My Way To You 216 Will Not Believe

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Edlyn's hair stood on end as she screamed internally. "Big brother Lobo, my auntie is congratulating you!" Ariana shouted as she waved her hand happily in the air. Lobo lit up like a Christmas tree and looked at Mrs. Abela. "Thank you." He shouted as he waved with his free hand. The other hand had a stack of white envelopes. "I promise to take care of my new little sister."

Mrs. Abela paused then waved vigorously as the carriage slowly disappeared. "There, you're saved." Ariana said softly to Edlyn. However Edlyn was paler then a ghost. "But now she knows which boy is not your brother." Edlyn groaned as she leaned her head on top of Ariana's shoulder. "I won't hear the end of it." Edlyn cried. Ariana raised her hand and stroked the side of Edlyn's head, hoping that the action would bring some comfort to her. "I'll stay by your side. We can suffer together." Ariana cooed.

"Let's go back. I'm exhausted and Thor is probably anxious." Edlyn sighed as she straightened herself up. "Ariana!" Lobo shouted, causing Ariana to panic. She grabbed Edlyn's hand and started running at full speed. "What's going on?" Edlyn shouted as she was dragged up the winding road. Ariana looked back and saw Lobo closing in on them. "Ahhhh! Too slow." Ariana shouted and pulled Edlyn forward. Edlyn stumbled but Ariana caught her and picked Edlyn up in a princess carry. She then started to run even faster.

"What's going on?!" Edlyn yelled as she looked over Ariana's shoulder. She caught sight of Lobo racing towards them, eyes blazing as he had a demonic grin on his face. "Ahhh! Run faster!" Edlyn screamed. "Davita help!" Ariana yelled just as a gust of wind propelled the girls a good distance away. "Ahhhh too much! I can't run!" Ariana yelled as she stumbled over her own feet. They both flew forward and were caught by the gust of wind. 'It's not me!' Davita shouted from within the earring. "You two are so cute." A familiar voice laughed.

"Breeze?! Put us down! Quickly!" Ariana demanded. "Don't be mad gorgeous. I'm just doing someone a favour." Breeze said as his voice echoed from within the wind "Sorry baby doll, this is where we part." Breeze said as the wind gently placed Edlyn back down on to the ground. "No! I'm not going anywhere!" Ariana shouted but then she caught sight of Lobo. "If you're taking me somewhere do it now!" Ariana shouted as she struggled to get free. "Let go, take me, my goodness make up your mind!" Breeze laughed. "But you don't really have a choice. Someone wants to talk to you." Breeze said as he whisked her away.

"I'll see you back at the dorm!" Ariana shouted as she was carried off by Breeze's wind. "What the h.e.l.l?!" Lobo shouted as he reached Edlyn. "Where is she going now?!" Edlyn shrugged her shoulders as she looked at Lobo. "No idea but what I want to know is how did you become Ariana's big brother." 


"Here you are." Breeze said as he dropped Ariana off in Gregory's room. "Oh h.e.l.l no!" Ariana shouted as she tried to escape. "Relax, I'll be here with you." Breeze said as materialized from the wind. "You don't understand, Gregory is absolutely p.i.s.sed at me!" Ariana hissed between gritted teeth. "No, not really. I think I somewhat deserved it." Gregory said from behind them. Ariana turned and gave Gregory a forced smile. "h.e.l.lo, fancy meeting you here." Ariana said as she swung her arms like pendulums, clapping as her hands front of her. 

"It's my room." Gregory said flatly as he looked at Ariana with his permanent furrowed brow. "Right." Ariana said as she stopped swing her arms. There was a horrendously awkward silence in the room. Breeze seemed to be unphased and waited for the two of them to start talking. "So..." Ariana said as she scratched the back of her head. "So?" Gregory asked. "So you wanted to talk to me?" Ariana asked with an awkward tone.

"I w-wanted." Gregory started but he was having a hard time forming the words he wanted to say. "You wanted to what?" Ariana coaxed. "I, I crossed a line earlier." Gregory spat, the forcefulness of his voice had no trace of remorse. It was like he was merely stating the facts. "You've always crossed a line with me what's new?" Ariana said with a bored tone. "No that's not what I mean!" Gregory yelled. "Then?!" Ariana shouted back. "Why are you so infuriating! I'm trying to apologize for my behaviour!" Gregory roared as his face turned red.

Ariana's jaw dropped, she couldn't believe Gregory's words. "Well?! I apologized! I am apologizing already say something?!" Gregory shouted as he swung his hand in the air as if he batted a fly. "That's not an apology! I won't, no I will not believe you! You're not even sincere." Ariana said as she snorted hot air. She quickly crossed her arms and pointed her nose in the air. "You're unbelievable!" Gregory hissed loudly. "Me?! I had to tolerate your abuse for three weeks! Three solid weeks! Then all of a sudden you want to apologize! In your dreams!" Ariana shouted as she stomped her foot furiously.

"I did it to protect you!" Gregory shouted in return. "Sure you did! Ha! I'm not stupid enough to believe such lies!" Ariana said with a dark laugh. Gregory stomped his way up to Ariana but Breeze blocked his path. He tried to push Breeze away but Breeze took a firm stance. "I need to apologize properly." Gregory hissed through his clenched teeth. "And you're not helping."

"Calm down. I don't want you to do something you will regret." Breeze said as he patted Gregory's shoulder. Gregory let out a deep sigh and relaxed his face. "Good." Breeze said as he took a step to the side. Gregory reached out and wrapped his arms around Ariana. "I'm sorry. I thought I had everything planned out but I just did more harm then good." Gregory whispered. Shocking Ariana to her very core. "I really was trying to keep you safe."

"No way..." Ariana gasped as she looked up at Gregory's face. "I can't believe you." Ariana said cautiously. Gregory sighed and slowly released Ariana. "I'm really sorry." Gregory said as he dropped down to his knees.

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My Way To You 216 Will Not Believe summary

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