Heaven Revolting Garuda 58 Killing Cave Master

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As said Cave master rose from the blood pool and clenched his fists from all parts of body cracking sounds came as he bent forward and take a huge leap and rushed towards Mu Peng and slammed a palm shouting " Corrosive Blood Palm "

red gases emerged from his palm and started hurling towards Mu Pend ,all the tribal people and Mu WuShang was looking antic.i.p.ated and hoped that their saviour will win the battle and nothing should happen to him.

While all this is going on Mu Peng casually looked at the Cave Master and clenched his fist and threw a normal punch the cave master face shoved in and fall back at the same speed he came and Mu Peng thought " man he is not strong enough I thought i finally have a chance to loosen my body but he is a trash"

Fear totally plastered on the face of Cave Master the combat level of this beast is far more than i expected with a casual punch he made me lose if he really fights then i will definitely die here and looked here and there and thinking about escape.

" hey trash come on up and die ,if any more i intrudes on my young master training my master will definitely gets angry and for a trash like you taking this much time will be a insult for me ,come up and die obediently in my hands " said Mu Peng overbearingly.

" F***k off you and you master ,i don't want to die" ,cursed at Mu Peng and he shouted " Blood sacrifice ,he burned his blood essence and tried to make a run for it but before he could run a claw pierced his chest and his heart was taken out and Mu peng crushed it while Cave Master seeing it ,blood sprayed like a fountain and once a huge villain who terrorized the tribe was destroyed like that "

"Suddenly the soul of the Cave Master tried to run abandoning his body but before it could Mu Peng caught it ,pleas and begging of Cave Master could be heard from his soul"

Suddenly in Mu WuShang's mind Aqua sounded " Master if you don't object may i consume that soul it would be a good help for you and i can learn all the information and inherit his memories master it will be helpful for your alchemy growth "

Without thinking twice Mu WuShang asked Mu Peng " uncle ,can you please destroy his will and hand me his soul " puzzled expression formed in Mu Peng eyes but did what he asked without questioning and gave him as soon as Mu WuShang held it it got sucked into his hands and Aqua has started absorbing it ,but a huge question eyes greeted Mu WuShang.

"Uncle don't look at me like that i've encountered a fortuitous encounter and i can't explain you about it so don't question me " said Mu WuShang

"Kid everyone has secrets but next time don't reveal it publically it may harm you " said Mu Peng

"Uncle lets go and search the cave shall we " saying that Mu WuShang walked towards the cave and Mu Peng started searching carefully the cave and didn't find any traps and so he followed Mu WuShang

While no one caring the dead body of cave master suddenly a violet flame started burned his body and started flying out of his body to escape but sudden burning took attention of Tribe Head and called Mu Peng ,Mu Peng chased and caught the fire a violet wolf shaped fire started swirling in the bare hands of Mu Peng threatening him to leave it or it will burn him alive .

Mu WuShang arrived at the scene and looked at the fire amusingly ,this is a beast fire of Grade Six demon beast Violet back Wolf ,seeing it struggling in the hands of Mu Peng and unable to burn his skin Mu WuShang gasped at the power of Mu peng.

Suddenly the Illusionary Cauldron in Mu Wushang body trembled and came out of his body ,Mu WuShang was stunned to see that the cauldron came out of his body and stood in his hands and started sucking the Violet flame into it seeing it Mu Peng slowly released his grip over fire and the Cauldron fully absorbed the Flame and a 'BURP' sound came after it .

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Heaven Revolting Garuda 58 Killing Cave Master summary

You're reading Heaven Revolting Garuda. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): rangas. Already has 465 views.

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