Super Urban Master Chapter 158 Liu Yan Getting In Trouble (1)

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"Siyu, Siyu." Ye Tianping shouted loudly, "Where are you, where are you?"

"Daddy! Daddy! I am here! Come and save me! Save me!" Ye Siyu cried, each word more miserable than the previous one.

"Siyu, Siyu." Ye Tianping no longer cared about anything else, and rushed towards the direction of the voice like a mad man as he shouted, "Siyu, don't be afraid, Daddy is coming for you, Daddy is coming."

After running and running for who knows how long, the fog around him seemed to have lessened, allowing him to see things around. Ye Tianping saw a tree in front of him, with a person hanging on the tree. It was a girl, and the more he looked at her, the more familiar she looked.

"Siyu, my daughter, what happened to you?" Ye Tianping cried as if he was struck by lightning, and rushed forward, "Daddy is here, hold on, Daddy is here to save you."

Ye Tianping screamed and rushed to the tree, climbing onto the tree trunk, he anxiously took Ye Siyu down from the tree and held her in his arms, "Siyu, Siyu, what happened to you, what happened to you? Wake up, wake up, Daddy is here. "Ye Tianping cried loudly.

"Daddy, Daddy." Ye Siyu finally opened her mouth and called for her father softly.

Ye Tianping was extremely excited, his eyes filled with tears of joy, "Daddy is here, daughter, thank G.o.d you're fine, thank G.o.d. Daddy will never leave you again. "

"Dad, is it really you?" Ye Siyu called out in a weak voice, "What, what took you so long time?"

Ye Tianping seemed to have realized something and was shocked, "Daughter, what's wrong?" Under his horrified gaze, fresh blood came out of Ye Siyu's mouth and nose. The blood gradually increased, and soon enough, the beautiful face was covered in blood.

"No, no, Siyu, my daughter, don't die, don't you die …"

"Siyu, Siyu." Ye Tianping roared crazily, repeating his daughter's name again and again.

"Uncle Ping, Uncle Ping, what's wrong? Wake up, wake up. "This was Qin Hao's voice.

With a "boom," Ye Tianping sat up, and crazily shouted, "Siyu, Siyu!"

"Hey, Uncle Ping, what are you doing? Hey, hey." Qin Hao knew that Ye Tianping must have had a nightmare, so he patted Ye Tianping's face hard to wake him up.

When Ye Tianping woke up, he saw Qin Hao and shook his head hard. He realized that it was all a dream, and he was already soaked to the skin.

"Uncle Ping, are you alright?" Qin Hao worriedly asked Ye Tianping.

Ye Tianping suddenly grabbed Qin Hao's shoulder. With an anxious expression, he said emotionally, "Little Hao, hurry up, take me to Banyan City."

"Ugh." Qin Hao had a headache. With his current condition, he was not suitable for a long journey at all, as Banyan City was far from Changhai City, "Uncle Ping, you have to have some rest now. Besides, what do you want to do in Banyan City now? "

"I'm going to save Siyu. She and her mother are in danger there." Ye Tianping looked extremely anxious.

When Qin Hao heard Ye Tianping call out his daughter's name just now, he knew he must have dreamt that something had happened to Ye Siyu. But it was only a dream, how could he take it as the truth?

"Uncle Ping, that was just a dream. Don't they often say that dreams are always the reverse? Don't take it too seriously." Qin Hao tried hard to persuade him.

"No, no, I have the feeling that they won't let Siyu go. No, I have to go. I have to go, or else it will be too late." saying that, Ye Tianping was about to crawl out of bed.

Qin Hao forced a smile: "Uncle Ping, with your current condition, even if you go, you won't be able to save them." He couldn't even save himself, who else could he save?

Ye Tianping was reminded by those words, he was stunned and held onto Qin Hao tightly, begging him, "Little Hao, I know, Uncle Ping should not bother you anymore, my Family already owes you too much, and Siyu owes you too, but, but …. Uncle Ping is begging you. Take me to Banyan City, will you? Even if I die, I want to die together with them. I owe them too much. "

Ye Tianping looked at Qin Hao with a begging look, shedding a tear, at that moment he was revealing his true feelings, he rarely had time to stay with Ye Siyu, but in his heart, he genuinely cared about his daughter. Seeing Ye Tianping's true feelings, Qinhao was also touched, he sighed, with his heart softened

"Alright, I'll go with you." With that said, he shouted out, "Liu Yan!"

"Here." Liu Yan rushed into the room with the speed of a sprinter.

"Go and book a few tickets to Banyan City. We're going there." Qin Hao ordered.

"What, instructor...?" Liu Yan was stunned. Li Zhanwu had repeatedly requested him to return to the capital as soon as possible. But now, he even wanted to go to Banyan City, wouldn't it take them even longer time?

"Cut the c.r.a.p, follow the orders!" Qin Hao shouted with a dark face.

"Yes." Liu Yan did not dare to say more and could only follow his orders.

After Liu Yan left, Ye Tianping asked curiously: "Little Hao, why did she call you an instructor?"

Qin Hao smiled, "Uncle Ping, let's talk about this later. With this little time, I will help you enhance your recovery so that you can have some energy later." Right now, that was all Qin Hao could do.

"Alright." Ye Tianping naturally agreed.

After spending five minutes, Qin Hao treated Ye Tianping once again and gave him a pill to heal his injuries, making him feel much more energetic.

Maybe it was to show grat.i.tude, after thinking for quite some time, Ye Tianping took out a box and gave it to Qin Hao, "Little Hao, Uncle Ping does not have anything to express my grat.i.tude for you, please accept this."

