Power and Wealth Chapter 1670

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Chapter 1670

A few days later. morning.

Houhai, quadrangle courtyard.

Dong Xuebing had been on leave for almost a week now. His unit hadn't notified him to return to work, and Dong Xuebing hadn't bothered to call them either. He spent these days at home watching movies and TV shows, sometimes driving out to try some well-reviewed restaurants. He considered it a vacation since he had nothing else to do. While Xie Huilan was busy, Qu Yunxuan didn't have time, and Geng Yuehua and Yu Meixia were also occupied. With nowhere else to go, Dong Xuebing just lingered at home, treating it as an extended break.

Today was no different.

Dong Xuebing had moved his computer to the courtyard, plugged it in, propped his legs on the stone table, and started watching a movie while soaking up the sun.

Sipping on tea.

Watching the movie.

Cracking sunflower seeds.

Dong Xuebing was quite content. There was no indication that he had been sent home to reflect by his superiors. Enjoying his leisure time, one might even think he had been granted leave for some notable achievement. He didn't feel remorse for any mistakes he might have made or any punishment he might have received. In Dong Xuebing's view, it was just a matter of time before he returned to work. He felt quite good thinking about it, especially knowing that Fang Wenping, a higher-ranking official, was also at home reflecting. Dong Xuebing felt like he had come out on top.

Ring, ring, ring.

A call came in.

Dong Xuebing didn't bother to pause the movie. Seeing that it was a call from his colleague Han Fei, he answered it directly.

"h.e.l.lo, Xiao Han," Dong Xuebing greeted.

Han Fei heard the sound on the other end. "Are you busy, Director Dong?"

"What could I be busy with?" Dong Xuebing chuckled. "Just watching movies at home."

"Oh. Can you recommend a good movie for me?" Han Fei was quite casual.

Dong Xuebing replied, "Detective Chinatown is pretty good. If you're into chick flicks, you can also watch Tiny Times."

"Ah, I envy you. You're just resting at home. I have to work on weekends these days. It's tiring. I want to take a month off," Han Fei sighed.

Dong Xuebing chuckled and joked, "What's there to envy? If you make a mistake, hit someone, or curse at someone, they'll give you a break."

Han Fei also laughed at the joke. "Hehe. I don't have your courage."

"Do you need something, Xiao Han? If you do, tell me," Dong Xuebing asked.

Han Fei hesitated momentarily and said, "Well, there's something. I heard some news today, but I am unsure if it's reliable. I asked my dad, but he couldn't explain clearly either. It's not just me; He Zhou and Zhao Bang also heard about it. Many people in our unit are discussing it today."

"What's the news?" Dong Xuebing asked curiously.

Han Fei lowered her voice. "Our Commission for Discipline Inspection is going to establish new departments, and there may be some adjustments and changes to the existing departments."

"Establis.h.i.+ng new departments?" Dong Xuebing was surprised.

"Yeah, that's what they're saying," Han Fei confirmed.

Dong Xuebing wondered, "We already have twenty-seven internal departments. How can they add more?"

"They're saying it's to strengthen the frontline anti-corruption efforts, so they want to establish new departments. Of course, there's been no official announcement from the leaders.h.i.+p yet. It's just what everyone is saying. I don't know if it's true, but there must be some truth since it's being talked about so much. Maybe some people with insider information or family members know about the policies approved by the central government in advance. If it's true that they want to strengthen the frontline anti-corruption efforts, then it must refer to our first to eighth supervision offices. The Commission for Discipline Inspection only has eight direct supervision offices for case investigation. The other departments, even the ones handling case reviews, are not considered direct. So, everyone is speculating that there might be adjustments to our eight supervision offices," Han Fei explained.

Dong Xuebing furrowed his brow. "I haven't heard about this. Is everyone saying the same thing?"

"Yeah, everyone's saying the same thing. Director Yin didn't refute it either, but he's unsure about the details. I thought you might have some information," Han Fei said.

Dong Xuebing chuckled. "Still calling him Director Yin. No sense of hierarchy. Well, I don't know about this. I'm not as informed as you. I'll ask around later."

Han Fei grinned. "If you find out, you have to tell me first."

"Sure, no problem," Dong Xuebing said helplessly. "But even if there are restructurings, it shouldn't affect us much."

Han Fei blinked. "I understand, but you never know. If they establish new departments, leaders.h.i.+p positions will open up, and then, hehe..."

Dong Xuebing laughed. "I didn't realize you were such a fan of officialdom."

Han Fei snorted. "Of course, who doesn't want to climb the ranks and make money? I've been at the deputy section chief level for over a year, and there's been no progress. I'm getting impatient."

