The Cutest Height Difference Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Qiao Yu's eyes were round like saucers as he held onto a gla.s.s of pearl milk tea. While sipping at it, he carefully watched the person sitting opposite him.

That person sat under the warm sunlight as a yellow chandelier hung above his head. He crossed his legs and rested one of his arms onto the armrest as he looked on at Qiao Yu with a look of disdain. "I had always thought that I am handsome. How did it become so dainty looking when you're in it!"

Hearing this, Qiao Yu's face went red and he squeezed his legs even tighter together. He quietly shuffled to the corner of the sofa and timidly replied, "So, Feng Shou, when will we change our bodies back?!"

"Get what back?" Feng Shou rested his elbow onto his legs and supported his head while smirking: "I haven't used it enough!"

"Ah?!" Qiao Yu quickly drank two mouthfuls of his tea to calm himself down.

Feng Shou revealed his wicked side: "I saw that there were a few boys in your grade bullying you. How about I clean them up for you?"

Qiao Yu anxiously spoke up: "You shouldn't.….Don't get rough with them. They will hit you."

"Let them! Who am I, Feng Shou, afraid of? I'll fight them!" Feng Shou deliberately raised his voice.

Qiao Yu was anxious. He was afraid that Feng Shou would get into fights with others. Now that the two had exchanged bodies, if Feng Shou were to fight, the one getting hurt would still be him: "You- you- don't use my body to fight with people. I- I still have to go home and………"

Feng Shou was not afraid.

He is a twenty-four year old member of the society and a rich second generation who had not encountered any troubles in life. His mouth started to ramble on and exaggerate as he boasted about his glorious high school years making it seem as if he was born as a saviour for the world.

But Qiao Yu is different. He is in his third year of high school and a very obedient one at that. He had never experienced any of those "violent and b.l.o.o.d.y" incidents. Hearing his words, his heart tensed tightly and eventually, while holding onto his milk tea, he was scared to the point of tears……

This time it was Feng Shou's turn to be shocked. As soon as he had finished boasting he saw that the person who sat opposite him, with his own body at a height of one metre eight-six, was shrinking into the corner with a face full of tears.

"Don't cry!"

Qiao Yu couldn't stop. Why was he so unlucky?  Let alone getting bullied every day, after finally achieving a calm and peaceful life, even his body ended up being switched. Why did G.o.d exchange his body with such a bad guy like him!

He covered his eyes as tears flowed through his fingers and his breathing hitched.

Feng Shou felt helpless. Immediately, he relented, "Who's going to f.u.c.king use your body to fight? Such a weak chicken body like yours, I feel bad even when I play sports!"

Qiao Yu paused for a moment and hesitantly asked, "Rereally? Then…."

"Yes, really. I can't bear it." Feng Shou interrupted his words but hearing the warm tone in Qiao Yu's words, his expression again became wicked. As the corners of his eyes curved, he said to Qiao Yu, "Actually your body….it's pretty pale."

Qiao Yu looked alarmed, "What?! You- you- last night………last night you…..y-you…….." He couldn't speak properly from his shock. Last night this person……What did he do to his body!!!

"What's wrong with it? I wanted to take a bath and to take a bath I needed to take off my clothes….Isn't this normal?" Feng Shou retorted back, "Last night when you showered, you didn't check me out?"

Naturally, he also took a shower last night but he had closed his eyes and kept his eyes closed while was.h.i.+ng up. He didn't do anything and went straight to bed after putting on his pyjamas.

Of course, he couldn't fall asleep…but he isn't someone who would do something so sleazy!

Feng Shou's eyes gradually became perverted as he continued: "You're not very big there."

"You……." Qiao Yu's face was blus.h.i.+ng deep red and he was rendered speechless with anger.

"The colour is pretty. It's the same colour throughout your whole body!"

"You……." Qiao Yu was about to faint. The anger that had gathered inside him gave him the urge to kill the man in front of him but the figure sitting in front of him was himself.

"It is also very comfortable to use. I tried it this morning and it felt pretty good." Feng Shou said this as he fiddled with his fingers.

"You- you also………." Inside Qiao Yu's heart, ten thousand gra.s.s mud horses galloped around. (KKnotes: Basically he is cursing at Feng Shou) He really wanted to curse at him out loud but the person who sat opposite him was himself!

His face was completely red and his eyes still had traces of tears. He had never been so angry with anyone. When others bullied him, he had just accepted it and allowed bygones be bygones.

But this person before him is too much! For the first time he felt a rage of fire inside himself. He rubbed his nose and felt two warm streams flowing out. He had a nosebleed.

Feng Shou was also surprised. The one whose nose is bleeding is his body! This f.u.c.king made him feel distressed! He quickly pulled out some tissues and awkwardly rubbed it against his own face. "Look up! Look up! Don't f.u.c.king give me anaemia!"

Qiao Yu felt extremely upset. Together with blood and tears, he couldn't breathe properly anymore and eventually fainted.

"f.u.c.k!" Feng Shou is now in a thin one metre sixty-eight body and couldn't do anything.

His own body had fainted because of himself. What f.u.c.king punishment is this! He anxiously picked up his phone and dialled 120.


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The Cutest Height Difference Chapter 1 summary

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