My Way To You 101 Nominated

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"As you all know the Bravo family has fallen and Callista has left the Academy. There is now an opening for her position as the secretary-treasurer for the Student Council. We will be opening up the floor for nominations for the position." A familiar tanned male said with his blinding, devilish smile. Mateo looked around the room, waiting for one of the 6 representatives to speak up first

He then moved his gaze to Ariana, making sure he locked eyes with her. "Well if no one is willing to nominate a person I guess I will and then that said person will be running unopposed. I dare say that we won't even need to hold an election, we can just make her start as of today. Is that acceptable with you President?" Mateo said as he turned towards Flint Remo.

Flint sat in a throne like chair, right in the center of a ma.s.sive pewter stained, desk. He sat with an air of n.o.bility as he watched over everyone silently. Mateo to his right, a stern looking female sat to his left. Beside the female was a hunched over boy who was scribbling away. An empty spot was to the left of Mateo. The room they sat in was something close to a conference room. Deep within the school. The room was practically bare except for square shape placement or tables, chairs and one giant desk in the center of the room.

Flint then graced everyone in the room with a prince like smile. It caused caused some of the girls to blush with delight and giddiness while Ariana felt like a bucket of ice water was splashed onto her face. She was glad she had known better, that the truth about Flint was there was a demon lying in wait underneath the princely mask and she was never going to forgive him. She had warned Vera about her feelings without giving too much away but felt guilty for not giving her the whole truth. The room stayed eerily silent, while everyone waited for Flint to give his answer.

The silence was ominous, Ariana couldn't help but feel that something was off. She quickly poked Payton's side making him turn and look at Ariana. She silently stared at Payton, hoping that she could send him a message with her eyes. With a single glance Payton could tell what she was thinking. He didn't like where the Student Council's conversation was heading either but he stayed hopeful that it was only their imagination. "Why not? I think that your suggestions is a wonderful idea. This will allow the Student Council to skip over something so tedious and free up our time to take care of more important matters." He said with an air of n.o.bility as he released another round of his pheromones into the air.

"The President has agreed, we can now proceed with this meeting. Honestly, I'm glad we don't need to waste our time with an election so Ms. Ari-?" Mateo was suddenly stopped as a loud thud noise was heard followed by a chair toppling. Everyone looked towards the person who caused the disturbance and saw Payton standing with the palms of his hands firmly placed on the table. "Do you have something to say Payton?" Mateo said as half his face suddenly became shrouded in darkness.

"Vera DuChamp... I nominate Vera DuChamp." Payton said as he kept his gaze downwards. Ariana paled as she stared at Payton. "What are you doing?!" Ariana whispered, she firmly stated her opinion to Vera to not run but Payton went against her opinion and nominated her anyways. Payton stayed silent, clenching his hands into fists as he thought back to what Vera made him promised to do if there was a hint of Ariana being elected.

They both had a feeling that Ariana's warning was not made up but they couldn't bring themselves to see the members of the Student Council as malicious. However right before the meeting the Vice President himself to him to stay silent in the meeting. He didn't want to believe it but the silent room fueled his doubts about the Council. They had their own agenda and he would not let them have their way.

"Vera... No. Not going to happen." Mateo said with a dark chuckle as he brought his head up. "What?! Why not?! You know just as well as anyone else the Vera has been working hard to be able to one day join the Student Council! This is a perfect opportunity to bring her back and allow her to work for the students." Payton argued but Mateo just raised his hands and shrugged. "We don't particularly find it tasteful to have a disgraceful student run for Student Council. It's her own fault for ruining her own reputation so forgive me for being so unkind but Vera will never be able to stand among us as a respectable Student Council member." Mateo replied as a smug look appeared on his face.

"Then Cayden Remo! I can nominate him!" Payton shouted. "What the f*ck did you just say?" Mateo said as his face twisted with disgust. "You want a delinquent who attacked our President numerous times to be part of the Student Council?" He spat as he stared down Payton. His gold and lavender rayed eyes turned ominous as veins popped out above his left eyebrow and neck. "Wait!" Ariana shouted as she stood up. Everyone turned their gazes towards Ariana. "I don't think I understand the rules for nominating a student." Ariana said pitifully causing most to either groan or facepalm themselves.