Dong Xuebing shook his head with a smile. "You're already a deputy section chief at your age. That's quite fast."

Han Fei rolled her eyes. "But you're even faster. You're already a division chief. We're almost the same age. Isn't that a bit too much? People die trying to compare themselves to others."

Dong Xuebing thought she didn't treat him like an outsider, daring to say anything. So, he adopted a threatening tone like the leaders do. "Alright, stop thinking about it so much. Don't listen to rumors. We don't know if they're reliable. If it's confirmed, the leaders.h.i.+p will notify us. Just focus on your work."

"Got it," Han Fei replied.

"That's it for now. Get back to your work," Dong Xuebing said before hanging up.

Little did he know that as soon as he hung up, Lan Xuewen from the Pet.i.tions Office called.

"Old Lan," Dong Xuebing answered. "Taking a break today?"

"No, working overtime. Are you at home?" Lan Xuewen asked.

"Yeah, the leaders told me to reflect at home. Any issues?" Dong Xuebing inquired.

"I heard that there might be some changes to the internal departments of our unit. Do you have any information? How will it affect our Pet.i.tions Office?" Lan Xuewen paused for a moment, then chuckled bitterly. "I'm just afraid our department might merge again, and I'll lose my position."

"You're still worried about your position?" Dong Xuebing laughed.

"It's hard to say. Nothing's certain," Lan Xuewen said. "My department has just started to settle down. I don't want any more changes."

"I'm not sure either. I just heard about it a few minutes ago from a colleague. I was watching a movie at home, so I wouldn't have known if n.o.body had told me. I'll ask around later. But even if there are changes, it probably won't affect the Pet.i.tions Office. Any other department can't replace the nature of your work," Dong Xuebing rea.s.sured.

"I hope so. That's what I'm hoping for, too." Lan Xuewen sighed. "Alright, I won't disturb your rest anymore. Let me know if you hear anything."

"Sure, if I find out, I'll let you know," Dong Xuebing replied.

"Thanks a lot," Lan Xuewen said.

Of course, Lan Xuewen knew that Dong Xuebing could inquire about such news. It wasn't just because his father-in-law was a member of the Politburo. With such a significant change, especially within the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the proposal must go through a Politburo meeting. Moreover, the Xie family also had a grandfather who was a member of the Politburo Standing Committee and the Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. If Dong Xuebing couldn't find out, then the news was probably just a false rumor.

People were feeling uneasy and restless. This was the current situation in the unit.

Although Dong Xuebing wasn't physically present at the unit, he could sense a hint of the atmosphere from the two phone calls. It wasn't surprising. If the news were true, it would indeed be a big deal. The main reason for the concern was the magnitude of the changes. Adding some departments and merging others would naturally make people uneasy. What if they were in one of the departments slated for adjustment? It was hard to predict what might happen.

Change was the theme of society. Unfortunately, most adults didn't like change because it meant uncertainty and instability, which unsettlingly agitated them.

He decided to ask around. But whom should he ask?

After some thought, Dong Xuebing decided to call his mother-in-law. The phone rang twice before she picked up.

Conversely, Han Jing seemed to be talking to someone else. "Look, he says he has nowhere to go. Let me find a place for you guys."

Dong Xuebing greeted, "Mom."

"Mom's here, hehe," Han Jing said. "Your call came at the right time. Your aunts are here with me. They want to play mahjong, but we're short of one person and don't have a place to play. How about you invite us to your place? The courtyard in Houhai, right? Your aunts want to see it. Is that convenient for you?"

Dong Xuebing exclaimed, "How could it not be convenient? If Mom wants to come, I'll welcome you with open arms anytime. You didn't come the last time I invited you. I've been eagerly waiting for you."

"My son-in-law is so sweet," Han Jing said to the person on the other end of the line. Laughter from two women could be heard in the background.

Dong Xuebing said, "I'll come pick you all up."

"No need, we have a driver. Just give Mom the address," Han Jing said.

"Okay, I'll text it to your phone. Will you come over now?" Dong Xuebing asked.

"Yes, we'll come now. We'll have lunch at your place. Last time, Xiao Ran and Xiao Jing praised your cooking skills non-stop. This time, let Mom taste it," Han Jing said with a smile.

"Sure, no problem. I'll go buy groceries," Dong Xuebing said. "Oh, by the way, we don't have mahjong at home. I'll buy a set on my way back."

Han Jing agreed with an "okay" before adding, "You called just to ask about the changes in the internal departments of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, right? You're quite well-informed. Anyway, Mom will tell you about it later when she arrives."

With that, she ended the call.

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Power and Wealth Chapter 1670 summary

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