Power and Wealth Chapter 1716

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Chapter 1716

Outside the surveillance room.

It was already noon.

As Dong Xuebing walked to a quiet spot in the corridor, he dialed a number, and soon it connected.

"h.e.l.lo, Auntie?" Dong Xuebing said.

"Haha, Brother-in-law!" surprisingly, it was Xie Hao speaking.

Dong Xuebing was taken aback, "How come you're picking up the phone?"

"I saw your number, so I answered," Xie Hao chuckled.

Hearing some background noise, Dong Xuebing asked, "Is Auntie there too?"

"Yeah, she's here, having lunch," Xie Hao replied. I'm tagging along today. They have a feast with abalone and shark fin. It's been ages since I had such a meal!"

"You always think about food," Dong Xuebing urged, "If Auntie has a moment, can you pa.s.s her the phone? I have something to discuss."

"Sure thing," Xie Hao called out, "Mom, it's Brother-in-law for you."

Soon, Ci Lifen's voice came through the phone, "Were you calling for me? You're interrupting my meal."

Dong Xuebing chuckled, "Sorry to disturb your lunch, Auntie. Do you have a moment? I've run into a situation involving a company called Hongye. They've invested heavily in the entertainment industry and are headquartered near Shuangjing. A friend of mine came for an audition there and encountered unfair treatment. From the boss to the managers and employees, their att.i.tude was terrible. Even after I came to handle the matter and the police arrived, they refused to admit anything. They're falsifying evidence, acting righteous, challenging me, and even threatening to sue."

"Another case of a.s.sault?" Ci Lifen pondered for a moment. "Alright, tell me the whole story."

Dong Xuebing paused and recounted the situation in detail to Ci Lifen.

After a brief pause, Ci Lifen said, "No worries, if they've crossed the line, they deserve the consequences. In this industry, many think they can do as they please. Hongye? I haven't heard of them, but it's not surprising. Let me check something first. Hold on."

"Sure, thanks, Auntie," Dong Xuebing said.

Shortly after, Ci Lifen asked someone nearby, "Xiao Chen, pause your meal. Have you heard of a company called Hongye? No? Look it up for me."

"Hongye?" Xiao Chen was puzzled.

"Do you know it?" Ci Lifen asked him.

"Not exactly, but I've heard of the company," Xiao Chen quickly responded. "Recently, they had two film projects for approval, a TV drama and a movie. Both are completed, and I think the TV drama's been approved long ago with a broadcast date set."

A few seconds later.

Ci Lifen relayed to Dong Xuebing, "Got it. How do you want to handle this?"

"I'll leave it to your judgment. They need to be taught a lesson," Dong Xuebing replied.

"Alright, leave it to me," Ci Lifen readily agreed.

Dong Xuebing smiled, "Thank you, Auntie. I'll treat you and Uncle to a meal later. You can pick the place."

"No need to be so polite," Ci Lifen smiled back. "It's just a small matter, not worth mentioning. By the way, if you have any friends looking to get into the entertainment or film industry, call me. Why bother letting them go through auditiions themselves? Am I incapable of handling such minor issues with just one phone call?"

"Hey, it's not a bother for you," Dong Xuebing said.

Ci Lifen replied, "It's no trouble at all, family."

"Alright, I'll call you next time then," Dong Xuebing said with a chuckle.

After hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebing put away his mobile. Ci Lifen had said it was barely a matter, and Dong Xuebing agreed. He knew she wasn't just being polite—it was a minor issue. Half a year ago, things might have been different. Ci Lifen was a senior official at the General Administration of Press and Publication, and film approvals were largely under the jurisdiction of the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television. However, a few months ago, following the restructuring plan under the "mega-ministry" concept of the Ministry of Culture before its dissolution, the General Administration of Press and Publication merged with the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television to form the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television. Despite its c.u.mbersome name, it wielded genuine power. Ci Lifen, under this consolidation, had ascended to the position of Deputy Administrator, a vice-ministerial leaders.h.i.+p role. Thus, dealing with such matters was well within her purview. If she didn't have this authority, Ci Lifen wouldn't have climbed the ranks over the years.

Inside the surveillance room.

Dong Xuebing returned and opened the door. However, no one noticed him as several people were engaged in a heated argument.

