My Way To You 241 Mission To Compensate

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Lobo gave Ariana a dismissive look then stared daggers at the Elder. 'If you can hunt down and eliminate the threat that has been plaguing us for the last two years then we are willing to spare your life.' The Elder said as he steeled his gaze at Ariana. 'Grandfather that's not fair! We had no luck! How can you expect her to hunt something so illusive?!' Mirela shouted as she continued to struggle against the sparrowmen who held her tightly. 

"This is for the best Mirela. I don't want that thing to hurt you, I already see you as a dear friend and as my friend I will do everything in my power to keep you safe." Ariana said as she gave Mirela a bittersweet smile. Mirela calmed down, she was no longer struggling against the sparrowmen and tears started to well up. 'I will help you then! I will not let you do this on your own!' Mirela shouted. 'No! This is her mission. She needs to compensate for the lives lost due to her mother's actions. If you choose to help the abomination then you will have to face the consequences, there will be no leniency even if you are of my blood our clan will not tolerate disobedience.' The Edler said coldly.

"Don't worry I will not allow Mirela to help me. Just name your deadline and I will leave. I will not ask anymore questions regarding my mother from you or your people, forget the last words of my mother it means nothing to me. She's dead and decided to save the soul of her child. I am just a stand in to suffer for her choices. But if you dare to try and raise a hand against Mirela or any of MY people I swear I will hunt you down instead." Ariana said with a deadly tone that the fairies started to tremble. It was as if Ariana turned into a different person. Her bloodl.u.s.t was not hidden and her gaze turned murderous. 

The Elder swallowed back saliva as he broke out into a cold sweat even though he refused to break the mask he was wearing, he sat proudly as he stared back at Ariana. 'We have a deal. If you can get rid of the threat then your life is spared and we swear not to lay a single hand on my granddaughter or any of your people.' The Elder promised with a small nod of his head. "We are leaving then. Thank you for your hospitality, come Lobo." Ariana said courtly making sure that the word hospitality was dripping with heavy sarcasm. 

Lobo bowed to Ariana before he lead the way out. The fairies parted and watched as they walked away. The sparrowmen released Mirela and she gave them the coldest glare she could produce before she flew up to the Elder. 'How dare you lie to me.' Mirela hissed. The Elder looked unaffected as he glanced at Mirela then looked back at Ariana's back. 'You will understand one day when you take over my position.' The Edler said solemnly. 'If you wanted her help you could have just asked.' Mirela spat befored she started to to chase after Ariana but the Elder grabbed her wrist, stopping her in her tracks. 

'We do not interfere in their actions nor do they get involved in ours. That has been the way since the days of the old.' The Elder said in hushed voice. Mirela yanked her wrist free as she glared at the Elder. 'Yet she gave us back our lives not once but twice. She has gotten involved without our asking, you are just a coward! Too afraid of change, too stubborn to fix the ways of the old. I swear, I will bring change when it's my time.' Mirela said coolly then fluttered after Ariana. 

'Your father said the same thing....' The Elder said under his breath as he watched his beloved granddaughter leave.

'Ariana!' Mirela shouted as she chased both Lobo and Ariana, who were walking through the tunnel. "Mirela?" Ariana called back as she turned. Mirela crashed into Ariana's cheek and rubbed her tear streaked face against it. 'I'm so sorry! I thought he had good intentions for calling you down here!' Mirela cried. "No, it's not your fault... Never think it is your fault. I should have been a little bit more cautious. You warned me not to go head first into things but I still rushed in here hoping for the best." Ariana said but Mirela just cried.

"Hey Mirela, I got to say you've gotten so brave since you last talked to me." Ariana said with a small giggle as a bright smile spread across her face. 'This is no time to laugh! How are you going to track down something that we have yet to find?!' Mirela asked as Ariana slowly peeled her body off of her cheek.

"Well if we can talk about it maybe I will get some clues." Ariana said as the continued to walk. 'Okay.' Mirela sniffed as she hugged Ariana's index finger. "My goodness I think I might have preferred you afraid of me. I never knew how clingy you were!" Ariana laughed as she teased Mirela. 'Of course I'm clingy! You're my first friend and I need to let you know I appreciate you.' Mirela said as she gave Ariana a weak smile, tears still welled up in her eyes. 

"I don't believe I'm your first." Ariana said gently as she moved her left hand under Mirela so she had a place to sit. 'You met my grandfather... No one wants to offend him, so I never had a friend." Mirela said pitifully as slowly released Ariana's index finger. She poked Ariana's left palm with the tips of her tiny, ballet like shoes and when she felt it was fine she took her seat. Making herself at home as Lobo and Ariana walked. 

Ariana said nothing and slipped into deep thought. "So are you going to tell me what happened?" Lobo asked as he poked Ariana's cheek. "Not until we are out of their domain. I don't need you to go back and raise h.e.l.l." Ariana replied in a daze. "Then where do you plan to go?" Lobo asked as he fought the urge to go back to the domain anyways. He didn't like her answer and was already on edge because of their close encounter. "The Dabney's home. They need to know too. This is actually bigger then what I expected."

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My Way To You 241 Mission To Compensate summary

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