Aiming To Be The Best Magician In The World! 94 Mother Won't Get Angry At You

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"s.h.i.+ro, what happened? How did you and those girls meet each other?" Kias asked as he looked at Plutia who was running by his side.

"Emm, they found me when I was taking a bath in the river. And somehow that's how we met basically. It was really weird you know, I like fell asleep while taking the bath and one of them just went up and hugged me from behind. It scared me so badly." Plutia said as she recalled what had happened earlier.

"Why'd you fall asleep while taking a bath? What if there was a monster that wanted to attack you? You didn't even notice the girls getting near you to hug you. That isn't safe now is it s.h.i.+ro?" Kias said as he looked at Plutia which made her frightened.

"Emm… Y-yes… You're correct." Plutia stuttered as she said those words.

"I should go tell Crystalia now shouldn't I?" Kias said as he looked at Plutia.

"N-no! D-don't do that! W-whatever you do! D-do not do that! Don't tell her!" Plutia paled as she started to say those words with tears in her eyes.

"Why shouldn't I? You did something so dangerous after all." Kias said as he looked at Plutia.

"Noo! Please don't Kias!" Plutia said as the tears at the corner of her eyes were about to roll down her cheeks.

"No can do, I shall tell her what dangerous things you have done tonight. You should be prepared for tomorrow." Kias said as he stopped looking at Plutia who started to cry.

"Hic! Wuu Wuu! You can't do this!! Wuuu!" Plutia started to cry.

"This is for your own safety s.h.i.+ro! I can not trust you when you put yourself in so much danger like that! I will not always be by your side!" Kias said as he did not turn around to look at her.

"Wuuu! Don't tell Crystalia!! She won't let me out again!!! She'll make me be with her everyday!! Wuuu!" Plutia said while crying.

"No s.h.i.+ro! I won't listen to any of your cryings! I shall tell her! I am sorry that she will not let you out, but it's for your own safety!" Kias shouted as they reached the city gates.

"Wuu wuuu!!" Plutia finally broke into tears as they both walked to the gates before entering into the city.

"Why do you think she's crying old man?" One of the men guarding the gates said as he looked at the old man who Plutia had talked to before in the morning when they both went out into the forest.

"I don't know, maybe she did something bad and got scolded. I mean Sir Kias's face doesn't really good right now. And little s.h.i.+ro keeps looking at him with a reluctant face while she cries." The old man said as he scratched his head.

"Is that so? I wonder what she must've done to make an S-ranked adventurer angry. What did that little girl do I wonder." He muttered as he returned back to his job as he guarded the city gates.

"Wuu wuu! Don't do this I beg of you Uncle Kias!!!" Plutia cried as she hugged the back of Kias trying to prevent him from getting to Crystalia.

"Let go s.h.i.+ro, I have to tell her, I already told you this." Kias said as he continued to walk while Plutia who was hugging him was also dragged along.

"Noo! Please don't tell her!!! She'll get mad at me!!" Plutia continued to cry out.

"You need some discipline little s.h.i.+ro. You went too many years without any discipline, you don't know how dangerous the outside world is. Without any discipline you won't make it out there!" Kias said as he opened the inn that was currently closed before entering the room where Crystalia and Chase was.


"h.e.l.lo you two, you are finally back. Why are you so late?" Crystalia said as she was cleaning the dishes.

"We found a dungeon but a team of adventurers were camping out there so we waited. Too bad they decided to go tomorrow morning so we decided to return just now." Kias replied as he looked at Crystalia.

"Oh, is that so. Little s.h.i.+ro why don't you come out from behind Kias?" Crystalia said as she called for Plutia.

"Oh yeah Crystalia, I need to tell you something important." Kias said as his eyes narrowed as he looked at Crystalia.

Crystalia who heard his tone and saw his eyes narrowing stopped cleaning the dishes as she looked at Kias intently.

Of course, Plutia who also heard this instantly hugged Kias even tighter not wanting to let him tell Crystalia. Of course, Crystalia who was watching Kias intently also saw what Plutia did and her eyes widened as she understood what the message Kias wanted to say was about.

"What did she do to get you so angry Kias?" Crystalia asked him.

"This little girl decided to bath in the river, however without putting up any defences she fell asleep while taking one. She was lucky two parties of adventuring girls found her before anything could happen to her. I don't know what the males would've done had they seen her sleeping while taking a bath." Kias said.

"Little s.h.i.+ro! How could you be so careless? What if something were to happen to you?" Crystalia said immediately as she attempted to look at Plutia who was hidden behind Kias, but failed to do so.

However, there was one thing she noticed. Plutia was s.h.i.+vering, she was s.h.i.+vering like a newborn fawn. Crystalia immediately knew that her little girl was really scared and was about to cry or is already crying.

"Come out s.h.i.+ro, stop hiding behind Kias. Let mother see you." Crystalia said in the gentlest tone she could.

However, all that did was make Plutia s.h.i.+ver even more badly as she held Kias even tighter.

"s.h.i.+ro, mother won't be angry at you. Just come out and come to mother." Crystalia said once more.

After this Plutia finally stopped hiding as she walked over to Crystalia. However, it was done slowly as she looked like she would break into tears at any moment.

She unsteadily walked over to Crystalia who hugged her before she bawled her eyes out that night.


Author : emmm yeah I got an essay due first period tmr and I haven't even started on it so gn.


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Aiming To Be The Best Magician In The World! 94 Mother Won't Get Angry At You summary

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