Yu Meixia's hands trembled with anger. "How could you do this? Have you no conscience? Don't you know what it means to make demands of someone like me?"

General Manager Wu responded coldly, "I don't know!"

"You..." Yu Meixia exclaimed. "How can you be like this?"

As a rural woman, Yu Meixia had always been straightforward, and despite broadening her horizons in recent years alongside Dong Xuebing, her character and temperament remained unchanged. She was a genuinely pure person who never lied. Faced with General Manager Wu and his colleagues blatantly lying, her anger and frustration were palpable.

One company's executives intervened, "Alright, that's enough!"

"Our company's reputation isn't something you can tarnish with just words!" another senior executive added.

Yu Meixia's eyes were red. "Do any of you still have a conscience? You..."

The people from Hongye Corporation were dismissive, including Mr. Zhou and General Manager Wu. They didn't take Yu Meixia seriously at all. After all, there was no evidence against them, and they felt even more justified since they were the ones who had been a.s.saulted and had their property damaged. Their arrogance only grew stronger.

However, the behavior of their company's representatives infuriated several police officers. The situation was clear, yet these individuals refused to admit their wrongdoing and accused the woman who should have been the victim. Yu Meixia's demeanor was observed by the police, who understood she was a sincere woman who couldn't possibly lie. Despite this, the company's executives remained defiant, some even smiling arrogantly, as if to say, "We bullied you. What can you do about it?" It was truly maddening; anyone with a conscience would find such actions repulsive.

Deputy Director Chang's face turned stern. "That's enough! Enough arguing!"

Wu, the general manager, also made the police station unhappy. After delaying their arrival for half a day, they all meditated without taking action. In the end, they even turned the tables on them. No one bothered to explain the injuries on his face, so he had every reason to be angry. "Why should I keep quiet? This woman is accusing us! Can't we defend ourselves?"

"Who accused you?" urgently asked Yu Meixia.

Deputy Director Chang exploded, "She's just a female comrade! Watch your mouth!"

General Manager Wu pointed at his nose, "When they attacked, why didn't their hands stay clean? Deputy Director Chang, your seat's a bit crooked, isn't it?"

Deputy Director Chang sneered, "Oh, now you're questioning me too? Fine!"

The police officers also felt that the company's employees were too tactless. With their current approach, disaster was bound to strike sooner or later, and they had seen plenty of people like this before.

Zhou, the President, remained silent, but his silence spoke volumes about his att.i.tude and the company's stance. Their people were now like an arrogant mad dog, showing no respect for anyone. They felt justified in their actions, and with Mr. Zhou's connections, they weren't afraid of consequences.

The two sides continued arguing.

Dong Xuebing slammed the door shut, drawing everyone's attention. He walked slowly to Yu Meixia, who was seething with anger, and patted her shoulder. "It's okay."

"But they..." Yu Meixia was on the verge of tears, unable to bear the injustice.

Dong Xuebing, however, was calm. He pulled Yu Meixia to a chair and said, "Just wait. I want to see how long they can keep up this arrogance. Once I, Dong Xuebing, say something, there's no taking it back. If something happens, it's their own doing. Don't blame me."

General Manager Wu chuckled, "What a joke!"

Mr. Zhou glanced at him, "Young man, you should think about yourself now."

"I should be saying that to you. Think about yourselves," Dong Xuebing lit a cigarette and said lightly, "People shouldn't be too arrogant at any time."

The company's people sneered at his words.

Deputy Director Chang didn't know whom Dong Xuebing had called or what he had arranged, but seeing his relaxed demeanor indicated that results were imminent.

Sure enough, after a while, an employee rushed in anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Zhou frowned, surprised at the commotion.

But the employee blurted out in shock, "President Zhou, something's wrong! The higher authorities just called! Our company's investment in the movie has been indefinitely postponed! They said it's due to political issues! And... the TV series that had already been approved for broadcast has also been suddenly halted! There's no way it can air as scheduled! It's indefinitely suspended!"

"What are you saying?" Mr. Zhou was stunned.

General Manager Wu was also dumbfounded, "How is that possible?"

"They were both approved and didn't violate any policies. How could this happen..." Other senior company officials were also incredulous!

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Power and Wealth Chapter 1716 summary

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