Monster Integration Chapter 4061 Absolute Limit

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4061  Absolute Limit


"You go and rest. I will hand over the cultist and traitor to law enforcement," he said as we stepped on the flying island.

I nodded and walked away.


A few minutes later, I opened the door of my suite and entered the room.

I wanted to lie on the bed and fall asleep immediately. Instead, I removed my clothes and walked into the shower.

I came out twenty minutes later with a lot of stress leaving my body, before walking into the living room and sitting on my usual sport.

However, right now, I am too tired to enjoy the view.

So, I ate the dinner that appeared in front of me in record time and walked into my bedroom.

It took me a few seconds to fall asleep, and when I woke, it was a late morning.

I am feeling fully refreshed, without a hint of tiredness in my body. It is amazing what a long sleep can do to one.

I should do this more often and not when I am too tired or when I need to recover from something.

Usually, the time is too precious to spend on such a long sleep. If I slept like that every few days; I wouldn't be spending a few hours.

I would be spending a few hours x five.

Once again, I am hungry. So, I quickly freshened up and walked into the kitchen. I am making myself an early lunch and I didn't have to think about what I want to eat.

I took out the stuff and cooked. I only used my hands and not my strings.

An hour loud later, the lunch is ready.

It's not elaborate but isn't simple either. I took to my spot by the gla.s.s wall and ate it while watching the view.

I finished the meal within twenty minutes, but I stayed there for an hour, before walking toward the couch and laying down.

A few hours pa.s.sed, and I stayed there like I was sleeping.

It was a late afternoon, and I got up and walked into the practice room. As I stepped inside there, my clothes disappeared.

A white marble appeared in the center, and I sat on it.

The plate is different and the formation on it is more complex. It is for the second level of Garsonath Transformation.

I shudder at the thought of it, remember the pain of last time, but I have to do it.

I have seen how smooth the method is. It will help me tremendously. If I could fully practice the second level; I would be able to change the skins more comprehensively.

It will also help me hide my abilities better.

I started the practice, and a few seconds later, the runes climbed over me and seeped inside, and then the pain began.

I have no doubt, this time too, I will have to go through three changes at each session.

They will remain the same, but this time, the changes will be deep. The second will help me do things like growing a horn.

It will be painful, but I will be able to do it.

I wasn't able to do that because a lot more skins opened in front of me. Just thinking about it, makes me feel excited.

I remained excited for a few seconds. It didn't take me long before I started to scream.

It was d.a.m.n too painful and if it was something. I really need it, I wouldn't have practiced this method thousand years.

I calmed my thoughts and focused on the method.

The pain is increasing, and it is affecting my concentration. Which is bad. The backlash from this method would be huge; it would keep me in bed for weeks.

Seconds pa.s.sed and turned into minutes before finally, I had finished practicing the method.

I was so tired, that I couldn't take a step forward and slowly sat down and rested for a minute, before finally walking into the shower.

I came out fifteen minutes later and once laid down on the couch, entering my core.


I stepped into the library.

It's time, I start the preparations for the next inheritance. The Sky Sovereigns. It might be a Sky Sovereign in name, but it will be Prime.

Though it will be different from Prime. More challenging.

Since the inheritance would need to follow certain rules in the Sovereign stage. I might stretch and bend those rules with forbidden power, but I still have to follow them.

I waked my hand, and a few thousand formations appeared. These are ones, I had chosen from my current inheritance; it is only the third of it.

These parts need to be upgraded and the rest 60% would be all new and that is a great challenge, but I am excited about it.

This inheritance would be for a completely new level of power. It's making me quite excited.

Though, it's going to take a lot of time and I have time. Seeing progressing forward with my strength isn't going to be easy anymore.

I looked at it for a few minutes, before started working on it, with eight of my clones.

Hours pa.s.sed and soon it was dinner time. I took a break from that before resuming working on the inheritance again.

I have a lot of grand ideas for the inheritance, and I have to see, which ones will work, and which won't.

It will take a lot of time and efforts, but that is a part of the process.

Soon, it was past midnight, and I got up and walked into the practice room.

A minute later, I began to practice the dance of Ukasanavor.

Seconds pa.s.sed and soon the portal to energy opened and the energy began to come inside me.


There was nothing strange till the energy, before leaving. It didn't enter my essence and merged into my body.

No, it just got, like it had been repelled by something.

It didn't take a moment to realize what was happening. I had expected it, but it is far severer than I had thought.

Breaking past this absolute limit would be an immense challenge.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.



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Monster Integration Chapter 4061 Absolute Limit summary

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