My Soul Will Find Yours 4 The Former Love

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Inside the conference room, the president's secretary, Marie, was handing out the packed lunches ordered from the executive's favorite restaurant. I took my designated seat and pretended not to notice the dagger-like looks the two women seated across me were giving me. I swiveled my chair to accept my lunch from Marie. Unfortunately, by doing so, I caught a glimpse of Rach.e.l.le in my peripheral vision who was now rubbing her wrists in annoyance. My nails must have really irritated her skin. My lips curled upwards.

"Someone's in a good mood," Marie teased.

"Very good mood," I replied then placed my lunch on the table to face Rach.e.l.le. Upon realizing the meaning behind my words, her face crumpled even more. She was about to snap at me when President Anthony Co entered the room. Everyone seated stood up to greet him.

After telling us to take our seats, we immediately got to business. The meeting lasted until half past six, we were all drained but the look of accomplishment was visible in everyone's faces. Marie returned to the room to distribute dinner. I declined her offer then went to where president Anthony was seated.

"Sir," I started.

The man in his late fifties looked up and smiled the moment he saw me, "Yes, Hinata?"

"I hope you don't mind but is it okay if I leave early? As much as I'd love to stay and join everyone for dinner, traffic is bad on my route to home," I explained.

"You still haven't moved? If you need help in looking for a new place that's near the office, let me know. I can get Marie to look one for you."

"Thank you, sir, but there's no need. Mum needs me at home and I'm used to the long commute," I gracefully declined the old man's offer.

"If you ever change your mind, don't hesitate to let Marie know," he motioned for his secretary to come over, grabbed one of the packed food, and handed it to me. "Here, bring this with you. You might get hungry on the road."

I thanked him again, grabbed my laptop and went to my office. On my way there I saw Anne waiting by the elevator with the rest of my department staff. I sent her a message through SMS informing her that she did not need to wait for me earlier.

Fifteen minutes later I was at the parking lot. I was about to enter my car when a hand grabbed by arm. I turned and immediately frowned. It was Tyler.

"What are you doing here?" wiggled my arm from his grip.

"Can we talk? Please," he begged. "I just need twenty minutes."

"Ty, I'm tired and all I really want to do right now is take a bath and sleep," I ma.s.saged my temples, this was the habit I inherited from my mum whenever I was trying to be extra patient.

"I'm sorry about last night," his brows furrowed. "I didn't mean to be the drunk ex banging on your door."

"What's done is done. Let's move on from what happened." I turned around and tried to open my car once more. I was really tired.

However, Tyler suddenly hugged me from behind. His abrupt embrace and his familiar scent surprised me.

"Please, Nat. Let's talk. I really need you back in my life," he buried his face on my neck and unbeknownst to him, his warm breath tickled my skin there.

It didn't feel right. I tried to break free from his embrace but he fought me. His arms only held me tighter. I was no match for my six feet tall former love.

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My Soul Will Find Yours 4 The Former Love summary

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