My Way To You 98 Eugene

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"Talisha, you've met Cayden? Where? As far as I know he was staying with his father at the Remo Estate, whenever their was a break or vacation he never came back to the cafe.... I... I tried looking for him once but I always thought the Estate was in Stella Amora." Ariana said as she started to think back. "You're not wrong. The Remo's are very rich and powerful. They can't compare to the Drake's power and influence but their fortune is vast. They have multiple properties all over the Kingdom. Rumors say Lord Remo is a complete dog. Chasing all the bones he can get his jaws into. He's got multiple mistresses all over the place and his wife isn't any better." Halina said as she crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her gaze.

"I wouldn't know. I have never talked to Cayden about his family. The only thing I know is that his father and stepmother are disgusting pieces of sh*t." Ariana said as her eyes flashed with disdain. "Flint too. He did not fall to far from the tree." Edlyn said as she grabbed Thor and hugged him for comfort. "They have a third child and I have heard almost nothing about him but that doesn't mean he's not that innocent." Talisha said darkly. "So how did you meet?" Halina asked, not letting the topic go, even if they got distracted.

"We may have met a couple of times in the Capital..." Talisha said reluctantly. "The Capital?" Ariana questioned. "Ya... that's where I was staying the last couple of years. My family s.h.i.+pped me off to my great aunt and never bothered to check up on me." Talisha said with a shrug. "Were you lonely?" Edlyn asked as Thor snuggled against her face. "Not really I had my girls and we decided to be eachother's family." Talisha said. Ariana looked at Edlyn then Talisha. "So you two have never met before you started here?" Ariana asked.

"No way! My great aunt pretty much let me do whatever I wanted. She never forced me to any parties or mingle with the upper crust. Honestly the only reason you two stuck out was because of the incident at the examination... but how did you become friends? Mrs. Abela hated you, while Edlyn didn't even utter a single word." Talisha said as she watched Ariana and Edlyn's reaction.

"I was persistent." Ariana said as she stared down Talisha. "Funny, I was under the impression the Edlyn was too shy to actually say anything but she proved me wrong. I mean she has quite the strong personality." Talisha said with a cautionary undertone. Ariana felt her blood run cold as her heart raced. She didn't know if many people knew about Edlyn being mute but at the same time how many students actually met and talked to Edlyn was a complete mystery to her.

"I was mute." Edlyn said, causing everyone's jaws to drop. "Edlyn..." Ariana whispered but Edlyn shook her head. "It's fine. People will talk and it's better to have people know the truth. I was mute but I got better. Ms. Hadley is helping me with my enunciation after school." Edlyn said nonchalantly. "Mute... as in you couldn't talk? How can you get better from that? I mean... did the church get involved? Were you cursed or loved by magical creatures? Oh! Did you meet the priestess?!" Halina asked as she practically bounced with excitement.

"The church is no one's ally! Don't believe in their sh*t about the priestess either!" Ariana shouted as she destroyed the date square in her hands. 'Mine!' Duko shouted as he started to eat up the mess from Ariana's bed. No one said a single word as the atmosphere became tense. "Sorry... I'm going to get some air." Ariana said as she started to get up. "No, I don't think that's a very good idea. It's late and people may talk." Talisha said as Ariana got up. Ariana paused for a second then sat back down. "I hate the church." Ariana said after time pa.s.sed.

"Why... I know there are some pretty bad rumors about them but nothing has been verified... My brother, Theo has rea.s.sured me... I mean, I heard stories about the priestess. She is still out there performing miracles for people. If they were bad would she still be helping them?" Halina said softly, hoping to calm down Ariana. "No she's not." Ariana said as her head dropped down to her chest and her shoulders sagged.

Suddenly Talisha started coughing and everyone turned to her. "So I should tell you about myself... You know trust building and everything. So my name is Talisha Valentina and I am the gang leader for a the most notorious female group in the Capital, the crimson roses." Talisha confessed with pride. "Wait what?! No freaking way?! How could you drop a truth bomb like that?!" Halina shouted as she looked at Talisha.

"You wanted to know how I met Cayden? Well there is some things you need to know about me first. A while back when we were... cough... liberating some women and gold from an auction house. It was a little out of our element for us and I thought we could complete the task smoothly but we were surrounded. Our intel was wrong and someone wanted to get rid of our gang after we p.i.s.sed off the wrong people." Talisha said. Ariana lifted her head and looked at Talisha. "Why would you act if it was so risky and ill prepared?" Ariana asked.

"Some of my girls had family members taken in the middle of the night from their homes... I found out later it was the church who ordered the abductions. They were missing for weeks, then we heard that they had no use for them and transfered them over to the auction house." Talisha said as her shoulders started to shake. "But not everyone was there. Only a third of the women who were taken were given to the auction house. Later we found out the church kept a few and others were given as pets to some of the shadier n.o.bles." Talisha told them as her face paled.

