Please Sign: Your Runaway Wife Has Been Captured Chapter 62 The Hidden Past

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Bluegreen-Clad: Yes, we'll still be friends, if this is what you want.

After sending out this message, Bluegreen-Clad sighed and thought, "Did I jump the gun by making such a request to Li Lei?"

He s.h.i.+fted his gaze to a photo on his desk. Among all the photos of Flowing Light and himself in the photo alb.u.m, he liked this photo the best. In the photo, he and Flowing Light were hugging and kissing each other.

He wondered, "When will we become so intimate? What makes her hesitate so much? Perhaps I should ask someone else for help."

He found Blooming Pear Tree on his QQ and sent the photo to him. Just as he expected, Blooming Pear Tree gave him a response immediately.

Blooming Pear Tree: Hey, Bluegreen-Clad. It's just a game. Why do you ask her to meet you offline?

Bluegreen-Clad: As I told you before, I like her.

Blooming Pear Tree: You'd better not ask her out just because you have a crush on her, Bluegreen-Clad. When you asked me to marry her off to you, you promised me that you would never make her sad.

Bluegreen-Clad: I admitted that I didn't handle some things very well before, but I really plan to have a relations.h.i.+p with her in real life.

Bluegreen-Clad was quite confident about his plan as he knew that Zheng Xiaoguang also believed that virtual relations.h.i.+p could become real.

Blooming Pear Tree: A relations.h.i.+p? Are you serious? If you don't plan to take her seriously, you'd better not play with her feelings. She's not a casual girl.

Bluegreen-Clad: What makes you think that I won't take her seriously? Is it because of the distance between us or something else?

Blooming Pear Tree: No. I can tell that distance is not a problem for people like you. For you and for me, problems that can be solved with money are not real problems. But, Bluegreen-Clad, how long can your crush last?

Upon seeing that, Bluegreen-Clad realized that Blooming Pear Tree was worried that he was fickle in love.

Bluegreen-Clad: You know what, Blooming Pear Tree. I'm a planner. Once I decide to do something, I'll never give up. I told you that I want to have a relations.h.i.+p with her in real life because I've already thought it through. No matter what difficulty we meet, I'll overcome it together with her.

Blooming Pear Tree: If your family opposes your relations.h.i.+p with her, will you still be so determined? I guess your family is much wealthier than ordinary families. Don't tell me that your parents have no requirement for their future daughter-in-law?

Bluegreen-Clad: Well, my family is not so rich and powerful like those families depicted in some TV shows. My parents really don't have high expectations for their future daughter-in-law. They respect my choice. Even if they really don't like my girlfriend, I won't have to listen to them. After all, I have my own career and enough money to support my self and my wife. I can marry the girl that I like.

He knew that in real life, many guys chose to break up with the girls that they really loved because of the complaints of their parents. In his eyes, these guys were just not capable enough to strive out on his own and solve all the problems by himself. Fortunately, he did not have such a problem.

He had his own business and had already bought a house and a car. He just wanted to find a girl that he really liked. He was confident that he could solve all the practical problems for his relations.h.i.+p.

He was also confident about another thing.

Bluegreen-Clad: I trust my own judgement. I think that she's a good girl. I believe that my family will like her too.

Upon seeing that, Blooming Pear Tree drew a cigarette from his cigarette case, lit it and then put the filtered end of the cigarette between his lips. His bitter memories came flooding back into his mind.

He had once met a girl in an online game, who truly loved him. Her ID was Rose.

At first, he stupidly believed that Rose was a swindler. He decided to teach her a lesson and deliberately got close to her, while planning to fool her.

In the end, this "swindler" told him, "Li Hanyu, I don't care what you think of me. I just want to tell you that I like you. You may continue despising me and refusing to believe that a person like me will truely love someone, but I really love you."

It was a pity that he did not cherish her. He kept torturing her until she got desperate.

He successfully drove her away. Before she disappeared, she smiled bleakly at him and said, "I guess that this kind of feeling will never come back to me again."

He had firmly believed that what he had done to her was right until he knew the truth. Only then had he realized how stupid he used to be.

Much to his disappointment, he never saw Rose again no matter how regretful he was. Over the past years, He had played many different online games using the same name, which was Blooming Pear Tree, but had not met his Rose again.

Because of this bitter memory, he had sincerely hoped that Xiaoguang and Su Han would have stayed together forever. He did not want them to separate because of some misunderstanding like him and Rose. He somehow felt that he could make up for his own regret by helping Su Han and Xiaoguang become a real couple in real life.

Beyond his expectations, he trusted a wrong guy and dragged Xiaoguang into trouble.

When Blooming Pear Tree thought of Su Han, he cursed secretly, "That son of a b.i.t.c.h. He was even worse than I. I was just stupid, and he was typically irresponsible.

"What a jerk!"

He gently blew a ring of smoke and s.h.i.+fted his gaze to the photo of Xiaoguang and Bluegreen-Clad again.

He thought, "Although her facial expression looks a little unnatural, but she indeed looks happy. This silly girl probably really likes Bluegreen-Clad."

Blooming Pear Tree had not liked Bluegreen-Clad very much before, but when Bluegreen-Clad bluntly told him how he devised a scheme to marry her, he was really impressed.

Back then, he had thought, "Maybe this Bluegreen-Clad is different from Su Han. Su Han did not have much trouble in getting Xiaoguang, Maybe that was why he did not cherish her. Once he met with difficulties, he fled. Bluegreen-Clad is different.

"He has exerted so much effort to get her. Maybe he'll really cherish her. After all, they say that when a man really cares about a woman, he's willing to do anything for her."

With this in mind, Blooming Pear Tree had promised to marry Flowing Light to Bluegreen-Clad.

Since getting married to Bluegreen-Clad, Xiaoguang had met lots of troubles. Despite that, Blooming Pear Tree found out that she was happier than before. He thought that it was really good for her to have this husband in the game.

Not long ago, when Venus had uploaded her photo to the website and caused a stir, Blooming Pear Tree had been worried that Bluegreen-Clad would have wanted to marry this pretty girl from his own gang. As such, he told Bluegreen-Clad that he wanted his sister back. To his surprise, Bluegreen-Clad never wavered from his decision to marry Flowing Light. He adored her even more.

Because of this incident, Blooming Pear Tree trusted Bluegreen-Clad more and thought, "I seem to have found a good man for my sister this time. I'll continue to observe him."

Today, he received this photo from Bluegreen-Clad.

While looking at the photo, he thought, "This Bluegreen-Clad moves really fast, but I'm not sure whether I should let him have a relations.h.i.+p with my sister in real life now. I've asked him so many difficult questions.

"But he has answered all of them pretty well. What should I say now?"

Blooming Pear Tree: Xiaoguang has met a jerk before and had a hard time. Because of this, she acts cautiously now. I'm not trying to give you a hard time. I just don't want her to get betrayed by some guy again. If such a bad thing happens again, I'm afraid that she'll never dare to love any guy in the future.

Bluegreen-Clad: Do you want her to stop loving any guy and find someone to get married now?

Blooming Pear Tree fell silent. He did not want his sister to avoid love. He just did not want her to get hurt anymore. He sincerely hoped that she could find someone she loved and stay with him forever. He was just not sure that Bluegreen-Clad was the right person for her.

"Hey, Rose, what do you think?" He muttered to himself. "Should I help this guy?"

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Please Sign: Your Runaway Wife Has Been Captured Chapter 62 The Hidden Past summary

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