Heaven Revolting Garuda 71 Guardian Snow

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Seeing both husband and daughter in dying shapes, his three wives infuriated but they felt helpless under absolute strength of White Ape, tears were continuously flowing out of their eyes. Fury raged in the eyes of Nie Ying Ying as she spoke " Dear, Wake up! you promised that you'll protect our daughter even if you have a breath left in your body."

Whereas Mu Chen who lost his consciousness and in a deep coma he could hear her wives pleas he wanted to wake up and fight, fight for his daughter's life but his body wouldn't move an inch, blood is continuously dripping from his neck. In his mind, Mu Chen roared " Get up! Get up! she is calling me, my daughter is dying I have to get up. As a man who couldn't save his daughter even if I had a single breath in me, I have to save them! "

"A black dagger got out from his inter-spatial ring and started hovering above his body, the lost blood from his body is being sucked into the dagger and the dagger shot itself at Mu Chen's Left hand. As soon as he held it all of his wounds were closed up it felt like he is not himself, two devil horns protruded from his head, his body started becoming huge and rugged, with the dagger in his left hand he slashed at the White Ape "

The White Ape somewhat fascinated at his transformation but it s.h.i.+fted it's eighty percent of concentration towards the Ape embryo and left twenty percent of its attention to deal with Mu Chen and his wives. But that cost him greatly as it left huge cuts on his hand, and his shoulder.

Seeing this how it turned, White Ape got serious and with his full power, he countered the dagger with his hand and sent it flying. Using his spiritual qi, he forcefully broke its connection with Mu Chen.

Seeing how it turned to be, White Ape shook its head in disappointment," hah, all these years I waited for pure-blooded berserker G.o.d bloodline descendent but even though you had such pure blood within you why did you awaken such an evil bloodline " spoke White Ape with a lamenting tone.

As he said that he threw a red crystal towards Mu Chen and upon touching it, it sank into his body and it started healing Mu Chen's injuries. With a Wave of his hand, he released Mu Chen's Wives and s.h.i.+fted his total concentration towards Mu Ling and Ape Embryo.

"The Ape lying in that embryo is my grandson, he is been like that for almost fifteen years from birth to upon this time neither he aged nor he opened his eyes, at first I thought that her mother couldn't supply enough nutrients/energy sufficient for his growth so I built these room filled with heavenly medicinal plants, spiritual fruits, and spirit stones but I am wrong what he needs is Divine Dragon Blood, Only with the help of that can we cure him but when your daughter arrived at this place for the first time I sensed my grandson moved, he finally showed movement so when your daughter barged into that room, I didn't stop her I want to see the outcome of it " said Great White Ape.

He then took a dark red stone in his hands and sent a wisp of blood qi from it to Mu Ling upon absorbing it she started to grow vigor and her skin from pale got red. Again the embryo sucked it away like this continuous cycle formed between them.

"Answer me, will my daughter will be safe or not " questioned Mu Chen.
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"Heal first then we can talk later, referring me as Guardian Snow would better, didn't your old man taught you, " said White Ape nonchalantly.

Mu Chen got so many questions in his mind after hearing those words from White Ape i.e, Guardian Snow. "He now is at peace of mind, if he is Guardian Snow whom he proclaims to be then I got nothing to worry, " and he started recuperating.

Nie Ying Ying worriedly asked " Guardian Snow will she be alright, continuously generating blood and sucking it may harm her foundations. She is just a four-year-old kid, please stop what you are doing and bring her back. "

"Don't worry, She has the bloodline of Berserker G.o.d blood and Fire Dragon blood in her, although she is only four years her body vitality can be comparable to ordinary second stage qi refining warrior and with the continuous supply of this pure dragon blood stones her physical body quality will be increased drastically, " said Guardian Snow with a smile

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Heaven Revolting Garuda 71 Guardian Snow summary

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