My Way To You 110 Playing Make Believe

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"Gregory you piece of sh*t! You better take it back before I beat you black and blue!" Ariana shouted as she laid on top of Gregory, trying her hardest to claw at his face. "Tell people the truth about our relations.h.i.+p first! You little blood sucking b*tch! I will not be made a fool because of you!" Gregory shouted back as he held Ariana's wrists, trying his best to keep her hands off of his face. With great force Gregory was able to roll himself to his side, knocking Ariana down. They both scrambled to get up, panting as they glared at one another. "You wish you could be my father!" Ariana yelled as she ran up to Gregory, she raised her leg and aimed for Gregory's gut with great strength.

However to Ariana's surprise Gregory caught her foot and stopped her kick mid air. Ariana gritted her teeth and with all the strength she could muster she locked her hands behind Gregory's neck and used him to pull herself forward. She brought her left knee upwards and struck him in the stomach. Gregory expelled air the moment she made impact. He instantly released Ariana's foot and double over, placing one hand on top of his knee and the other where Ariana struck him, gasping for air. "Who would ever voluntarily want to have you as a family member." Gregory wheezed as he brought up his face, his brows were furrowed and eyes s.h.i.+nning with disdain.

"F*ck you Gregory!" Ariana snarled as she whipped out her middle finger. "Nice, very nice Ariana. Just act out on your anger. It makes you so lovable." Gregory said with heavy sarcasm. "At least I can be loved! I don't push my family away like you do. You take them for granted like some p.u.b.escent teenager!" Ariana shouted. "At least my family is f*cking alive! What can you say about yourself? Stop dreaming already! Wake up and realize your a product of unwanted love between a rapist and weak woman! No one can love you. No one will ever love you." Gregory laughed darkly as his eyes s.h.i.+ned with something sinister. Ariana lunged forward with her fists flying. Gregory dodged and weaved between her punches. "I can't wait until grandma and mom are here tomorrow! They'll kick your a** for the way you've been taking care of me!" Ariana yelled as she matched Gregory's glare. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Gregory took a few steps back and made some distance between him and Ariana. "They will do nothing for a little c*nt like you!" Gregory said coolly. Ariana could feel her temper peaking, she moved faster then before. She closed the distance between them feinted a punch towards Gregory's temple and he easily bent backwards to doge but to his surprise Ariana dropped into a squatting position last minute. Gregory didn't dare to fall backwards and readjusted his position forward. The moment he started moving Ariana stood up and uppercut punched him in the jaw. Gregory stumbled backwards, his head was spinning and he could taste something metallic. He spat a mixture of blood and saliva onto the ground and then brought his murderous gaze to Ariana.

While Ariana started hoping from side to side as she held her fists up in defense. "How can you hold on to a feeble dream like familial love? How desperate are you for someon to accept you! You have an adoptive grandmother, an adoptive mother! You can't keep fooling yourself into believing that MY FAMILY is your real family! Your real mother is dead and your real father is a deadbeat! Get over your make believe pride! You are garbage that no body wanted! If your mother wasn't Zula's best friend, I can guarantee you that you would have never been adopted by my family! You can ask them yourself if you don't believe me! They wish every night that you never walked into their lives!" Gregory yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!" Edlyn cursed as she rushed over towards the two. Ariana dropped her hands and looked at Gregory blankly. "They love me... They said they do." Ariana said in a heart breaking voice that it even caused Gregory to slightly regret what he said. Soon the girls watching the fight started to whisper furiously. Ms. Hadley rushed out of the dorms. To her surprise there was already a crowd standing outside while others watched from their rooms. Ms. Hadley pushed her way through the crowd, frantically searching for the cause of the disturbance. "Mr. Drake! I only left you for 5 minutes and you've created havoc in my domain!" Ms. Hadley shrieked as she looked at Gregory then Ariana.

"You a**hole!" Edlyn shouted as she bashed Gregory's nose with her history textbook. "How dare you say stupid things to your family! Look what you have done! Look at her!" Edlyn yelled as tears streamed from her eyes, she held her textbook tightly as she glared at Gregory.