"Well that's understandable! Freshmen are still babes that we need to be nurtured and cared for." Mateo said as an animalistic desire flashed in his eyes causing Ariana to involuntarily s.h.i.+ver. "Vice President if you don't mind I would like to take the floor." A fair skinned, average height female said as she stood up. Her long, dark brown hair that practically looked black was tightly tied up into a high ponytail. The ponytail swayed dramatically as she moved from her seat to a standing position. She had a medium fringe, black, framed and icy blue eyes. Her face was stern looking while her build was slender.

"By all means Secretary Milan. The floor is yours." Mateo said as his eyes moved to Milan. Ariana became disgusted, just from a glance everyone could tell that Vice President was openly undressing Milan with his eyes and she in turn didn't care.

"To nominate a student the said student must be someone with exemplary skills in both academics and battle. They must be well liked, approachable, trusted and highly regarded by the student body. Having someone with a record or who has ever acted in bad taste or is caught breaking any rules is automatically taken from the running. Every member of the Student Council has to act accordingly as we are the role models for the entire student body." Milan said as she shot a cold glare to Ariana. While Ariana in turn gave her a warm smile.

"So no Student Council member can be a bad student?" Ariana asked as she continued to smile. "In lame terms correct. There has never been a member with a stain on their records in the history of the Student Council. Isn't that correct Student Council Historian." Milan said as she turned to a meek, beige hair boy who was busy writing. "Student Council Historian? Student Council Historian? Ryynari? Ryynari Hulta!" Milan shouted causing the meek boy to jump up in surprise.

"Ms. Beret? The boy whimpered. "Please answer the question." Milan said harshly as she stared Ryynari down. "Ah! Question, question, question..." Ryynari replied as he scanned over what seemed to be a doc.u.ment. "Oh yes! No, in the history of the Student Council there has never been a 'bad student' in office." Ryynari answered with air quotations. His beige coloured hair looked softer and fluffier then a duckling's down, his round, twilight blue eyes sparkled with a child like innocence that made everyone in the room calm down instantly.

"So there were and are no exceptions to this rule?" Ariana asked as she turned to the fair skinned boy. Ryynari looked at Ariana and instantly blushed as he averted his gaze. "N-n-no! T-t-this would be a mockery of the Student Council. T-to allow such a student into Council would be disgraceful and we would lose the trust we have gained with students and faculty." Ryynari replied. Ariana nodded her head in understand and placed a gentle hand on Payton's back. He lifted his gaze to her, he couldn't help but feel calm when he saw her gentle, smiling face.

They both sat back down without a word and waited for the Student Council to appoint their person. "Well, now that everything has settled down we can get back to our appointment without any further interruptions." Mateo said as he turned to Payton and Ariana. "Please proceed." Ariana said as her smile stayed in place.

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"Good... as I was saying earlier. Ms. Ariana Drake will be our new Secretary-Treasurer." Mateo said as he gave a small round of applause to Ariana. Everyone but Payton and Ariana joined in the applause while Flint gave Ariana a victorious smile. "Sorry but I humbly object." Ariana announced as the applauding died down. "It's been decided, you can not reject." Flint said as he narrowed his gaze at Ariana. "Oh, I'm not rejecting. I'm objecting. There is a difference, isn't that right Secretary Milan?" Ariana asked as she turned to Milan. "What is it exactly that you are objecting too?' Milan asked in return as her face distorted with contempt. "I'm a bad student." Ariana responded bluntly.

Flint started to laugh. Everyone in the room turned to him in awe and wonder as his laughter filled their ears. "You? A bad student? Hardly... If anything you are the model student that will best represent the Student Council. A student obtaining a perfect score is unheard of and in turn will be an invaluable a.s.set to the Student Council. Objection denied." Flint said as he recovered from his laughter.

