A Journey Through The Worlds 70 Half A Month Later.

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After they finally entered the range of his ability, he opened his mouth and in a strong voice he told them about what he saw.

Hearing that, Abram said after a while of contemplating:

"I can't feel most of those, which means one of three things, first they found a way to hide from my ability, which we can be crossed out as they probably don't even know about me, let alone find a way to deal with my ability this quick, the second is that there's something in those things that is effecting my sense and that it's happening unintentionally, and this can be true as even though something like this don't exist in our area, it might exist in theirs, but that didn't happen in the last battle against them as I was able to feel them all so the chance of that is also way too small, here comes the third possibility which is... Those flying things heading toward us, that Barney was able to feel and I didn't feel any life in them have no one inside them"

Abram's explanation was acceptable, as it took most of the things into consideration, so everyone there didn't add anything about it as they just waited for the battle to start to make sure.

By the times the wars.h.i.+ps and careers of area 02 become apparent to everyone; all the divine armies were ready for the fight.

There were many weird new types of wars.h.i.+ps and vehicles among the army that appeared in front of them, ones of the two most eye catching was ones that were huge, bigger than anything they saw from area 01, and the second was a machine that seemed flat, to a point that you can't possibly imagine a person inside of it, and those were hovering in the sky, by engines under them, they moved by the speed of the army.

"I can only feel life on those huge flying things, the ones which are way bigger than usual" Abram said while pointing at the carriers, the carriers were way too big then usual wars.h.i.+ps and they were being surrounded by the other normal sized wars.h.i.+ps as if protecting them.

Just as Abram pointed which wars.h.i.+ps he felt life from, the carriers started landing, and they did that slowly.

After they landed big doors from their side and behind opened up, and from them soldiers got down, from their armor, it was apparent that they were of the elite, each and every one of them.

There was also another type of wars.h.i.+ps which was also quite big, they also landed and from them different types of vehicles landed.

After all the soldiers were on the ground the carriers turned around and left, while the normal wars.h.i.+ps started hovering above the soldiers, who were moving in at a great speed while still keeping a perfect formation.

Seeing that Athena whistled, and as she did the ice phoenix lifted its head released a loud screech and flow toward them.

And as it did that Athena said:

"It is probably the third possibility; there are no humans inside those flying things"

The other G.o.ds also sent their mounts; they didn't want their soldiers to going the fight yet.

But this time as the seven G.o.ds' mounts started flying toward the wars.h.i.+ps and the soldiers, the almost flat planes moved toward them and fired a few missiles at them, their speed was astonis.h.i.+ng, and the mounts weren't expecting that those planes would be that fast so all of them except Lana's dragonflies' queen which was able to avoid it by few meters, got hit, they didn't suffer much damage but they got mad.

Seeing that they were able to land a hit, the blue Mambas didn't try to land another one they all turned around split up and moved toward different directions.

And just as they expected the mounts of the seven G.o.ds all turned around and followed them after releasing angry roars.

As the four heads of the alliance, who were watching what was happening through a drone saw that they all release breaths of relief and smiled, at the very least the blue Mambas were able to deal with those monsters and keep them busy for a while.

The seven mounts kept on chasing the blue Mambas, but to matter how fast they tried going they couldn't keep up, the only monster that could catch up to them was Adam's angles messenger it was after all the fastest being in area 02.

At first the monsters were getting close to the blue Mambas, but then a sonic boom happened and the later accelerated to an astonis.h.i.+ng speed, leaving all the monsters behind, but that didn't stay for long as soon after that all the mounts there released roars and accelerated, as each and every one of them broke the sound barrier.

And as that happened again, the mounts and the blue Mambas resumed their chase.

They kept on accelerating and accelerating till finally some of the mounts weren't able to keep up with that speed.

The first to start falling behind was Snake's two headed snake, as it wasn't a speed based monster, it stopped at the speed of 1 km/s and after it, the others started showing signs of falling behind.

The second to fall down was, Lucas's chief earth dragon, as it also wasn't a speed type, after that, it was Ethan's phoenix and after it, it was Lana's dragonflies queen which had a major advantage on term of maneuvers, reflexes and even short distance speed, but was totally horrible when it comes to long distance speed chases, leaving the Athena's ice phoenix, Carlos's Roc and finally, Adam's angles messenger.

Adam's mount was to be expected, because it was the fastest being in the world, but the Athena's ice phoenix and Carlos Roc being able to hold on for that long was a surprise.