Qin Hao was startled, and immediately became displeased, "Uncle Ping, what are you saying, helping you is not because I want anything from you."

"I know, but you must accept this thing. It's beneficial to you." While he was speaking, Ye Tianping opened the box, and a powerful surge of Spirit Anima surged towards him, causing him to feel suffocated and overjoyed.

"Earth Spirit Stone?" Qin Hao cried out in shock. In the memories he inherited fromYuan hao, he had seen this kind of Spirit Stone. Earth Spirit Stone was the core of the underground world, and it was formed in tens of thousands of years. Let alone the Earth, it was rare even in the world of Martial Cultivator. n.o.body knew how Ye Tianping got this piece.

The Earth Spirit Stone was covered in a faint, blazing red color. It could be estimated that it was formed from the magma of the subterranean fire. It was about the size of half a fist. It didn't look like a high-quality piece, but such a large one was already hard to come by.

Qin Hao wanted to reject him, but he couldn't resist the temptation. The greedy look in his eyes had long betrayed his heart. If he could obtain this piece of Earth Spirit Stone, it would be equivalent to obtaining a few dozen spirit concentration elixirs, which would be enough to make him make another progress in his cultivation. And the spirit anima in this kind of natural Spirit Stone was much purer than the spirit concentration elixirs.

Ye Tianping got this piece of Earth Spirit Stone with his life facing threats of death and with extremely exceptional luck. If he used it, his Spirit Stage's strength would immediately break through the medium stage and reach the peak of the Spirit Stage. Unfortunately, before he even had the chance to use it, he had already encountered the hunting of the Jinwu Sect, he never had the opportunity to use it, and finally, it became an easy acquisition of Qin Hao.

He was willing to part with it and give it to Qin Hao after going through an intense struggle in his heart. He wasn't willing to take it out and hadn't planned to take it out just now, but now, he was truly sorry, and he could only express his grat.i.tude for Qin Hao with this.

"Little Hao, take it. You deserve it. It can be considered as a small gift from Uncle Ping." Ye Tianping placed the Earth Spirit Stone in Qin Hao's hands.

"Ho ho, Uncle Ping, how can I accept this? Then I'll accept it, Ho Ho." After Qin Hao obtained this piece of Spirit Stone, he smiled like a flower. An easy acquisition was an easy acquisition, but he even feigned an appearance of reluctantly accepting it. Ye Tianping naturally noticed it, but he did not reveal it.

On the way back after buying the tickets, Liu Yan held the tickets in one hand and the phone in the other. She was currently vexed over whether or not she should report to Li Zhanwu about their trip to Banyan City. If she reported it, Qin Hao would definitely be unhappy, and he would definitely not bring her out again in the future. But if she didn't report it, she was a soldier, and she wouldn't dare to disobey the mission that Li Zhanwu gave her.

Should she report it or not?

Liu Yan was in a dilemma as she struggled in her heart. Unknowingly, she walked into an empty alley.

Just as she entered the alley, someone caught up and blocked the alley. Only now did Liu Yan feel that something was wrong. With her current strength, if she had paid attention, she would have discovered that something was wrong a long time ago.

Liu Yan kept her phone and the plane tickets, she stopped and looked back, there were three men, at the same time, three men appeared in front of her, staring at her fiercely, and approached her step by step, forming a pincer attack on her.

As a Martial Cultivator, Liu Yan could tell that the people attacking her were all Martial Cultivators. This made her frown deeper. She doesn't have the confidence to face six martial cultivators.

"Who are you? What do you want?" she was, after all, a special force elite, and could still deal with such a situation calmly.

When both sides were a few meters from her, they stopped. One of them, an old man who was around fifty years old, stepped forward and said with a dark face, "Miss Liu Yan, we have been looking for you for a long time. We have finally found you."

"Looking for me?" Liu Yan was startled, "Do I know you?"

The old man laughed, "You don't know me, but we do know you. A former member of the Eagle Force, now one of the five members under Qin Hao's command for special training. "

Liu Yan's heart froze, knowing all these, the background of these people were definitely not simple, "Who the h.e.l.l are you?" her voice turned cold.

"We are from the Dragon Group." The old man raised his head proudly.

"The Dragon Group?" Liu Yan was shocked, and she stared at them with her eyes wide open. She was surprised but at the same time, suspicious as to why the people of the Dragon Group were looking for her, could it be that they found out she killed the people of the Dragon Group? But it was not possible. There was no eyewitness at all, and everyone who saw her was dead.

"Come with us, Miss Liu Yan. There are some things that we need your a.s.sistance to investigate." A sinister look flashed across the old man's eyes as he said this.

Liu Yan frowned, and rejected decisively: "Sorry, I still have things to do, please get out of my way!"

If it was in the past, Liu Yan would be full of respect towards the Dragon Group and would definitely not dare to resist, and would only obediently follow them. Now that she had witnessed the actions of the Dragon Group and gone through Qin Hao's brainwas.h.i.+ng, a resistance against the Dragon Group was already developed in her mind, that's why she decisively rejected them.

"Humph, you ungrateful woman. You refused a toast, and you are asking for punishment. Then don't blame us for being impolite." The old man got angry. A mere special force member dared to resist the Dragon Group? This was something that had never happened before and something that he could not accept.

"Go, capture her!" With the old man's order, the few people immediately charged towards Liu Yan like ferocious tigers out of their cages.

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Super Urban Master Chapter 158 Liu Yan Getting In Trouble (1) summary

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