Heaven Revolting Garuda Chapter 70

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Published at 27th of August 2019 05:50:04 PM Chapter 70: 70

Bdump, Bdump . . . . . , as soon as she touched the embryo of ape a series of heartbeats emerged and it started absorbing energy even more aggressively from it and the surrounding crystals are shattered into pieces and light motes are squeezed from them and gathered towards the embryo .

Seeing the turn of events Mu Ling, who was only four years old she wanted to go back immediately but she couldn't take back her arm from the embryo, as if it got attached to it .

Aaahhhhhh . . . . , she shrieked loudly because a cut was formed on her palm and as a four-year-old kid she couldn't bear the pain and cried loudly . Tears welled in her eyes but she calmed down because she felt a deep connection with the ape embryo, so she resisted crying .

Blood started oozing from her palms and continuously and got sucked into the ape embryo! Mu Ling started to persist at first but she only a four years old girl and the ape embryo is like a bottomless pit drinking her blood, slowly her conscious started to blur and she fainted .

As soon as Mu Chen heard her daughter's shriek he and his wives rushed towards where the sound came but the Great White Ape squinted his eyes and gave a slight smile and disappeared from where he sat .

As soon as Mu Chen and his Wives reached the place, they found Mu Ling lying unconscious and her body became a bag of bones and the ape embryo sucking life out of her !!

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Mu Chen and his Wives rushed towards Mu Ling to save her but he was thrown back by a force and they found that a huge white hand suppressing them made them unable to move .

Seeing their daughter in those conditions, all of them drawn their weapons to face Great White Ape . Mu Chen slashed his saber at the white hand with all of his force shattering all the remaining crystals and with a 'Bang' the cave resounded but the not even a scratch to be found on that white hand .

"Heh boy, that didn't even scratch my hand you need to increase your attacking power and your comprehension in-laws seem weaker, looks like ten years of normal and carefree life made you softer " rubbed his hands Great white Ape without any hint of shame .

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d why did you save me ten years ago so that you could sacrifice my daughter . Even if I die or use my lifeblood essence I will fight you to death " Mu Chen slashed his saber again .

"Hmph, you outrageous brat who couldn't even save yourself and your wives ten years ago wanted to bite the hand that helped . So, what if I took a little reward for helping you back then . Consider this girl's life as payment " saying White Ape waved his hands and countless white hairs from his hands formed into white chains and restricted Mu Chen and his wives . They could neither circulate the qi nor use their physical strength to break the chains .

Seeing his daughter's pale little body, Mu Chen anger reached it's peak and he lost all of his rationality, his eyes turned bloodshot and his pupils were scarlet in color his hair turned into pitch black, his nails started to grow and a black aura oozing out of him continuously, he looked like he offered his soul to the devil for power to defeat the enemy .

Seeing him turning into that way even his wives got scared and worried for him because his joking, carefree, teasing husband only turned into these form when either to protect his friends or his family . They always hated the fact that they are powerless to protect themselves, their beloved will use any method to save them by putting his life in danger .

aaarrrrggghhh with a roar he started breaking the white chains bounded his body, veins popped on his head his muscles bulged and he started to break the chains .

clang, clang, clang and with a burst Mu Chen shattered the chains and started slas.h.i.+ng his saber at White Ape in a crazy manner but the white ape just punched him away shattering his bones as a result . Mu Chen didn't care about his body condition and continuously charged at White Ape but the result is he is beaten up in a bad shape .

His hair is disheveled and his clothes are bloodied and torn, his ribs are fractured both his arms are dislocated and huge wound at his neck, despite all of this his wounds are healing quickly but he seemed to come out of that mad devil state, this caused all his body to twitch in pain and Mu Chen collapsed to the ground .

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Heaven Revolting Garuda Chapter 70 summary

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