how can I possibly fight with all my might?”

Lily, taken aback, could only respond with a puzzled, “Eh?”

At Daitengu’s behest, the entire Heian Palace square began to shake. Ancient, glowing patterns emerged on the ground, emanating an overwhelmingly powerful aura.

Michizane, his eyes blazing with intensity, cried out in alarm, “This is not good! It’s a ma.s.sive formation! A potent formation has been set up in this square!” His voice was filled with anger, his beard fluttering with the force of his exclamation.

All of Lily’s sisters and their allies turned solemn at this revelation.

Masakado, unable to contain his frustration, blurted out, “Cloistered Emperor, you old crook, you’ve really stooped to dirty tricks!”

Daitengu, trying to maintain control of the situation, shouted back, “You’re mistaken, everyone, please stay calm!”

In response, the great formation emitted an indestructible wave of light, converging to create a glowing cage, approximately a hundred meters in diameter. It enclosed Lily and Daitengu within, effectively sealing off any intervention from the experts outside.

Daitengu, addressing Lily within the confines of the newly-formed cage, explained, “This is the Mabari Darklight Great Prison. It will only dissipate once the outcome of our battle is decided. Until then, neither of us can leave, nor can anyone from outside interfere. Now, no one can covertly a.s.sist you. This is no trick; I simply seek a fair and open battle with you, Kagami Lily!”


  1. Robinxen: Now that the author called attention to it, that’s probably exactly why, they want her to defeat them.

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Demon Sword Maiden Volume 11 - Yamata no Orochi: Chapter 31 – The Army Arrives In Heian-kyō summary

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