Precisely In Love With You Chapter 10

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After dinner, Zheng Weiqian and Zheng Jialun sat in the living room to discuss about the company. Read from the original web.

“How's the preparation for the Fangs.h.i.+ partners.h.i.+p case?” Zheng Jialun asked his son. Zheng Weiqian stared at her in a daze and doesn't know how to respond.

“The plan has been pa.s.sed, the main thing is to wait for Fangs.h.i.+ to open bids.” Zheng Weiqian truthfully replied. “Because I like you! So I don't want to hear about you and someone else in this kind of scandal!” 

“En, because the profit is high, the opponents are also very strong. Many large companies are also fighting for this case.” Zheng Jialun took a sip of his tea and slowly said. The plan has been pa.s.sed, the main thing is to wait for Fangs.h.i.+ to open bids.

“I understand.” Zheng Weiqian knows that his father is saying this so that he could prepare everything.

Zhang Haiying supported Old Madame Zheng and came in. It is rare for the pair of father and son to come home and have dinner together as a family. Only at this time does Old Madame Zheng realized that it was a good thing she came back. En, because the profit is high, the opponents are also very strong.

“Who said that they would accompany me when I come back but disappeared on the first day. Not as good as before when you would take some time out of your schedule to spend time with me.” Old Madame Zheng complained.

“After I am done with this, I will take you around.” Zheng Weiqian helped the old madame to sit down. He also doesn't want it to be like this too, it's just that there had been too much work recently.

“I'm simply worried about you, you've been busy all day and haven't even had time to rest. Before it was your dad, not it is you. You pair of father and son ah, really do make me worry.” Old Madame Zheng said distressfully. Zhang Haiying supported Old Madame Zheng and came in.

The father and son smiled. After I am done with this, I will take you around.

“Also! Weiqian is almost 30, don't make him so busy, I still want to hold my great-grandchild.” Old Madame Zheng turned and fired at her son.

“Mom, I'm not hindering him. If he wants to get married, I won't object. When that time comes, even when he wants to go to work, I won't let him.” Zheng Jialun immediately stated his position, joking that he may also want a grandson.”

“I'm not anxious.” Zheng Weiqian doesn't know why it has suddenly turned to this topic.

“I'm anxious ah.” Old Madame Zheng laughed. She knows that he is not anxious, so that is why when she came to Shanghai, she wants to keep an eye on this matter. You pair of father and son ah, really do make me worry.

“Yes ah! Weiqian, you and Xuanxuan have been talking for a while, it's time for you to settle down. You can't keep prolonging it.” From what Zhang Haiying could see, her son and Xuanxuan's relations.h.i.+p is not simple. Of course, she is also happy to see this marriage ah.

“Mom, when have I been talking about it with her? I only see her as my little sister, just like Xiao Ya.” Zheng Weiqian is puzzled, when has he planted this idea into his mother's mind. Weiqian, you and Xuanxuan have been talking for a while, it's time for you to settle down. 

“You two aren't together?” Zhang Haiying was stunned by her son's answer.

“I never said that we were together ah!” When has he ever said it?

“But I feel like others aren't seeing it as that way.” Zhang Haiying is almost angered to death by him. If the relations.h.i.+p is as he said it is, then it must be resolved quickly. If this scandal isn't cleared, it would lead to a lot of misunderstanding.

“We're just too lazy to explain it, but we both know that our relations.h.i.+p isn't like that.” Zheng Weiqian indifferently said.

“What about Yanyan, what do you think about her?” Old Madame Zheng piped in. She is very fond of that child, but how come that girl hasn't contacted her when they came back.

Everyone is curious, who is Yanyan? Including Zheng Xinya who just came out of the kitchen carrying a plate of fruits.

“We haven't known each other for that long!”

“Even so, I like her.”

“Who's Yanyan?” Zheng Xinya curiously asked.

“It's the girl who came back with us the other day.” Auntie w.a.n.g explained from the side.

“Oh, her.” Zheng Xinya felt like she has seen her somewhere before but can't seem to remember.

That's correct, that day they came back with a girl who looks like their old cla.s.smate no less. The Zheng Jialun couple nodded their heads in understanding.