Finally after the blue Mamba's made it to the speed of 4 km/s Athena's ice phoenix started falling back, which left only Carlos's Roc and Adam's angel's messenger chasing their respective blue Mambas, till finally the Roc also started falling back leaving the only mount who was able to keep up with the blue Mamba that it was following.

The angel's messenger was able to make it to the same speed as the blue Mamba that it was following, which was the full speed for both of them or that what appeared to people.

Because the angels messenger seemed as if it wanted to keep on going on as a faint unnoticed white light started appearing on its body it suddenly stated falling back, and decreasing its speed, then it made a turn and started returning to the battlefield, it wasn't the only one doing that the other mounts too were returning.

Seeing that the faces of three of the four big leaders of area 01 changed, but just as they started freaking a little bit, Moore said:

"don't worry the AI is programed to keep the mounts occupied for as long as possible, it will not stop just like this"

And just as he said, all the blue Mambas that were chased to different places turned around to the battlefield and started attacking normal soldiers, till finally the mounts started chasing them again, and that kept on repeating for a long time.

The blue Mamba's AI was so advanced and their maneuvers were something a human can never hope to get, they also learned the patterns of the monsters that were following them, as what they would do before an attack or, their body movement before taking a turn… all of that and more.

While that chase was happening between the blue Mambas and the mounts, the war was raging down below.

That time the ones who had an advantage were the soldiers from area 01 as even though the people from area 02 had the seven G.o.ds, that unstoppable power, they were just seven people and they had to deal with that huge fleet of wars.h.i.+ps and other vehicles of area 01.

And the soldiers of area 02 weren't as much as the soldiers of area 01 which added a lot more pressure, not to mention that on top of them being more, the soldiers that they were against that time weren't just normal soldiers like the time before, instead they were elite soldiers, with unhuman reflexes and power, not to mention the weapons that they had were stronger then the weapons that the normal soldiers used.

This time the fight lasted longer than before with no winner decided as both sides lost a lot.

For area 01 they lost a lot of soldiers and most of their wars.h.i.+ps, while the loses on the side of area 02 weren't that small either as they lost a lot of people, and even though their human losses weren't as much, the number of mounts they lost were astonis.h.i.+ng.

For the divine armies their mounts were just like another part of them, they had gone through a lot of different and dangerous situations together, they even understood and knew their mounts better then they knew and understood their families, so losing them was just like losing a part of them, and that made their hate for area 01 grow even bigger.

Inside the building that Lucas made for the meeting of the seven G.o.ds, all the seven G.o.ds and important people who had an important part in the war were there.

"My great G.o.d, I did as you asked and I followed them without getting found, and from what I saw it seems that they had made the western side of this continent as their base of operation" a man who was camouflaged from head to toe said while kneeling at the feet of Snake.

The man was a member of Snake's shadows, the shadows were a group under Snake, and they were the best scouting tracking and team in area 01, no one knows who many members there were in it, or the abilities that its members have, it was one of the most mysterious teams in area 02.

"So they really did that" Ethan murmured.

They had expected that the people from area 01 would make their base in the opposite side of the continent to where they were, as that was the best way to keep them from advancing any further, so they decided to make sure of that and see where the retreating troops of area 01 were going, and from what the shadow had just said it seemed that what they had expected did actually happened.

With Adam's ability we shouldn't worry about any surprise attacks or anything like that, but that can't be said about them, so them making their base there gives us no disadvantages at all, but instead it can make it easier for us to give one big attack" Lucas said.

"It's just as you said, that makes no different at all, what's important right now, which is the formation" Athena said.

"Yes it is the most important thing right now, after all if we weren't outnumbered today we wouldn't have lost that much fighters, and the fight might have even ended in a better way for us" Carlos said.

"We should give a big blow soon before they get used to the way we fight and our abilities" Snake added.

Then that they all looked at Adam who after staying silent for a while:

"Don't worry the formation will be ready soon enough, probably by tomorrow morning, there's no reason to worry about that at all"


Half a month pa.s.sed just like that 'new half a month, which is a month and half a week in the old timing'

In that half a month a lot of thing happened in many parts of the new earth, and we will mention all of them starting from the top of Barbarossa.

hey everyone the author here, i wrote this here and not below because it's quite an important something, you see did any of you notice that the family name of susan was familiar, Riodan, i mean there's another character out there with the same name don't you think...

just in case you didn't notice.

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A Journey Through The Worlds 70 Half A Month Later. summary

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