My Way To You 265 Insanity

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Vanessa paled as her jaw slacked practically to the ground. Ariana was mortified! This was too much! Cayden was being too much! Ariana stomped on Cayden's foot with everything she had but he didn't flinch. "You moron! Psycho! Perverted monkey!" She shouted as she continued her foot a.s.sualt. Cayden laughed as he placed a feather like kiss on her forehead. 

Veins started to pop out on Ariana's face. She was getting absolutely angry and Cayden's happy face was not helping her temper. She decided to fling her fist to the area next to Cayden's manhood. He reacted and instantly let go as he exhaled a puff of air. Ariana stomped over to Vanessa and grabbed her hand. "You don't have to walk me to cla.s.s!" Ariana shouted before dragging Vanessa away. Vanessa looked back and saw that Cayden had hunched over. He had used his knee as a way to prop himself up.

"That a**hole!" Ariana grumbled as she tightened her grip on Vanessa's hand. "Ariana!" Vanessa shrieked. Ariana stopped walking abruptly and turned to look at Vanessa. When she saw her shocked face Ariana's temper sizzled out. "Oh! I'm so sorry." Ariana said apologetically as she let Vanessa's hand go.

"Did I hurt you?" Ariana asked as she cautiously reached out and gingerly picked up Vanessa's hand. She then moved to inspected the area she was holding but didn't see anything immediately.

"No, it's just... It's just a lady does not speak that kind of language! Honestly what has your mother been teaching you?! Or your grandmother?! Do you kiss her cheek with that kind of mouth?! It's evident that no one has taught you proper etiquette and if you are to enter the Remo household you need to learn to keep your temper in check or else they will bully you!" Vanessa said in an arrogant huff. 

Ariana looked at Vanessa with wide eyes. It was only for a moment but she was surprised. Soon that surprise turned to happiness and she couldn't stop herself from hugging Vanessa. "You're right. I will be so honoured if you could be my teacher. If I could learn from you then I know I will become the perfect lady." Ariana cooed as she petted Vanessa's head. "Enough! You're disgustingly huge chest will suffocate me if you keep hugging me so tightly!" Vanessa shouted in an annoyed voice but her face was bright and happy. 

"Alright, no more bear hugs. So let's say every Thursday after cooking cla.s.s we have an etiquette cla.s.s. We all eat what we make and I think many girls would appreciate a teacher as elegant and dignified as yourself to show them proper table manners and etiquette." Ariana said. Suddenly poof Felix's ears and tail formed on Vanessa. His ears twitched and his tail wagged in delight. Vanessa pointed her nose into the air as she crossed her arms over her chest. 

"That sounds acceptable. Heaven only knows what kind of degenerates go to some student run cooking cla.s.s! They can all benefit from someone like me. I think an hour at most every Thursday after your cooking cla.s.s will do. I don't know how long your cla.s.s runs so I will be there to observe. I will not partic.i.p.ate!" Vanessa said in a haughty tone that Ariana had to suppress a giggle. Felix was doing a marvelous job showing what she really thought.

"That sounds acceptable." Ariana said politely as she curtsied. Vanessa couldn't stop the corners of her lips from turning upwards. "Well I need to do something first, you go on inside the school. You're only a few feet away." Vanessa said as she turned around. Ariana looked a little closer and saw that her human ears were a bright red. "Alright. See you in cla.s.s." Ariana said with a light laugh before she started to walk away.

Vanessa looked back and caught sight of the tail. "Felix!" Ariana heard Vanessa yell and she couldn't help but laugh. A bounce was brought back into Ariana's step and she couldn't have felt happier. She practically skipped her way in to cla.s.s as she hummed a tune. "Someone is happy." A voice called out. Ariana spun on the b.a.l.l.s of her heels and turned around dramatically. She wanted her hair to spin in the air but she did it too fast and her hair slapped her in the face instead. 

"Sorry?" Ariana asked as she spat out hair. "I was just saying you're pretty happy." The voice said in an awkward tone. "I would say so! We only have 3 weeks before our next family day then the week after are our semester exam review before the actual exams. How can I not be excited?" Ariana said in a delighted voice.

"It's good to see you so lively." The male student said with a small sigh. "I'm sorry. I don't know if it was the treatment or just my memory but what was your name again?" Ariana asked politely.

The slightly built young man looked a little disappointed. He brushed back his medium length walnut brown hair with icy-blue tips. His tan coloured eyes reflected some sadness but his smile never faltered. "Lucius Malone. We fought together in the arena, actually we were the first two that fought in the arena for our year." 

"Yes! I remember! Lucius.... Sorry we haven't really talked since then. I kinda *cough* beat you to a pulp." Ariana said painfully as if she a.s.sumed the role of the loser. Lucius shook his head no. "If anything it made me want to improve myself." He explained then there was an awkward silence between the two. "So." Ariana said as she rocked back and forth on the b.a.l.l.s of her heels. "So." Lucius said in return. "Do you usually come to cla.s.s this early?" Ariana asked. "Yes." Lucius said as he flashed a shaky smile. "It's nice an quiet." Ariana stated as she cringed internally, she was making a fool of herself.

"Yes. I can study well with the silence." Lucius replied. "Oh, then I should leave you alone to study then." Ariana said as she took a few steps back. "No!" Lucius shouted a little too loudly. Ariana stared at Lucius, completely confused while Lucius cleared his throat. "No it's okay. I don't get a chance everyday to talk to you." Lucius said bashfully.

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My Way To You 265 Insanity summary

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