"So what happened?" Edlyn asked. Talisha let out a giant shaky sigh as her nerves steadied. "Eugene... A guy named Eugene came in and saved us. He killed every b.a.s.t.a.r.d who cornered us without hesitation. He kept the curator alive and hauled him away after setting the auction house on fire. I chased him and begged him to help us find the other family members but he just looked at me with his cold grey eyes then left. A couple of days later he came to our hideout and gave us a badly beaten man. Said he knew where everyone was and left. After that he would come back every so often asking how our preparations were going, he wanted to make sure we were ready to rescue our loved ones. He would provide us layouts, information and training so we could do it on our own. Eventually he stopped coming after we got the hang of it but I will never forget his eyes." Talisha said a she shuddered.

"Cold, uncaring and practically deadly. Covered himself completely, only leaving his eyes exposed." Edlyn said as a chill ran down her body. "Yes! That's him exactly." Talisha said as she pointed ad Edlyn. "Wait you met Eugene too?" Ariana asked. "Yes." Edlyn answered. "Wait but I told you about Eugene before but you never said a single word!" Ariana shouted in surprise. "He told me not to." Edlyn responded. "Wait you met Eugene?" Talisha said as she waved her hand in confusion. "Ya, he saved me when I ran from the Grand Council." Ariana said absentmindedly as she started to stroke her chin.

"What the h.e.l.l is going on! You ran from the Grand Council?! The church is abducting people?! Human trafficking?!" Halina shouted as she paled. Ariana froze and looked up at Halina. "... Unfortunately it's all true." She answered reluctantly. "How are you still alive?" Halina asked as she started to sweat. "I, I told the board of directors what was happening. My grandmother... is on the Council and she found out that they wanted to abduct me so... she helped me escape with Rain's help."

"Wait, wait, wait! Why would they try to abduct you?" Talisha asked while Halina looked like she was ready to pa.s.s out. "Her eyes." Edlyn said suddenly scaring everyone else. "You mean how the church is recruiting people with jewel like eyes right? But that's all voluntary, you're allowed to say no... but... Oh my... no! No! No! No! No! My brother signed up, he has been in contact with the family. He said he even met the priestess and how nice and wonderful she is." Halina said as her eyes started to well up with tears. "He needs money every once in a while but he's doing good. He's learning as the priestess's apprentice." She continued as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"It's a lie... The church is trying to replace the priestess because she's gone." Ariana said as her heart ached watching Halina's world come down. "No, that's not true! She's teaching my brother! I know she is!" Halina cried as her body trembled. "Halina stop! Calm down. I'm sure your brother is okay." Edlyn said as she released Thor and tried to embrace her instead. "No! You're a liar!" Halina shouted as she got off the bed. "My brother is working along with the church to do good in this world. They don't abduct people." She shouted as she back away. "I can prove it! I will go down to the church tomorrow and look for Theo and he can tell me everything." Halina said as her eyes started to go a little wild.

"No! The moment you step into their territory you might not be able to leave!" Ariana shouted. "Halina, I can get in touch with my girls they can get you all the proof you need." Talisha said. "Or talk to Eugene." Edlyn said as she stood up. "Eugene?! Eugene?! I have no idea who that is?! Why would I trust a strangers words over my brother?! I trust in my brother! I know what he tells me is right and if we can just met up with my brother I'm sure he can let us see the priestess. She will tell you what the truth is. I mean you must have met her if you're not mute anymore." Halina rambled.

"ENOUGH!" Ariana shouted. "Loralei, Davita please secure the area." Ariana commanded. 'Ariana is that wise?' Loralei asked but Ariana shot her a cold glare. The two chibis quickly moved to secure the room. Halina, Talisha and Edlyn watched in awe as Loralei extended a barrier around the room while Davita controlled the wind. "The priestess, Evangeline Gaurita is dead. I should know, she died because of me." Ariana said with conviction. "What are you talking about?!" Talisha shouted as she paled and Halina dropped to her knees.

"You killed the priestess.... when... how?" Halina asked as she brought her horrified gaze up to Ariana. "She died after giving birth to me." Ariana said as she narrowed her gaze. "No f*cking way!" Talisha shouted as she took a few steps back. "No, no, no, no. That can't be right. My brother is with the priestess, he is learning directly from her, you're lying, you are a liar!" Halina shouted.
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Suddenly a loud slapping sound was heard. Halina's face already started swelling as she turned her gaze to Edlyn. "Don't you dare call her a liar!" Edlyn shouted as tiny tears started to spill out of eyes. "She is the one who told my parents I was born a mute. She helped my family get back the money we have given to the church over the years. She is the one who gave me my voice! She is my best friend and I will not let you talk badly about her!" Edlyn shouted at the top of her lungs shocking everyone in the room.

