A Journey Through The Worlds 73 Susan's Ability.

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She wasn't afraid of Dan as she was in the first time she met him, actually she wasn't afraid of anyone of the team anymore.

She understood that Dan and the other six with him weren't like anyone she heard about or met, they were different people who wouldn't harm someone just like that.

She even became best friends with Any, the girl who helped her when she saw the corps of the dragon for the first time.

At first Any seemed like a cold person, but after getting to know her she understood that She just didn't know how to treat people well and that She was actually quite a good gentle and smart girl.

"I see that he's finally going to get his chance" Any said while looking at the soul weapon.

"Yeah he is, but I just can't find him, now I'm wondering if he simply isn't fated to get it" Dan joked.

"Fated to get what and who are you talking about" as they were talking they heard a lazy voice from behind them.

Turning around they saw Randy moving toward them slowly.

"We were talking about you and how it seems that you and the soul weapon weren't fated, as I was going to give it to you but I wasn't able to find you" Dan said whole smiling.

"I'm here right now so give it to me" Randy said, he had been waiting for that moment for ages.

Dan smiled and handed him the bow, he had already made it ownerless after he got it from Thomas.

"Here hold it and give me your hand" Dan said.

He didn't care if anyone there saw what he was doing as there was no chance of anyone taking the soul weapon from Randy.

Randy hurriedly handed him his hand, and as he did Dan made a small wound in his finger, enough for drops of blood to come out.

Randy didn't need Dan to say anything as he dropped his blood on the soul weapon, and just as he expected, the bow started s.h.i.+ning brightly, he was excited and his heart was beating fast as he wanderer what his ability was going to be.

After the light finally disappeared, he lifted the bow aimed to one side in the ocean, and pulled the string of the bow.

And as he did an arrow started appearing from thin air, the arrow seemed normal with nothing weird about it, it gave no indication to what ability Randy had not like Katherine's purple arrow or Leonard's red one, Randy didn't care about that, instead he took a deep breath and released the arrow...

The arrow flew for a while before finally falling to the ocean after it lost it's power, everyone there watched as that happened not knowing what to say.

"Wha... What does that mean, what's my ability" Randy asked that as he looked at Dan.

He had been wis.h.i.+ng for that moment ever since he saw Leonard and Katherine turn from normal people to strong ability users.

But what he got in the end was a normal arrow nothing happened at all, the arrow just flew normally as if nothing happened.

"Probably your ability is an ability that wouldn't appear on a soul weapon, like Nero's ability, we have to wait for your ability to awake before knowing what it is" Dan said.

"You really aren't fated to get an ability" Any said while smiling.

Randy just sighed and said:

"Dan give me some dragon blood, I need to awake fast I need to know what my ability is"

"Ok let's go to the hold, after all I need to give everyone in the s.h.i.+p another drop of blood" Dan nodded as he said.

Then he and Randy said good bye to Any and little Ru before leaving to the hold.

Dan then gave Randy his share of dragon blood before getting enough of it for everyone else.

Randy left Dan as soon as he got the dragon blood, he was going to his room to go through a season of body tempering, he wanted his ability to awake as fast as possible in order to see what it was.


The dragons that Dan and the others were afraid of made a big mess in that half month 'new timing',

First the dragons flew and left area 07, putting the people who knew about that in area 01 and area 06 in a big panic and fear that they might turn toward them.

But fortunately for them the dragons didn't leave their path, and they kept on going the same way as when they started to the southeast of their area.

They moved like that for a whole week 'new timing' before finally making it to their destination.

Their destination was the area to the south of Dan Katherine and Leonard's area the vast desert with no life.

They entered that area and flew after the male dragon for a long time before finally stopping after he released a roar.

When the male dragon released that roar, all the dragons with him started to land, till finally only the male dragon was left in the sky, after that happened he made a hissing sound, which pa.s.sed through the whole area there.

Hearing it all the dragons on the ground started roaring before they started to lay eggs.

Each dragon that laid their eggs would fly Into the sky, a day or so later all the dragons there were on the sky and the ground was full of eggs.

Seeing the last dragon lay an egg and fly into the sky the male dragon released a loud hiss that pa.s.sed through the whole heard of dragons.

After hearing that sound the dragons all released loud roars as if they were paying their respect before they started flying again toward their area, leaving the eggs and he male dragon in that lifeless great desert.

