Tales Of Shinobi And Ninjutsu 7 The Mysterious Boy In Glasses

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Taking advantage of their struggles, Furuta takes on a more direct approach, as he goes in on the offensive.

Furuta instinctively react, maneuvering his body like a pro, dodging numerous punches and attacks aiming at him. As he knocks out a few, hitting their weak spot in the ribs, that is left unguarded, with his kicks.

Tripping over their legs, who has no control over their momentum, and just blindlessly charge in.

Then continuing his a.s.sault, never backing down, and one by one. He takes down or incapacitate his opponent. This leaves Aotsuki and Hideo to be in a daze, as they stare at his back in complete and utter amazement.

"Wow, I didn't expect him to know how to fight like that." Aotsuki said in an excited tone.

"Well, he did goes gym, I know that." Hideo replied.

One of them managed to luckily land a hit on him, as Furuta scrunched his eyes in pain, and falls back out of safety.

"Furuta!!!" The both of them screamed in unison.

Hideo catches Furuta's body, holding onto him. As Aotsuki Bakohata charges in to the fight to replace him.

Aotsuki Bakohata activated his Kekkei Genkai, the Konchu Emperor's eye. His eyes transform immediately, as gold hexagonal pattern appeared in his irises.

"My turn..."

His field of vision improves, seeing a full 180 degrees line of sight, in front of him.

Everything became clear as if now, with his kinetic vision, allowing him to precisely perceived the movement of others, dodging their attack trajectory.

Aotsuki Bakohata easily dodge their attacks, whilst counter attacking by using their own momentum against them.

Copying Furuta's moves. He interpreted and learn the neccessary self defense technique as he goes.

Aotsuki Bakohata utilise the charging momentum of his opponent, to increase the strength of his technique. He grabs a hold of his opponent's fist, pulling them over aside, towards the left, with his elbow he strikes his opponent in the stomach region, immediately incapacitated him.

"Wow to think that he could fight like that." Hideo said in complete amazement.

Furuta replied, "Well learning to defend yourself is much easier when you are backed in a corner, forced to give it your all, and not holding back."

With those that have a much bigger build than him, Aotsuki didn't fully charge in, but rather he decided to guard against the attack.

His opponent swung his large arm, sideways, with enough force that could sent him flying, but with his stable footing. He managed to withstood that attack, taking a couple feets back, but his right guarded arms stings, and is largely shaking in pain.

In that very split second, when his opponent was very busy recovering from his attack, it was the moment to strike. With the front of his wrist, of his most dominant hand, that was visibly shaking. He strikes the opponent's chin area, raising his head upwards, at full force.

His opponent immediately lost balance, and tumbles over himself, falling onto the ground with a thud.

The last thing that he saw was the ceiling, before a large incoming shadow, as Aotsuki jumps over elbowing him in the stomach, knocking all of the air out of him.

"Ahhh... Umph!"

Having lost almost over half of their party-wise. They decided to retreat, falling back to a distance, before outright running away, like the cowards they are.

"We'll get you back for this, just you wait." The boy screamed, as he runs off with his pals.

Hideo screamed in excitement, cheering Aotsuki on, "Oh, yeah... Go, Aotsuki!"

"That was quite something to behold. Still there is a lot of room for improvement though." The mysterious boy said, as he placed his middle finger on his, lifting it up.

The boy in smirks. As the many swarm of insects around him, buzz, sensing the strong aroma of attraction towards Aotsuki, feeling the connection from his Konchu Emperor's Eyes bloodline.

"Oh, this is interesting..." The boy in said, as he waved his hand, all of the swarm of insects entered his body, through his sleaves.

"Woof! Woof!"

The little Husky pup that is name Kori-Jogi, was sitting peacefully within Hideo's hoody, caught wine of this, until it suddenly barked like crazy.

It barked at something in the distance, or someone to be exact.

This draws the attention of Hideo Uegaki, the pup's master, and Furuta who was right beside him.

"What is it, boy? What do you smell?" Hideo said, with an apparent confused look plastered on his face.

Furuta felt that something was odd, as he instinctively activated his Kekkei Genkai 'Tsuki-Kaiten', scouting the area ahead.

He saw the figure of a person up ahead. He was all alone by himself. However, there was countless blue dots, indicating small lifeforms, were swarming around in his body.

"There is somebody up ahead, but..." Furuta didn't pursue the task any longer, feeling a sense of nausea, and deactivated his moon revolving eye.

"Well that is not nice though, almost vomiting at the sight of seeing my precious companions..."

The boy revealed himself, to be a second year student at the ninja academy, with the Ugiri-meru Village symbol on a decorated metal plate, dangling on his right ear, as a earing.

His figure emerged out from the side corridor. The boy possess the same kind of eyes as Aotsuki does, showcasing that they are both from the same clan. The Bakohata Clan.

"It is nice to meet you, juniors. The fight before was pretty impressive for a beginner... oh, how dear me. I've forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Hosuchi Bakohata, as you can tell, I'm from the Bakohata Clan." The boy in introduces himself.

Hosuchi Bakohata possesses short green spikey hair, similar to Aotsuki, but of a different colour. His eyes were a more lighter shade of green, and a lot more narrower, half closed, reminiscent of a serpent's eye.

"Hey, Aotsuki. This guy is from the same clan as you. So you must be related."

Hideo nudges Aotsuki, getting his attention. Whilst pointing his finger at Hosuchi's direction.

Aotsuki was still panting, breathing heavily after the fight. His body felt exhausted, and literally drained of energy, as his right arm felt sore.

"I know. So just give me a minute whilst I catch my breathe... Huff, Huff..."

Aotsuki screamed internally, as he was touching the part of his arm where it hurts the most, and he could somehow feel it turning bright red, without unraveling his sleaves.

Hideo Uegaki and Furuta Tsukimi introduces themselves to senior Hosuchi, but Aotsuki ignores him.

He turns over towards the battered girl, lying on the floor all cuddle up, afraid and scared. She was crying her tears out silently, but no one even notices.

Aotsuki kneel down, almost on eye level, as he gazed at her sorry figure, and raised his hand out.

He spoke with clear intentions, showcasing his worry, and concerning for her well being. She surprisingly stopped crying, but her pink hair covered her face.

"Are you, okay? Do you need help getting up?"

"Yes...My name is Sakuya." Her voice was quite audibly quiet, only noticeable by Aotsuki who was closed by, as her lips quivered.

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Tales Of Shinobi And Ninjutsu 7 The Mysterious Boy In Glasses summary

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