Gregory was knocked backwards because of the impact. He covered his nose with his hand as blood gushed out. "Ms. Abela?" Gregory called out in a confusion. Edlyn raised her textbook over her head and was ready to start another a.s.sualt. "Hey." A gentle voice called out as a pair of warm hands covered her left wrist. 

Edlyn turned her murderous gaze to the person who called out and met with Ariana's exhausted face. "I think... I think that's enough now." Ariana said softly as she looked into Edlyn's eyes. Edlyn lowered her hands but refused to release her textbook. "If the Drakes don't want you I will convince my family to adopt you! You can be my big sister and we can become one big happy family okay?" Edlyn cried loudly as bigger tears spilled from her eyes. "My parents will treat you like their own daughter! They'll never let anyone say or do bad things to you! So come be a member of my family, please." Edlyn cried as Ariana slowly removed her hands from Edlyn's wrist. She then gently took Edlyn's textbook from her hands and tossed it aside. 

"We'll talk about it later." Ariana said as she moved to wrap her arms around Edlyn's shoulders and embraced her tightly. "There's nothing to talk about. You should just say yes and be my big sister." Edlyn cried as she hugged Ariana back. "Hey! What the f*ck you all looking at?! Get lost! There's nothing more to see so get back to what you were doing!" Talisha shouted at the crowd of on lookers. "Ms. Hadley, you might want to call Mrs. Dabney over and have these two checked out." Halina shouted as Talisha started pus.h.i.+ng people inside. "Right. Peppa, can you please go get Mrs. Dabney." Ms. Hadley ordered as she kept her eyes glued to Ariana and Edlyn.

Gregory slowly got off the ground, his face was completely pale. He had no idea that their argument had attracted so many people. "Tell Mrs. Dabney that I have gone back to my quarters. I don't think it's wise that I stay here any longer than I already have." Gregory said coolly as he pulled out a handkerchief and placed it against his nose. "No." Ms. Hadley said firmly as she glared at Gregory. "You will stay here and explain why this happened." 

"Maybe you should ask your student why she would attack a member of the faculty." Gregory said as his gaze s.h.i.+fted to Ariana. "I don't want to talk about it." Ariana said promptly as she held on to Edlyn. "Please don't make me take drastic measures." Ms. Hadley sighed as she brought her right hand to her forehead. "Ms. Hadley I will tell you everything, just please let Edlyn calm down first." Ariana begged. "I don't know Ariana. I need to report to the Headmaster about this incident right away." Ms. Hadley replied apologetically. "Ms. Hadley Talisha and I can tell you what we know until Mrs. Dabney gets here. It'll give Edlyn some time to calm down." Halina said as she walked up to Ms. Hadley.

"Fine... But Ariana you and Edlyn attacking Mr. Drake is a grave offense. You might not be able to see your family tomorrow." Ms. Hadley explained. Ariana paled as she looked at Ms. Hadley. "I-I-I, sigh... I understand... But if that's the case I want to take full responsibility for Edlyn's actions so please don't take her visitation away from her." Ariana said pitifully. "No! You're not taking the blame for what I did!" Edlyn shouted as she brought up her tear stained face. "Edlyn! I could have used my familiars to stop you when I saw you with your textbook. You know I know you! I could see what you were thinking and I just let you do it, just so I could feel better! Edlyn I used you! You will not get punished for something that I made you do." Ariana said firmly. "No! I knew what I-?!"

"Enough!" Ariana shouted over top of Edlyn's words. "Ms. Hadley, I'm ready to tell you what happened." Ariana said as she pushed Edlyn away. "She didn't do anything wrong!" Edlyn shouted as she grabbed Ariana's hand, keeping her from walking forward. "Stop it Edlyn." Ariana said emotionlessly. She then pulled her hand free a little too hard causing Edlyn to lose her balance. She fell forward landing on her knees. Ariana looked back and let out a small chuckle. Then walked towards Ms. Hadley. "I think you too should take care of Edlyn since she finished her job." Ariana said coldly then grabbed Ms. Hadley's hand and took her a little further away.

