Monster Integration Chapter 4099: Flag

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Chapter 4099: Flag

It had become painful for me, and it is getting more painful with every step I take forward. Many had stopped.

There are less than half that are still moving forward and even most of them have slowed down considerably.

They have the luxury to slow down, but I didn't.

I kept moving forward, taking one step after another. Bearing the pain that is increasing with every step I take.

It is a good thing. I am used to the pain, and I keep moving forward.

The flag got closer with every step, till it was only a mile away, but the pain had also become unbearable, that I needed to grit my teeth to bear it.

It didn't stop me, and I kept moving.

I crossed around two hundred meters when it got really painful that I wanted to scream, but I didn't care about that and instead, my eyes were focused on a meta scan in front of me.

The clone and I are connected. They could project what they are seeing in front of me.

It is showing me everything, including how the energy is pressing me and effects it is having

on me.

I am like a football in a press. If the pressure kept increasing, I would go boom, and that is death for me.

That didn't stop me from moving forward. I kept taking a step forward.

Though my eyes are locked on a meta-scan in front of me. The moment, I see, I could die, I will stop. I might take risks, but I don't have a death wish.

A few hundred meters pa.s.sed, and tears started to stream down my face when I finally stopped.

I reached the limit. If I take another step forward, I might go boom.

I don't want to stop. It will be for nothing, and I had expected that, but I am not willing to accept it.

I looked at the meta-scan. Hoping I would see something that would give me hope.

And expectedly, I saw it, when cross reference the meta-scan with the meta-scan of my azure cycle practice in this realm.

'It will be extremely risky,' I thought, but a moment later, my feet slid forward.

I didn't take a step forward, but slid forward.

Immediately, the pressure increased, and I gritted my teeth harder. The blood began to come out of my orifices, but I didn't stop and slid forward on my other leg.

The pressure increased till I thought I would go boom, but I didn't. Instead, a small leak appeared, helping me bear the pressure.

In a real-world sense, I crossed the limit and now my body begin to shake at the cellular level.

I am at near collapse the stage. The stage I reach during the practice of the azure cycle.

This was a really dangerous stage, and I should have stopped, but I didn't and slid forward, increasing the pressure on me even further, and taking my body even closer to collapse.

I slid even more with my body reaching the stage, where I started to lose control of it.


It is when something happens. The energies that had pressing on me began to enter inside me or rather my temple.

There they would enter the circle.

It relieved some of the pressure and I took another step forward and then another with my eyes focused on the meta-scan and temple.

With every step, I take, more energy would enter inside me, but pressure would also increase.

Still, I didn't stop moving forward, despite losing more and more control over my body.

A few more seconds pa.s.sed meta-scan turned blood red and even my eyes turned blurry, but I could still see, that I unexpectedly reached the flag.

I raised my hand and touched it.

I felt cold, but other than that, nothing happened.

I looked at the meta-scan and the data, while the circle absorbed the most powerful energy of this place.

I stayed there unmoving for thirty-two and a half seconds, before I began to retreat, with everything, I had.

The pressure on the body begins to increase rapidly.

I used every bit of will to control my body to move faster.

Here, I have really crossed all the limits, and if I don't get out of high pressure soon. I will collapse and my body will turn into a puddle.

It will be a very painful thing for me. I will feel pain as I had never felt before.

I don't want to do that. So, I pushed.

At first, it seemed useless. There was no change, but soon, a faint change began to occur. The collapse begins to slow down faintly.

Seeing that, a faint relief couldn't help, but appear in my heart.

I am not out of the danger yet. So, I kept pus.h.i.+ng myself harder and harder; it also helped that

I got better control over my body as time pa.s.sed.

I don't know how long I kept moving. My complete focus is on the meta-scan in front of me.

The collapse had stopped.

Seeing that, I stopped too, and collapsed on the ground. I do not care, I am still in the mist.

I am bone-dead tired. I want to do nothing more than lie down and close my eyes to sleep.

I am on the verge of unconsciousness. Fighting it hard as it wants to swallow me. I wish I could get a wine right now; it would have helped.

Unfortunately, I will have to bear it and not get unconscious.

There are people around me, and one of them might try something. I would be truly powerless here because of suppression. That will suppress even my life-saving measures. So, I continued taking deep breaths, till I was able to survive a wave of unconsciousness.

A few seconds later, I shakingly got up and started walking again.

As I had said, this place isn't safe.

I had just taken a ma.s.sive risk and the thing, I don't know was whether I gained anything from it. The thing I hoped to gain, I didn't gain.

I didn't break the absolute limit.

The only thing I had gained was the energy, which had been absorbed by the circle, making its

shade darker. Taking it close to the azure.

That is something, at least.

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Monster Integration Chapter 4099: Flag summary

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