A Journey Through The Worlds 60 One Month Later.

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Then the male dragon released another hiss before it started flapping its wings slowly in the same way that the dragons flew in while coming there.

Seeing it move the dragons on the ground also started flapping their wings as they hurriedly moved after it, all of that while going through with the same weird slow flying way.

The scientists in area 01 were looking at all what was happening with astonished expressions on their faces, the way that the dragons were flying in was great and fascinating on its own even with just one dragon doing it, not to mention seeing billions of them flying in the same way, and the sound that their movement released was something out of that world.

"The dragons are heading east, what should we do, it was only said that the dragons would go to that place in south Africa lay their eggs there stay around for a while till finally returning, but now something else is happening they are moving east, do you think that the changed in the world would make them act in a weird way, possibly even leaving their natural habit and going to another place" a man asked as he saw the footage on the screen.

The chance of the dragons leaving area 07 in the migration and going to another one was something a few scientists there talked about and suggested after they found about it for the first time, but then seeing all of them heading to the same place at the same time, they knew that they had overthought and they released breaths of relief, as a disaster would have happened if the dragons really left their area.

But there right in front of their eyes they watched as the dragons did something unusual, they were leaving the place where they were supposed to stay in and going to G.o.d knows where.

"At first they showed no weird behavior it was all the doing of that gigantic dragon, the other dragons are just following it, they are heading east, so they are heading our way but the distant between us is big, and fortunately their way of flying is slow which gives us enough time, so let's just watch for a while more and see if they are only going to stop in some other place in area 07 or leave it entirely, so let's just wait and see telling the big four about this can wait till we make sure about everything" a white bearded man said.

The others didn't go against his suggestion as he was the man with the highest rank and the final say was his.


Even though the group was moving by the speed of the slowest member their speed was still astonis.h.i.+ng after all it wasn't the lowest speed of normal beasts, instead it was the lowest speed amongst a few of the strongest species in the world, so it didn't take then long before they finally made it to the border between the two areas.

They knew that it was the border area because it was the place where the colored of the ocean was different; one part was darker than the other.

After they crossed that boarder the moved for around half an hour before they finally met ten huge wars.h.i.+ps, the wars.h.i.+ps were different than the ones that the ones that Athena and the other six G.o.ds met before, instead they seemed bigger and better, as the ones they met before were used for scouting while those that they met after crossing the imaginary borders were an old military model.

Seeing them Adam lifted his hand making a sign for everyone there to stop.

"To the seven G.o.ds if this land, our leaders wish to know why you are here" a voice come from one of the wars.h.i.+ps, the voice was loud and clear and everyone there was able to hear it.

"There's no need for any questions, you came for our world as invaders and tried taking us by force and now you are asking us why we are here" Adam said.

"For the seven G.o.ds if this great land, I'm Moore Axton one if the four leaders of our area, and unfortunately I was also the one who asked for your arrest, it was because if a misunderstanding and I'm willing to apologies, and give you some gifts to show our sincerity, so please reconsider your choice as a human being and as a leader of a nation, if this war start just how many people will die and how many people would suffer" the voice if an old man sounded again after Adam finished talking.

"Gifts" Adam chuckled after hearing that, while he didn't even care about the part when Moore said how many people were going to suffer and die, he had already made his choice and even Athena wasn't able to make him change his mind, so why would he care about so words from his soon to be enemy.

"If you don't want gifts then what do you want, you should know that our area have things you would never imagen"

"We don't need anything from you and I don't know the things that you have but what I know is that no matter if we fight you now or if we stop our attack and return to our world, the fight between us isn't something that any of us can stop so I just stop trying to change my mind" Adam said.

"What do you mean with that" Moore asked confusedly.

"It's just as I said, even if I we didn't come knocking at your doors for a fight right now, in a one month's time I'm sure that you all would come for us, I don't know the reason or anything like that, but I'm one hundred percent that what I just said is true" for some reason Adam started explaining himself and he actually didn't just ignore him or anything like that.

"How can you know, how can you be so sure that we are going to attack you in the next month" Moore shouted through the speakers, he didn't know why that skeleton like old man was so sure that they won't be able to live together in peace, and that they were going to fight no matter what after a month or so.