"Do you really think I would believe that Edlyn had no free will?" Ms. Hadley whispered as she walked off with Ariana. "Some girls are still listening from the windows. They may not be poking their heads out as obviously like the others but they left their windows open. If they have wind magic they could probably amplify our voices and I don't want Edlyn in a worse position then what she is already in." Ariana explained. Ms. Hadley pursed her lips as she turned to the dormitory. "Peppa." She called. Ms. Hadley's familiar appeared and swam circles around the two women. 'I have completed my task Master. What Can I do for you next.' Peppa said happily as she swam. "Please go do rounds." Ms. Hadley instructed. Peppa quickly looked towards the open windows and disappeared. "What happened." Ms. Hadley asked with an air of authority as she turned to face Ariana. "So, I kinda lost my temper and....."

"Unbelievable." Ms. Hadley said as she shook her head in disappointment. "I'm not going to apologize to that thing." Ariana scoffed as she pointed towards Gregory. "I don't think an apology will satisfy the Headmaster." Ms. Hadley said with a heavy sigh. "You spoke about forgiveness regarding me and my father but you won't take your own advice?" Ms. Hadley asked as she looked at Ariana pitifully. "This isn't the same.... He said so himself. I am not a real member of the Drake family. Everyone is playing make believe in honour of my mother's memory and their relations.h.i.+p with her." Ariana said miserably.

"Alright. Now that I know your side of the story I still need to go speak with Gregory. Let Mrs. Dabney look over you then go to your room for further instructions." Ms. Hadley said before she tried to walk away but Ariana's concerned face stopped her. "Ms. Hadley... Please keep Edlyn out of this." Ariana asked softly. "I can't make any promises." Ms. Hadley replied courtly. "Please... the Headmaster is... I don't know but I don't see a good outcome because of everything and I don't want Edlyn involved in the drama that I caused. I just want to keep her safe, especially since she has such a strong affinity with magical creatures. Who knows what c.r.a.p might be pulled because of this incident." Ariana said with an unyielding conviction that Ms. Hadley had to avert her gaze, fearfull she would promise something she could not do.

"Alright. As long as Gregory is willing to cooperate then we can let her off with a warning." Ms. Hadley said with a firm nodd. Ariana let out a sigh of relief. "If he doesn't agree just tell him I will owe him a favour." Ariana said as she started to relax. Ms. Hadley gave Ariana one more look over before she signalled Mrs. Dabney to move to her next patient. Mrs. Dabney instanly brightened up as she moved away from Gregory.

Mrs. Dabney waddled with gusto, Ariana watched her move and couldn't help but smile. "Finally! I couldn't stand being near that man for another minute!" Mrs. Dabney said as she got close enough to Ariana. "Honestly Roselyn, it couldn't be that bad." Ms. Hadley sighed. "No, you're right. I was just sugar coating it so you wouldn't feel worse about the situation! Go on, Go on and talk to that brick wall and see how long you will last! I swear, I was going to fake labour pains just so that I could get away from him!" Mrs. Dabney shouted as her face turned red. "Keep your voice down!" Ms. Hadley hissed. "Whatever Paola! As far as I care that man is lower then common sludge! He upset my baby's G.o.dmother! He can go suck a cod for all I care!" Mrs. Dabney shouted as she turned to Gregory's direction and stuck her middle finger up, hoping that he would look her way. Ms. Hadley patted Mrs. Dabney's shoulder. "I'm glad she has someone like you." Ms. Hadley whispered before she walked off.

Mrs. Dabney turned and smiled at Ariana. "Alright sweetie let's look you -?! I'm gonna go kill him!" Mrs. Hadley hissed as all her hair stood on end. Half of Ariana's face was red and swollen but what set Mrs. Dabney off was the giant, silent tears spilling from Ariana's eyes. "No, please don't leave!" Ariana pleaded as she grabbed Mrs. Dabney's arm. "Please, just lend me your shoulder for just a minute. I promise I will feel better afterwards." Ariana said as she gently placed her forehead against Mrs. Dabney's shoulder. Mrs. Dabney's wild cat mode started to settle down. With a small sigh she stroked the back of Ariana's hair. Ariana silently wept as she burned the moment her and Mrs. Dabney had into her heart.