"I'm sorry Presidet but you are sorrily mistaken. I am the worst student to represent the student body. I believe you were all there at the party. I think that speaks enough about me." Ariana said. Instantly the other representatives started to murmur to one another. "It proves nothing. You stated your piece but that boy said nothing about being with you. If anything you were a victim to his plans of escaping from that girl." Flint replied.

"Then let me list my wrong doings. On the first day I broke a male students nose in front of a whole crowd. I picked a fight with Vera Duchamp, I have threatened and belittled students, I told the mess hall ladies their food was awful, I beat up Mr. Dabney, I openly tempted most of the males in the third year cla.s.s and disrespected Mrs. Dabney." She listed off. Gasps were heard and Ariana sat proudly in her chair. "So not only can I not join the Student Council but by your earlier claim about Vera, I can no longer be a representative." Ariana said with a smug face as she rose from her seat.

"Everything you just listed can be easily explained." Flint said as she steeped his finger together. "Do you really think that I don't know what happens in this school?" Flint said in a mocking tone. "First the male student admits that he fell. That there was no way a female student could ever hurt him. So he never logged a complaint there is nothing in your records. As for your misunderstanding at the Summoning Ceremony. You simply asked for an official challenge from Ms. DuChamp, so you are excused. Again there is no proof of your claims to threatening or belittle any student of teacher. As for Mr. Dabney, we all know he is always in the look out for his next challenge and if you beat him that means you entered a battle. Especially if no disciplinary actions were taken." Flint said firmly causing others to whisper their agreement.

"The mess hall ladies have already informed the Headmaster that you are the one responsible for the menu upgrade. They are very thankful for your efforts and wish for you to teach a cooking cla.s.s to anyone who is interested. They have been granted the right to act as advisors and scheduled Thursday evenings for the cla.s.s. While your claims of being a temptress... I thought it was quite adorable but I don't think your attempts to attracting the males by sticking your tongue out is something we can consider a malicious act." Flint said as his prince like smile started to stretch and change into something sinister.

"The students hate me while magical creatures fear me." Ariana said bluntly, stopping Flint's smile mid track. "The students have yet to get to know you. Once they find out the good you have done all will be forgotten. As for magical creatures, well that's in your head." Flint replied with a heavy sigh. "Call out your familiars." Ariana said as she stared at Flint. "Excuse me?" Flint asked as he slowly rose from his chair. "I dare for anyone to call out their familiar and ask them. If they can't even approach me then you know I have done something unforgivable." Ariana said darkly. "Don't make me laugh Ariana! Do you really think that someone -?" Flint started to say but Payton had stood up. "Jarvis!" He called out.

A happy looking, blue, chinchilla appeared before Payton. 'You called Master?' Jarvis said as he cleaned his face with his tiny paws. "Please approach my good friend Ariana." Payton said as he patted Ariana's back. 'Simple enough.' Jarvis replied as he turned to look at Ariana. Suddenly his fur stood on end and he quickly disappeared. Ariana turned to the Student Council and shrugged while the representatives started murmuring again. "That familiar is nothing but a scared mouse. It proves nothing." Flint said with a light chuckle. "Then call yours." Ariana said as she stared at Flint. "I don't need to waste my time." Flint replied.

"Fine. Milan? Ryynari? Mateo? Care to volunteer?" She asked with a disrespectful tone. Milan and Mateo glared at Ariana with utter distaste while Ryynari averted his gaze. "Chicken sh*t." Ariana said with a loud laugh. "Sutari!" Milan yelled. "Tetra." Mateo shouted as he pounded the desk. A red, nine tailed fox appeared by Milan while a golden panda stood by Mateo. 'Master.' They both said as they stood in front of Milan and Mateo. "Go to that girl and teach her respect." Milan said as she pointed to Ariana. "Bring her to me." Mateo ordered as he too pointed to Ariana.

"As you wish." They both replied before turning to face Ariana. The moment they locked eyes, the familiars hesitated. "Go on!" Milan shouted. However Sutari started to tremble before she dropped to her knees and bowed. While Tetra backed away. "You stupid bear where are you going?" Mateo shouted. Tetra turned to his master and bowed before disappearing.