“Don't know if she already has a boyfriend.” Zheng Weiqian thought back to the day they met at the bar and gloomily said, “Alright, I still have some stuff to do.” Zheng Weiqian excused himself.

Zheng Weiqian started the engine and drove around with no destination in mind.

He doesn't know what is wrong with him. When he heard that his grandmother likes Fang Yan, his heart couldn't help but feel a burst of delight. He also doesn't understand why his heart turned sour the day he saw Fang Rui and Fang Yan at the bar. He doesn't like this feeling of being pulled in, it makes him feel pa.s.sive. At this time, his phone rang.


“I'm back, let's meet up.” A sweet and crisp female voice came from the phone.

In a private room of a high-level restaurant, a man and a woman sat face to face. Before the waiter left after taking the order, he couldn't help but sneak a glance back at the woman whose face is covered by a pair of oversized

Seeing that the waiter left, the woman took off her to reveal a pair of bright s.h.i.+ning eyes and full facial features. Because she has to wear makeup frequently, her skin seems a bit dull but that does not hide her beauty. Yes, this is the popular actress Lin Xuanxuan, also Lin Group's eldest daughter. The man sitting opposite of her is none other than the man she has been crus.h.i.+ng on, Zheng Weiqian.

“Do you miss me?” Lin Xuanxuan blinked and innocently asked.

“Are you not ashamed, how can you ask a man like that.” Zheng Weiqian knocked her head. His feeling for her is the same as Xiao Ya.

“Speak, do you miss me or not?” Lin Xuanxuan coquettishly said.

“Fine, yes, I really miss you. Is that okay?” Zheng Weiqian couldn't find a way out.

Lin Xuanxuan smiled. Yes, she's liked him since she was 15 years old, so she would always follow close behind him. Because she likes him, she doesn't want anyone else to be close to him, so whenever there is a major banquet or event, she would always volunteer to be his partner. Since he never responds to the scandals, she is willing to let others misunderstand, even though she knows that they aren't like that.

When she was a child, her house would always be noisy because her parents would fight all the time. Mom would always cry and curse that dad has a mistress and dad will blame mom for not understanding how hard it is to manage a big company. Mom would say that dad has never forgotten about that woman and then dad will mumble that mom is crazy. When she was little, she doesn't understand why her parents would fight because of someone else. Now she understands. Mom loves dad, but dad loves that woman. A person who has never appeared in their lives have been affecting their lives.

Zheng Weiqian appeared at that time, like a burst of suns.h.i.+ne that kept her warm. He is her brother's cla.s.smate and would sometimes frequent their home. When he comes, the house would be quiet and harmonious, because, in front of outsiders, mom and dad would play the role of a model couple. Because of this, she would always expect his arrival because only then would her home feel like a family.

“Done filming your new show?” Zheng Weiqian asked.

“En, just finished. Right now it is in post-production so the dubbing of the sort has to be finished in Shanghai.”

“That's good, now you have time to spend with Uncle Lin and the others.”

“En, I also want to rest some more.” In fact, she wants more time to accompany him.

“That's good.” An actor's life isn't too practical, only after a little time of rest and then they have to prepare for the next project.

“Is it true what the newspaper said last time?” Lin Xuanxuan pretended like she didn't care and asked.

“Huh?” Zheng Weiqian doesn't know what she meant, what is true?

“The story of your new love.” Lin Xuanxuan cautiously said.

Oh that, but it's already been quite some time, why would she ask about it.

“The magazines and newspapers like to exaggerate.” Zheng Weiqian simply said.

“If you know, why don't you explain it?”

“There's no need.” Zheng Weiqian feels like he doesn't need to explain his personal life.

“You're not afraid I will be angry?” Lin Xuanxuan deliberately asked.

“Angry about what?” Zheng Weiqian finds this funny.

“Because I like you! So I don't want to hear about you and someone else in this kind of scandal!” “How's the preparation for the Fangs.h.i.+ partners.h.i.+p case?” Zheng Jialun asked his son. 

Zheng Weiqian stared at her in a daze and doesn't know how to respond. After dinner, Zheng Weiqian and Zheng Jialun sat in the living room to discuss the company. 

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Precisely In Love With You Chapter 10 summary

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