"You feeling better dear?' Mrs. Dabney asked as Ariana lifted her head. "Yes... Thank you." Ariana said as she gently wipped the left over tears away with her index fingers. "So, tell me why this happened." Mrs. Dabney asked as she pulled out a a icy blue vial and a tiny, flat pillow from her first aid bag. "I got mad because of the head librarian. Her att.i.tude was awful so I told her that Gregory was my father." Ariana answered sheepishly. Mrs. Dabney silently empty the blue liquid from the vial onto the pillow and then placed it against Ariana's left cheek. Ariana let out a small hiss as the pillow touched her skin. "It's so cold." Ariana said in a surprised voice.

"Hold this for a few mintues." Mrs. Dabney instructed firmly and Ariana did as she was told. "Honestly the only surprising thing here is the bull sh*t you're trying to sell me." Mrs. Dabney said bluntly as she put the empty vial back into her first aid kit bag. "I-I swear that's how this all started!" Ariana said in a slightly high pitched voice. "Why would Christina give you att.i.tude?" Mrs. Dabney asked as she looked Ariana square in the eye. "She was s.e.xually hara.s.sing Gregory and he asked me for a favour but I took it a little too far... I swear I wasn't going to take it that far and say he was my dad... I just wanted to ask him if there was a way to get my grand-um, the Countess to bring me a reference book from my room." Ariana admitted.

"s.e.xually hara.s.sing Gregory?! This is a big accusation. Christina could lose her job because of this." Mrs. Dabney gasped as her eyes started to sparkle with curiosity. "I swear! She told me that she wanted to eat meat and two veg or something I'm not sure exactly what she said but Gregory said it meant she wanted to snack on his private parts and shuddered. He complained that she was taking drastic advancements and it was unsettling." Ariana said in one ma.s.sive breath. "Holy bleeping, bleep, bleeps! I knew that woman was off her rocker but that is wrong! You don't tell that to a minor!" Mrs. Dabney shrieked. "Then she hugged his arm and accused me of seducing him with my nice b.r.e.a.s.t.s and young face!" Ariana said as she started to get excited. "HOLY c.r.a.p!" Mrs. Dabney shouted. "That b*tch is going down!" Mrs. Dabney yelled. "Oh... but wait. What reference book do you need? Our library is well stocked with what you would need so asking for something outside of our inventory is unheard off." Mrs. Dabney asked as she started to calm down.

"Oh my G*d! I need to hand in my STEM project draft to Professor Penon!" Ariana shouted as she looked around. "I need my bag!" Ariana said frantically. "Don't worry, I'll help you find your bag but is the reference book related to your project?" Mrs. Dabney asked as she helped Ariana scan the ground. "Yes! I need it to further my research into the human ear. The book is fantasic, it makes even the stupidest of people understand the contents so easily." Ariana said as she lit up. She found her bag and rushed up to it. She quickly opened it up and sighed when she saw that her book was still there. "Your reference book. What's it called." Mrs. Dabney asked cautiously.

"Ummm... I think it was called theories, research and evidence of the human anatomy by, by, by... I'm sorry that's all I remember." Ariana said apologetically. "It's by Dr. R. Lyn Evans." Mrs. Dabney said as her face suddenly became unreadable. "I guess, I'm not a 100% sure." Ariana said awkwardly as she clutched her bag against her body. "Come with me." Mrs. Dabney said before she started walking towards Ms. Hadley. "Paola, I'm taking Ariana." She told Ms. Hadley matter-of-factly. Ms. Hadley turned to protest but saw that Mrs, Dabney's face, it was nothing short of demonic and it meant that there was no room for negotiations. "Let's go." Mrs. Dabney said as she started to walk away. Ariana looked at Ms. Hadley for rea.s.surance but felt her blood run cold instead. Ms. Hadley looked just as scared as she felt. "Ariana." Mrs. Dabney called calmly but it freaked Ariana even more witless, all she could do was sheepishly follow Mrs. Dabney with sealed lips.

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My Way To You 110 Playing Make Believe summary

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