"Why... did you tell us about yourself?" Talisha asked as she hugged herself. "You said it yourself. We should talk about ourselves to trust eachother... and you also proved yourselves at the party. Vasu please come here." Ariana asked as Vasu floated down to her open arms. Ariana walked up to Halina and placed her hand over her swollen cheek. With a heavy sigh Vasu started to glow a soft pink just as Ariana's hand started to glow the same colour. Halina gasped as she felt a warm sensation enter her body. Ariana removed her hand and turned to Edlyn. "Hand please." She said but Edlyn shook her head no. "It will heal fine on its own."

Ariana sighed and let Vasu go. "Thank you Vasu.... Halina, if you still think I'm lying then ask your familiar. Every magical creature knows who I am but I will never be recognized as the next jewel eyed priestess." Ariana said firmly. Halina slowly turned to Ophelia and Talisha to Bacon. 'Honestly Halina! Look at your own face and tell me you have doubts. You've been healed by the priestess's very own daughter. You should be honoured.' Ophelia squawked before she and Bacon walked up to Ariana and bowed.

'Forgive my master for her incompetence.' Ophelia said in a dignified voice. 'I feel relieved you finally told my master the truth, she has been suspicious of you and I beg your forgiveness for not standing up for you.' Bacon said. Causing both Halina and Talisha to gawk. "I can't believe it." Halina said as she dropped her gaze. "I don't blame you for not believing me. It's only natural but Ophelia, Bacon are you not afraid of me? I mean all magical creatures love Edlyn but don't listen to her. While I am feared but my every command is obeyed, even if I never uttered a word." Ariana asked curiously. 'We've watched you and spent time with you. There is nothing to be afraid of." Bacon said as he lifted his head and started to wag his stuppy tail.

'Bacon is correct. Fear is for the uneducated, ignorant and cowardly. I am honoured to be in your presence.' Ophelia said as she brought herself back up elegantly. "Thank you." Ariana said as she looked at the familiars affectionately. "I'm so s-sorry I called you a liar!" Halina cried her heart out. "I'm so sorry!" She kept saying as she wiped away her tears with the palms of her hands. "It's okay... not a lot of people know that the priestess is dead or that she had a daughter and I'm afraid it may not be a secret much longer." Ariana said with a sigh as she sat back on her bed, Duko happily walked onto Ariana's lap and snuggled against her. "You told us such a huge secret!" Halina cried even harder. 'Halina calm yourself already!' Ophelia honked.

"Do you really think your secret will come out?" Edlyn asked as she pa.s.sed a box of tissues to Halina. "Our history teacher, Gautam Waldemar. He told me that Vasu was my mother's familiar originally... How long will it take people to piece it together? Should I come out with the truth before rumors start to spread or put my faith in the Board of Directors? Do I really have a choice? If more people know will it be leaked to the church that what they a.s.sumed about me is true? My mother died to make sure I lived, my uncle died so I could escape... Do I come out with my secret and have their efforts spat at? I'm so conflicted! Everything is happening so fast and my head is spinning. I just want to live a normal life and not be seen as something else..." Ariana said as she shoulders sagged.

"You don't have to worry so much about it. I mean... I won't be treating you any differently. I am a little shocked to find out the truth but I think in time, I can get used to the idea." Talisha said awkwardly as she slowly approached Ariana's bed. "Thank you Talisha." Ariana sighed then looked up. "Halina... Your brother, when was the last time you've seen him?" Ariana asked. Halina wrapped her arms around her body. "I don't remember... we only got letters... I haven't seen him in years." She answered as her body shook.

"I'm so sorry Halina... I wish I could go right now and save your brother but I don't even have the slightest clue how to take down the church. I'm not strong enough... I'm still a child and the church is the church. I'm sure innocent people would lay down their lives for them if they asked. It's the will of the G.o.ddess of Creation that you protect the church." Ariana said in a deep voice as she started to scratch Duko behind the ear. "Build an army." Talisha said as she finally made it to the bed and sat down. "That's worse! How the h.e.l.l do I build an army? I don't want blood shed and I need to find out if the people that they abducted or recruited are still alive first."

Halina let out a small whimper causing Ariana to cringe. She didn't mean to make Halina worry. "Intel is the key and like I said Eugene is the best." Talisha said with confidence. "How do I get in contact with him? It would be great if we could plan things out, you know baby steps." Ariana said as she started to feel more hopeful. "It's easier then you think." Talisha said with a wink. "Eugene is Cayden." Edlyn blurted out taking Talisha's thunder. "Well... that is a pleasant surprise." Ariana said as fire started to burn in her eyes. Talisha moved off the bed and looked at Edlyn for help. "He stole a... cough, cough... couple of pa.s.sionate kisses from her. She's been feeling guilty." Edlyn said with a sly grin.

"A**hole is going to pay when he comes back!" Ariana hissed menacingly. "Cayden left?" Halina sniffed as she got off of the ground. "Oh." Ariana said as she slowly defused. "I should probably tell you what happened after we left..." Ariana said as she made herself more comfortable. While Loralei quickly shrunk back and Davita dispelled the air. They both floated over to Ariana and laid beside her legs.

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My Way To You 98 Eugene summary

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