The dragons flew in the same slow weird way of flying as the one that they used while flying to that place.

After another week of flying dragons was finally able to return to their area, area 07, and each group of them flew toward their region, the place that they were staying in.

And that's what happened to them in that half month.


Area 01 Australia, area 02 camp:

In that half a month the war between the two sides just kept on getting worst and worst.

At the beginning the people from area 01 thought that they were winning as they had a lot of soldiers and they were stopping all the supplies and any reinforcements from going to area 01 from area 02, but the more they made the barrier the more they felt that something was wrong, as they met no reinforcements which tried to pa.s.s to area 01.

They wanted them to get weaker and weaker till they finally finish them in the end, but the weird happening made them start wondering if something was really wrong.

Their strategy worked for the first two days, but then in the third day what they feared the most happened.

New soldiers from area 02 appeared in the battlefield, they weren't as good or as strong as the people that they were fighting since the beginning but they were people who didn't fear death and fought to their last breath.

That fight in the third day was a big hit to area 01 as they understood that area 02 had a way to bring people to the frontlines and that what they were doing by trying to stop all the reinforcements and supplies from reaching them was nothing but wasting time and power.

Ever since that day the fights become worst and worst, and they lasted longer and longer.

Things kept on going like that for half a month with both sides winning some fights and losing some.

Athena was on top of a northern eagle as she flew through the battlefield with Susan next to her.

"Today you will show everyone here what you are truly capable of" Athena said after a long while of silence.

"Do you mean that...?" Susan asked unbelievably.

She couldn't believe that Athena was really giving her such a chance.

"You are in your best shape after all right" Athena looked at Susan coldly.


"So don't disappoint me"

"I won't" Susan nodded her head happily.

She was going to show everyone there that she was Athena's right hand man because she had the ability to, and not because of anything else.

"Then what are you waiting for, go" Athena said with a smile.

Susan smiled nodded her head and jumped from that moving northern eagle.

The northern eagle was around three hundred meters in the sky, and Susan threw herself from on top of it as if nothing was wrong.

In the middle of her fall, she activated her ability and as she did the color of her hair started to change...

She fell to the ground at full speed making a cloud of dust and the ground below her shake.

She fell in the middle of a squad from area 01, there were around thirty armored soldiers in that squad and they all were elites.

They got surprised when Susan fell in the midst of them, but they soon returned to their senses and aimed their weapons at where she fall.

The place where she fell was full of dust and dirt because of her fall, making seeing her quite hard.

But soon enough all of that disappeared and they finally were able to see her, yet they didn't care about who stood in front of them nor did they waste time thinking about where did she come from, as soon as she become clear enough to aim at, they fired.

But even with their fast reflexes and all, before their fingers even touched the trigger, Susan was already gone; she disappeared from where she was standing.

When she appeared aging she was behind an armored soldier.

She didn't wait for him to react and instead she lifted her sword and did a horizontal cut, splitting the soldier in half his armor and everything, and again before the other even got the chance to react she was already gone.

Seeing what happened to their friend, without even speaking all the soldiers moved together and made a small formation that covered all their blind spots, they knew that their opponent wasn't normal so they had to work together to deal with her.

When Susan saw what they were doing she smiled to herself and moved toward them, her speed was unbelievable it seemed as if she was teleporting, even the sensors in the armors of the soldiers were only able to catch her as a blurry shadow pa.s.sing by.

She retreated a little bit back before turning around and starting to run toward the soldiers, she moved as fast as she could before lifting her sword and cutting whatever was in front of her when she finally made it next to the soldiers, except that this time after she cut one of them in half she didn't turn tail and run, instead she pulled her sword once again and waved it in the over side hitting another one of the soldiers.

At that time the other soldiers had already noticed her, one of them aimed his weapon at her and pulled the trigger, but before that with half a second, Susan jumped half a step to the side avoiding it, she did that even though her back was turned to him, it was as if she felt it.

Then she waved her sword to a soldier who was on her left side splitting him in half.

After that she used the momentum from the sword to turn right and as she did she hit one soldier to the stomach with her fist.

That soldier flew for more than twenty meters and after he finally stopped it was apparent that a hole was in his armor.

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A Journey Through The Worlds 73 Susan's Ability. summary

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