My Soul Will Find Yours 75 It's Because I've Decided To Stay

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I stared at Ryuko-san's hand and saw that it was entirely covered in blood… My blood. 'So that was why my head hurt when I got up to run after Kaname,' I thought to myself detachedly, I was too shock to evoke the proper emotion. When I smelled its stomach-churning metallic scent, I felt faint. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kaname open the shoji.

"Taneyuki-san!" he yelled, it was laced with panic. "Get the palace doctor! Quick!"

I tried to breathe through my mouth but I was starting to see black spots. I reached out to grab Ryuko-san's arms to steady myself, however, Kaname beat me to it. I felt his familiar arms lift me, the warm chest that supported them smelled woodsy. He rushed out of the room to bring me somewhere, I caught a glimpse of Ryuko-san trying to match his pace. I struggled to keep my eyes open the entire time, I was blacking out. I willed myself to keep my eyes open to look at his face, I feared that he was still angry.

"Anata, I'm innocent…" I whispered. "I will never betray you…" Kaname's face crumpled and looked like he was about to cry, my heart ached. I lifted a hand and tried to touch his face but I was very weak. My lids were heavy and they threatened to close.

"Hinata!" came his anguished cry. "Taneyuki-san, where is the f.u.c.king physician!? Can't you see she's hurt! Don't just stand there! Move, d.a.m.n it!"

That was the last thing I heard before I fell into the complete darkness.


As I drifted between consciousness and the darkness that seemed to want to drown me, I felt myself being transported somewhere. My panic rose and I immediately tried to get away.

"Are you banis.h.i.+ng me out of the palace!?" I screamed although it sounded more like a croak. "Kaname, I'm innocent! Please don't do this to me!"

"Lady Hinata, relax. You're still in the castle," a motherly voice tried to sooth me.

"Ryuko-san?" I tried to open my eyes but they were so heavy. "Ryuko-san, where is Kaname? Did he abandon me?"

"My lady, please," her voice broke. "The physician is trying to treat your wound."

"Anata… Anata!" I called out for my husband. "Where are you? My love, I'm innocent…"

I felt a painful poking on the back of my head. The unpleasant sensation was coupled with a strong chemical scent. It a.s.saulted my nostrils.

"It hurts," I whimpered. "Please stop… Somebody please stop the pain…"

"S-stop," a familiar but at the same time foreign voice ordered. "She said it hurts. Disinfect it for now, let's wait for the anesthetics to arrive before we continue."

"I have to finish sewing the wound close," a gravelly voice announced. "My lord, if I don't do this now and we wait for tomorrow, by then it would have swelled so much and it would be impossible for the st.i.tches to hold properly."

Silence ensued before the poking restarted. The searing pain caused fresh tears to gush out of my eyes, I couldn't take it anymore so I surrendered to nothingness once more.


I woke up to find myself on an empty beach. There were driftwoods bleached bone white by the salt.w.a.ter scattered around everywhere. The sky looked dreary and grey, the sea breeze was heavy with moisture. It looked like it would rain any time soon. I got up and noticed that I was dressed in modern clothes: jeans, a loose s.h.i.+rt, and a pair of yellow Chuck Taylors. To my right stood a bicycle, a basket was attached to its stirring wheel and inside it was my backpack.

I walked towards the bike and sat on it. I was about to pedal away and leave the melancholic sh.o.r.e when the violent waves calmed, making the ocean suddenly look temptingly beautiful. I got off the bike and despite the coming rain, I decided to take a swim. Seeing that I was all alone, I didn't hesitate to strip. I took off my shoes, my jeans, and my top until only my bra and panties were left. I ran towards the water and was delighted to find that it was warm. When the water level reached my shoulders, I dove. I saw nothing in the water but a bluish black. I swam some more, not fearing the eerie emptiness of the water. Out of nowhere, I felt a stinging on the back of my head. I hurriedly surfaced to check on my scalp. My eyes widened at the sight of blood. No one else, not even a single sea creature, was in and out of the water. I was sure of it. So where did my wound come from? I looked around, my senses told me that I was right. I was the only living creature in this desolate place.

Deciding that it was best if I examine the wound on dry land, I swam in freestyle strokes towards the sh.o.r.e. I was almost there when my surroundings blurred and changed. The water disappeared and was replaced by a tatami-lined floor. An exquisitely embroidered red silk robe swapped my wet underthings and as if by magic, I was back in the palace, inside Ayaka's room in the ooku to be exact. I stood in a corner and watched as Kaname pushed Ayaka away to end their kiss. His eyes were curiously on the door behind him and not on the woman he just locked lips with.

"My lord?" the woman asked, her brows knitted together in confusion. "Is something wrong?"

He reluctantly redirected his gaze to the pet.i.te woman and said, "It's time for me to go back. Don't forget your promise."

"Before you leave, there's something I need to give you," she reached into her sleeve and gave him a piece of paper. "This is Lady Hinata's. It was given to her by someone when we went to the kabuki theater while you were gone."

When Kaname read the note, his face stiffened. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Exactly what that note implies, my lord. I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen. I kept the note when she threw it away so I could show it to you. The news of my pregnancy isn't the only thing I wished to tell you. Kaname-sama, Lady Hinata met up with the man and was gone for a very long time! Because I waited for her, I got wet in the rain and was down with the flu for days."

As soon as she finished spouting her lies, he left the room in a daze. Ayaka's angelic mask disappeared and was replaced with an evil smirk. "You are mine and mine alone, Kaname-sama. Neither Lady Mami nor that s.l.u.t Hinata can have you. Now that I'm carrying your child, I'll take advantage of this pregnancy and make you bend to my will."

My surroundings blurred once more, like a mirage on a desert. The next thing I know, I have returned in Kaname's room. The first thing I noticed was that I was lying on my stomach with my head turned to the side. I s.h.i.+fted and tried to change my position when…

"My lady, you cannot lie on your back. It's bad for your st.i.tches," my ever loyal head maid told me.

"Ryuko-san," I said and stopped moving. "I'm thirsty and I feel sticky."

She slowly helped me in a sitting position before getting me a cup of water, "Here, my lady. Drink up."

"Thank you," I smiled at her gratefully and drank. "More, please. I'm parched."

"I'm glad you're awake, Lady Hinata," she said as she poured me another cup, her eyes were misty. "You all gave us quite a fright! We all thought that you…"

She looked away to wipe a stray tear discreetly. "That I?" I prompted before positioning the cup to my lips.

"You were unconscious for three days. You drifted in and out of consciousness. On the second day you were feverish and we couldn't get your temperature down," her wizened lips were quivering as she fought her emotions. "But all of a sudden you started to fight and your fever broke."

"It's because I've decided to stay," the voice that spoke these words felt like it wasn't mine. "Ryuko-san, I want to get changed. Could you find me a red silk robe from the pile Taneyuki-san got me?"

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My Soul Will Find Yours 75 It's Because I've Decided To Stay summary

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