Heaven Revolting Garuda 59 Evolution Of Bloodlines

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Seeing that precious Grade 6 Beast Flame was eaten by the mysterious illusionary cauldron , Mu WuShang poked the cauldron and started yelling " hey, release it it is my uncle's spoils of war ,don't just eat what ever you want "

Without responding to the nonsense it went back without caring any word Mu WuShang said ,it just doesn't care ,seeing this Mu Peng laughed and said " don't worry WuShang it is not that important to me anyway ,by the way what is that thing doing in your body "

"I too don't know uncle on the fourth year of my birth ,you know what happened right it is right there in my body from that time onwards it doesn't respond to me nor acknowledge me as it's master it stays in my body and it even won't let me level up ,you can see my Qi is rich and pure and it's thickness is good even as so it won't allow me to progress in to Meridian Opening and Dantian Enhancing Realm , any more chance i make break through it quickly consumes it ,it made my life a h.e.l.l " complained Mu WuShang.

Listening to the complain Mu Peng replied " Wu Shang don't always think about breakthrough to next level ,you must build your foundation steadily if any more haste you show in this process it will harm your future so build a robust and flawless foundation kid "

"Hmph ,you and father always says that ,well what can i do ,i asked you so that you might know the solution but it seems you don't know it then i'll search the answers on my own uncle " replied Mu WuShang.

Hearing the answer from Mu WuShang he helplessly nodded his head and thought " Like father like son they are head strong, fearless but this kid is more cunning than his father "

"Uncle what are you thinking lets go and search the cave if he might leave some precious things " said Mu WuShang while rubbing his hands and getting ready to loot.

"Wait up kid ,search his body first you don't know if you'll find anything interesting " stopped Mu WuShang while showing the corpse of Cave Master

Mu WuShang who was in high spirits came down and checked the whole body of Cave Master and only found out that he is having a black blade oozing ominous aura , a black Jade ring in his ring finger.he kept both of them and both of them rushed to the cave entrance.

By looking at what is inside both of them were awestruck there is Crimson Red colour filled entire cave and thick blood smell coming out of it ,walking inside both of them reached a blood pool filled with viscous and thick blood , bones are piled losing their l.u.s.ter and skins of the beasts are kept aside .While he is looking at all of these Mu Peng was searching for any traps but didn't find any because Cave Master probably thought that who will show their interest in this place where no strong cultivators were absent.

Looking at the blood pool a strange pulsation started to occur in Mu WuShang's body as if the blood present in his body is craving for the blood qi present in the blood pool ,Mu WuShang didn't neglect the feeling he directly jumped into the Pool and started chanting 'Blood Sutra' slowly all the blood qi present in the Blood Pool was being drawn out as if a someone is sucking them all of the qi started wrapping around Mu WuShang .

Looking at the current situation turned out Mu Peng became immediately alerted but seeing that there is no danger to Mu WuShang he relaxed a bit but he didn't lose his focus he kept his focus on Mu WuShang ,as if any mishap occurs he'll immediately charge and rescue him .

Inside the body of Mu WuShang the blood started pulsating rapidly and four imaginary silhouettes began to form glowing in different colours , first a sword shaped silhouette glowing with Golden colour ,second like a image of an Monarch silhouette glowing with Violent colour ,third an Asura like silhouette glowing with Crimson Red colour and lastly a Tree shaped silhouette glowing with Green colour.

All the four silhouettes were giving different aura first is giving off like Sharp and Dominance feeling ,the second is giving Rage and Berserk aura ,third is giving off Ma.s.sacre and Devil like aura and while fourth is giving off br.i.m.m.i.n.g with life force. These four silhouettes started sucking the Blood Essence in the blood pool and started devouring slowly a coc.o.o.n started to form around the body of Mu WuShang and the Blood Essence started flowing into it non stop .

Seeing this all the Mu Peng ,Tribe Head ,Ren ,Ken and all the Tribe people were all amazed at the scene before happen them ,Mu Peng waved his hands and a strong barrier was formed around the blood pool and he stood as guardian protecting Mu WuShang and while the tribe head talked out with tribe people and all of them went back to their daily works the death of Cave Master was worth celebrating but as Mu WuShang is in closed door cultivation all of them proposed to postpone the celebration but happiness filled all of their faces as the cruel Cave Master is dead.

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Heaven Revolting Garuda 59 Evolution Of Bloodlines summary

You're reading Heaven Revolting Garuda. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): rangas. Already has 512 views.

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