"That's because I'm the all-seeing Adam one of the seven G.o.ds of our land, and a person that can see the future, and what I saw is that even if we return right now and try acting as if nothing happened, a month later something would happen and both of our areas won't have another choice but to fight, I don't know why it's like that but I know that in this coming month something is going to happen, and I'll rather be ready for it and fight you right now, then wait till whatever is going to happen will happen, and I go after you then while you are already ready for us"

"Just what do you mean...?" Moore murmured as his voice was pa.s.sed through the speakers for everyone there to hear, he was confused he didn't understand anything of what Adam said, it seemed to him just like the hallucinations of an old man and let's just say that Adam's appearance didn't help at all.

"Ok enough chit chatting, everyone let's attack, them right now, them holding us here means that we are giving them the time to prepare themselves more and better, lets finish it fast" Adam turned to the six G.o.ds around him as he said that.

He didn't want to waste any more time than he had already did so he wanted them, the seven G.o.ds, to attack, as to end it quickly.

Nodding their heads, it was Ethan who started the fight first, he pointed at one of the wars.h.i.+ps and a burning flame ball started falling down from the sky, but unfortunately it didn't hit, as the s.h.i.+p's captain reflexes were fast enough to dodge it, he had already seen the video about what happened to those five s.h.i.+ps and he knew that he had to concentrate and to do his best at keeping an eye for the area around him, as if he didn't he would surely be died.

Seeing his attack being dodged, Ethan sneered and joined both his hand together.

What happened next was stunning for the people from area 01.

Two huge burning hands appeared out of thin air, and crushed the huge wars.h.i.+p between them in a big explosion, before disappearing with it just like that.

The faces of the people in the wars.h.i.+ps and the other people who were watching from area 01 turned pale after seeing that, they were soldiers that much was true, and they didn't fear a lot of things but seeing such an unbelievable thing happen in front of their eyes was terrifying.

they did see that video of the seven G.o.ds showing their power for the first time, but they still had some hope thinking that if they were ready for it and they did their best at dodging they could be able to survive Ethan's falling flaming ball, the thing was that they were right the flaming ball was dodged, but it appeared that it wasn't the only thing that Ethan could do.

Moore and the other four set in silence as they watched the wars.h.i.+p turn into nothing after getting destroyed by Ethan, they were astonished and it was only then that they truly understood the true power of one of the seven G.o.ds as Ethan seemed at ease even as he destroyed that wars.h.i.+p.

That day each of them was doing his things till they suddenly got notified that a big army had started moving from area 02 and their target seemed to be them, the four elders then hurried up to a meeting together, of course that was after putting an alert about what was happening and sending a few s.h.i.+ps to stop them, all that while also moving some military power toward Australia as the people from area 02 seemed as if they were heading there.

Then they met them in their half way in order to ask them about what was happening, and see if they could stop that war from happening, who would have thought that that only brought more questions, as the war started just like that after hearing some things that didn't make any sense for them .

"Use ranged attacks, don't let them be the only people attacking" Moore said to the nine remaining s.h.i.+ps through a channel that only them were able to hear.

The first time they fought with the seven G.o.ds he had given a similar order but that time, the soldiers in the four wars.h.i.+ps didn't have the time to execute it at all, they all got destroyed before even getting the chance to do anything.

The remaining nine wars.h.i.+ps opened their weapons and started firing at the seven G.o.ds and also the people with them, the seven divine armies, all of that while retreating back.

All kinds of weapons were fired, laser beams, missiles, plasma cannons they were all released at the group of Athena and the others.

But even with those weird things moving toward them the seven people didn't show any sign of fear at all, instead they just looked at the beams and missiles with interest.

Seeing that the people in the side of area 01 were happy they remembered how the people that they were against were people who understood nothing about long ranged attacks like guns, lasers, or anything like that so the chance of them underestimating the true power of those weapons or simply not knowing what they were at all was high.

But what happened next made them helpless, they saw that as those beams and missiles get in a reduce of five hundred meters from the seven G.o.ds they acted as if they hit a wall, and they stopped.

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A Journey Through The Worlds 60 One Month Later. summary

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