My Way To You 255 Cake?

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"Does it really matter?" Icarus yawned. Lobo looked at Icarus. "Besides why do you care so much? You say she's your sister but is that the truth? Are you not being overly possessive of something that you can't have? Are you sure you don't want to make her your mate instead?" Icarus asked as he slowly got off the ground. "I can guarantee you that I don't want her as a mate... In truth I might have found a potential one just by watching her interact with my sister but I won't be tell you." Lobo laughed as he slapped Icarus on the back.

"Wait what?! When?! You can't leave me with that!" Icarus shouted. Lobo just flashed a smile and started to take a few steps forward. "We can talk about it later. Right now I want to p.i.s.s off that b.a.s.t.a.r.d."


"Cayden can we talk?" Ariana asked as they walked hand in hand towards the bathhouse. "I don't see why not?" Cayden replied. "But I want you to reply to me truthfully. I don't want questions answered with other questions." Ariana said calmly. Cayden paused as he tightened his grip. "Cayden?" Ariana called out as she started to wince. "I'm so sorry!" Cayden shouted as he released Ariana's hand. "You're worried." Ariana said as she gently ma.s.saged her hand. "Maybe.... I.... I can't answer as truthfully as you want me too." Cayden sighed as he stopped walking.

Ariana stood in front of him and stared at his face. Cayden gently took Ariana's hand again and inspected it. "Does it still hurt?" He asked pitifully. Ariana shook her head no. Cayden brought her hand to his lips and gently kissed the red spots he left behind.

"There are things I want to talk to you about but it's too soon for me to say anything." Cayden whispered against her knuckles.

"Why? Why are you so afraid of talking to me? Have I not been patient enough? You are no longer restricted by the slave markings and you have Adonis with you. If your cursed Vasu and I can remove it. I just want to know why haven't we talked about... Us... Being together.... Or having a future." Ariana said with great difficulty. She could already feel tears welling up in her eyes.

"You'll hate me if I do. I want to have things sorted out so you don't. That's all. I just need you to be a little more patient. Please? I promise to answer all the questions you have, if I can but other then that I, I just can't." Cayden said as he brought Ariana's hand to his chest and placed it over top of his heart. "Okay... I will take what I can get I guess." Ariana mumbled as she pulled her hand back. 

They started walking again but this time they walked at a slower pace. "So." Ariana started. "So?" Cayden echoed. "Why didn't you contact me while you were gone? I was worried." Ariana asked. "I couldn't. I wasn't allowed." Cayden replied.

"Why weren't you allowed?" 

"I was being punished for getting into a relations.h.i.+p with you."

"What did they do to you?" 



"Yes, pa.s.s. I don't want to answer this question."

"Was it that bad?"

"Don't think about. I don't want you too. Ask me something else."

"Why did you get your friends to babysit me? You know I can take care of myself."

"No you can't."

"Yes I can."

"You proved last night that I had every right to worry about your safety. So no you can't. If something happened... If you were... I would never forgive myself. You mean too much to me and to others."

"How important am I to you?" Ariana asked as her heart raced. She wanted to hear the three little words that she had been dying to say to Cayden but he told her he wanted to say it first. "Important." Cayden said courtly. "You suck." Ariana said with a deadpan face. "So no more questions?" Cayden asked with a small chuckle. "Sure I have tons." Ariana said with a tinge of sarcasm and disdain.

"Go on or you won't get a chance once we reach the bathhouse." Cayden said as he grabbed Ariana's hand. "You're mean." Ariana replied with a pout. "Probably but I'm not the one wasting time." Cayden replied 

"Fine! Simple questions then." Ariana said bitterly. "Go ahead Cayden replied. "You're birthday is coming up what do you want?" Ariana asked arrogantly. Cayden paused and went silent for a little while. "Good question but I thought this was supposed to be a simple question." He replied. "That was simple! Is there not  something you want that I can give you?" Ariana asked with great antic.i.p.ation.

"Sure there is but will you give it to me?" Cayden chuckled as he raised an eyebrow to Ariana. "As long as it's within my power I will give you anything." Ariana replied as her face flushed. She hoped that she had enough courage to back up her words. Especially with what happened last night. 

"Cake." Cayden replied. "Cake?" Ariana repeated. "Yes. I want you to bake me a birthday cake. The same birthday cake you said in your letters to me." Cayden replied with a gentle smile. "Strawberry shortcake.... I'll think about it." Ariana said. "You said as long as it's within your power. Why do you need to think about it now?" Cayden asked. "It's fine. Birthday cake, got it." Ariana replied.

Cayden stopped walking and pulled Ariana into an embrace. "Why are you so upset now? I answered your questions and seriously thought about what I want for my birthday. There's no rush to make the cake either since it's after exams. Don't make it too big either, I'm not planning on sharing it." Cayden said as he watched Ariana's face change from emotionless to a bright smile. 

"O-okay." Ariana said bashfully as she looked up at Cayden's face. "Your tempting me." Cayden growled as he brought up his hand and placed it under her chin. He brought up his thumb and gently stroked Ariana's bottom lip as he stared at Ariana with l.u.s.t reflecting in his eyes. "How am I tempting you?" Ariana replied breathlessly, her eyes started to s.h.i.+ne in response and her lips slightly trembled. "I." Cayden whispered as he started to lean in. Ariana started to close her eyes as her heart thundered against her chest. "I." Cayden whispered again as his lips inched closer.

"h.e.l.lo!" Lobo shouted as he placed his hand in between Cayden and Ariana's lips. Cayden pulled back and glared at Lobo while Ariana was slowly coming out of daze. "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something? Really very sorry but mom did say she wanted to go to the bathhouse." Lobo said with a small laugh right before he grabbed Ariana. "I'll escort her since you obviously have other thoughts." 

Icarus stepped beside Cayden and placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. "I tried to hold him back but when he heard cake he kinda lost it."

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My Way To You 255 Cake? summary

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