Aiming To Be The Best Magician In The World! 236 Entering The Cave Happy Birthday To Me

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Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear Ria~~~~~, Happy Birthday to me! I am now officially 15 and 3 more years until I am legal! Well then, let's to the chapter!


"Haa!" Sam said as he bashed into the nearest goblin with his s.h.i.+eld stunning it for a few seconds. Utilizing the few seconds, he brought down his hammer upon its head.

"Well then, this katana isn't so bad. Even though it's worst than mine by a milestone. I wonder how much it can do," Lance said as he brought a store-bought katana to use.

"Hup!" He ducked when a goblin holding a wooden club swung at him horizontally. He then unsheathed the katana before cleanly cutting its head off.

The goblin had no time to react, as its head saw its body without a head. It then had realized what had happened to it, it was already dead.

"That's one down. It is sharp enough for these goblins at least." Lance said before he charged at the other goblins and started to twirl his katana around cutting more necks off.

"Nya," Maal said as she pounced towards a goblin, she then used her claw-like nails to cut off a goblins head. After seeing how the goblins head cut off like b.u.t.ter, she continued to leap and pounce towards all the other goblins, enjoying the bloodbath.

"Ah! Kya! Waterball!" Maria yelped when a goblin was near her, she immediately casted waterball at the goblin.

"GABUUU!!!!" The goblin cried out as it was directly smashed by a waterball causing it to fly all the way back from where it came from making a loud crash.

"Ye know Maria, I think you should be a magician instead of a healer. That is some serious damage," Elise said as she looked at Maria seriously.

"Hahahaha, no worries. When there's a stronger monster, I'd need to heal you guys. My magic will be useless at the time." Maria said as she scratched her head while laughing.

"Eh, you're right. You need to save MP to heal us anyway." Elise muttered to which Maria agreed.

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"Well then, just save your MP for now. Let's see if there is anything difficult up ahead." Elise said when the group killed the goblins.

"Should we rest for now? Or should we go in and get this over with?" Elise asked the group.

"Let's go in and get this over with," Sam said as he was feeling an adrenaline rush and wasn't feeling tired.

"Gabu Gabuu" The sounds goblins make could be heard as the group made their way in.

"Grrrrr," More distinct monster sounds could be heard too as they walked in.

"I don't think this is just a goblin cave, there might be more," Chad said when he heard wolves.

"Well then, I think they have spotted us, now get ready for combat again," Elise said as she nocked an arrow onto her bow.

"GABUUUUUU, GRRRRR" The two sounds from two different monsters could be heard coming towards their way very loudly.

"Wolves and goblins! They are collaborating! Attack!" Elise said as she let loose of the first arrow onto a wolf so the goblin would fall down.


Author : happy birthday to meee


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Aiming To Be The Best Magician In The World! 236 Entering The Cave Happy Birthday To Me summary

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