Love At First Kiss 502 Don't Mix I

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While I been waiting for Sophia's response I could see that she been thinking about something. as I been looking at her for some time she said while getting up from me "sorry for what I did"

"Nothing happened," I said while moving up and hugging her while don't let her go away. As I been doing it she said "we have something to eat"

"What you want," I asked her

"Oh I don't know something spicy," she said.

While hearing her I said "oh I don't know what I should make" an then I add in mind 'I hope we have something here another way I will be in trouble maybe I should buy something to keep it here some chili'

"Oh ok," he said in a sad voice. While hearing her I said "ok so now I will try to make something but don't expect so much for being spicy"

"Ok," she said and then I stopped hugging her and I get up. While I come out I could hear that she been walking after me. when I come to the kitchen and I opened the fridge and I started looking for something spicy if we have here. as I been doing it I take out meat to see if we have here something which could be covered behind it but I find nothing and then I said "we have nothing that I can make with it"

"Oh ok," she said

"So maybe we will order," I said to her. While hearing me she nodded and then I take my phone and after seeing on the app one of the restaurants which is close I ordered the spiciest thing there while only checking if there are any mushrooms. While when I did this Sophia said "what you ordered"

"Something that you might like," I said while truly don't know what have I ordered

"Oh ok so what we will be doing now," she asked

"I don't know you have some ideas," I asked

"Maybe but I don't know what to do while we will be waiting for food," she said

"Ok," I said while coming closer and while being like that I gives her a kiss and then I said "sorry for what happened earlier"

"Don't worry nothing happened?" she said

"I know it might look like I want it but still I want to wait until the end of your period to have it," I said.

While hearing me she nodded she move her head on my tors. When she did this she said "and I'm sorry for slapping you. I haven't think while doing it"

"Don't worry about it I might deserve it?" I said while looking at her

"No you haven't," she said

"I might deserve it but who knows," I said while hugging her. As we been like for some time I said "I will go smoke to wait for food" while seeing on the clock that ten minutes pa.s.s after my order and food should be here in ten minutes

"Ok babe but don't smoke too much while waiting there," she said

"Ok," I said to her while putting my shoes on and taking hoodie to hide my nacked tors and I walked out. while I been outside I could feel a little wind which been hitting me but after starting smoking I started moving a little. as I been like that for some time I ended one and before I could start another I could hear my phone started ringing.

as it been I looked and while I didn't know who it is I answered while saying "yes"

"I have delivery" guy said

"ok I will be soon close to the gate," I said to him while walking there. as I been coming there I could see that someone been waiting there. as I come he said "you for food"

"yes," I said while showing him my order on phone. while seeing it I pay him while giving tip and while having it I started walking back. as I been inside one more time I walked up. "these stairs will kill me" I said in a low voice while trying to take a breath.

As I come finally on the top floor before I go inside I calmed down my breath and then I come there. While I been there I could see that Sophia been watching something while still being in her bra. while she hadn't noticed me I take boxes with food and while I take two forks I come to her.

as I been there I said "here you have"

"Thanks," she said while taking them and opening. while seeing how it look I know that she might not like it while here been a lot of vegetables. as we started eating it after a first bit it has been so spicy so I said "f.u.c.k"

"what happened," she asked me

"it's so spicy," I said to her while trying to adjust to taste of it. while hearing me she said "its curry but you take spices"

"oh you know it," I asked her

"I know this brand," she said

"oh that's nice I thought I bought something unknown," I said to her

"no I know it and it's good ok no more talking let's eat," she said while coming back to eating. while seeing her I noded and after ext few bites I said "I can't handle it anymore" and I get up. while seeing me she asked "what you doing"

"I'm going for vodka," I said to her

"why milk is the best," she said

"no vodka is much better," I said to her while opening the freezer and taking one. while having it I fill a little gla.s.s with it and then I added juice and while having it I drink a little while coming back to where Sophia been.

while seeing me she said "let me taste it"

"no you are on painkillers so you can't drink alcohol," I said to her

"why," she asked

"dumy it might cost you your life so don't mix it," I said to her while adding after few seconds "read a little about it"

"oh right," she said while looking at me and then she said "don't call me dumy"

"ok," I said to her while giving her a kiss and then we come back to eating. as we were doing it she finished first while I been eating slowly and drinking two of my drink. as I finally finished I said "I'm doing and I'm eating anything today"

"oh that's good its night so what you want to do now," Sophia asked me

"I don't know maybe hugging you in bed and then fall asleep," I said to her

"it might be nice," she said. while I been looking at her I could feel very hot so I take off hoody and then Sophia said "oh my G.o.d you go out like that"

"yes," I said to her and then I continue "you don't like what you seeing"

"I like it," she said while moving her fingers around my tors. while feeling it I asked "so you agree with my plan of going to bed and hugging each other"

"not yet let's go take bath I been cleaning you a lot now when you don't have cast it's your time," she said while getting up and undressing.

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Love At First Kiss 502 Don't Mix I summary

You're reading Love At First Kiss. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): poziomowiec. Already has 234 views.

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