"What the f*ck?!" Mateo shouted. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please forgive me!' Sutari cried before she too disappeared. "This is impossible..." Milan whispered as she stared where Sutari was just kneeling seconds ago. "Well I think we are done here." Ariana said as she stood up and bowed to the people in the room. "Thank you for taking care of me up till now." She said before she rose. "Hold it!" Flint said as his princely face shattered. "We will be demoting you." Flint hissed. "On what grounds?" Ariana said as she batted her eyes. "The magical creatures, they won't approach you." He replied.

"So?" Ariana said indifferently. "So? So you have done something to make them fear you! You will not go unpunished!" Flint spat as he pounded the desk. "Do you have proof?" Ariana asked. "Of course! Look what just happened!" Mateo shouted as he pointed an accusing finger. "Did they say what I did?" Ariana asked. "O-o-of course they did!" Mateo stammered as he dropped his accusing finger. "So what was it?" Ariana asked innocently. "We can not repeat such an atrocity!" Milan shouted as she pushed up her "So write it down. I would think the records that the historian is keeping is open for the public." Ariana said as she turned to Ryynari. "I'm sorry?" He asked as he dropped his pen.

"I want to read what I did that deserves me to lose my ranking. Are the minutes you write public records?" Ariana asked slowly. "W-w-well yes but I-I-I d-d-don't know what the reason is." Ryynari stuttered as he shrunk into his seat. "Milan can you write it down? Then I can ask another student to speak with their familiar to see if it is the same answer." Ariana suggested. It caused Milan to instantly pale as her whole body shook with anger. "Ah... by your reaction they didn't say..." Ariana said as she raised her eyebrow. "Well again. I will take my leave. Thank you all." Ariana said as she stepped around her chair and walked towards the door. "Wait!" Milan shouted and with a heavy sigh Ariana stopped. "Sutari! Come out! Sutari!" Milan shouted but her familiar refused to appear.

Ariana let out a small chuckle and walked to the door. "Don't you dare disrespect me!" Milan screeched. "I am not... I am simple excusing myself as i am no longer welcomed or qualified to be here. Have a good day." Ariana said as she placed her hand on the door k.n.o.b. "This isn't over!" Flint shouted. Then looked at Milan then Mateo. "Sutari!" Milani cried out as her knees buckled. "Tetra!" Mateo shouted in desperation. Ariana shook her head then turned to the people in the room. "In my opinion the best candidate for the Student Council position are Antoine or Cleo. The students with the pink hair in year two. Please notify them of the nomination." She said before she exited the room.

"Well that was exciting." Ariana chuckled as her Lumas appeared before her. 'Well at least the other familiars were smart enough no to stick around.' Davita said as she coiled around Ariana's neck. "I think now I am finally safe from that fake, prince like, wannabe failure of a guy." Ariana said as she walked down the halls of the school. 'Well at least your safe until Cayden comes back.' Loralei said as she bounced around the air. She was too excited to keep still. "Sure I can wait... but for how long." Ariana replied with a melancholy stare.

'Mess hall ladies.' Vasu said as he landed on top of Ariana's head. "Right! I need to clarify what that b.a.s.t.a.r.d said. I thought this was a casual club like thing but to actually teach to more people that could possibly be the enemy... I need to rethink my strategy." Ariana said as a new spark flashed in her eyes. 'Are you upset with the mess hall ladies?' Duko asked. Ariana let out a small laugh. "Of course not! But this also means that it takes time away from my original plan." Ariana said as she looked at her Lumas. 'Shouldn't you be more cautious?' Davita asked as she raised her head. "It's just a small risk." Ariana said as she raised her hand and pinched the air, to show her estimated measurement. "Besides if it turns up to be a dead end then whatever, at least I get to have a club and we can do fun activities." Ariana said with a big smile.

'Ariana! Ariana!' A small, bell like voice called out. 'Ariana! We need to talk!' Ariana looked around and she caught sight of a familiar fairy.

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My Way To You 101 Nominated summary

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