Words I Was Afraid To Hear Chapter 210: Taken

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That night, Midori walked out of the bathroom after taking her shower. She saw Ryuuji lounging on the sofa, a gla.s.s of whiskey on his hand.

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She frowned. "Are you trying to kill yourself?"

"I don't need a pity party. I know that your concern is limited as he had successfully taken you back over again." He said in one breath as he continued to swirl his drink.

Her eyes widened. Then again, she knew that Takagi Ryuuji is no idiot. She just did not expect him to find out too soon.

It was awkward to feel like you've cheated on someone with your own husband. It does not feel right at all.

She sighed. "Still not enough reason to drink."

Before he could protest, she had s.n.a.t.c.hed the drink from his hand and gulped everything down.

Her face reddened, but remained stern.

"We still got married in City O. As your wife, I still care about you. Don't just throw your life away."

She took the gla.s.s with her and lifted the bottle of whiskey from the table. She returned everything to the bar downstairs.


The following day, Midori could not believe how clingy her son acted in the morning. She was preparing herself to come to the new product's press conference when the nanny just could not calm him down from crying.

When she held Dmitri, he finally calmed down, but began to cry again when Midori tried to leave him behind.

Midori sighed. She turned to her nephew and sister-in-law. "You guys head out to the studio first. This might take awhile."

They both nodded with a smile and walked out of the front door.

Midori looked at her son and gently tapped a finger on his nose. "You sly little one. Did you know that I'll be meeting your father today?" she chuckled.

She turned to the nanny. "Prepare some clothes for him, and his bag. I'll be taking him with me."

"Right away, Young Mistress."

On the way to the studio, she called a familiar number.

"Good morning, my wife." Dan's cool voice sounded from the other line. "Running late, aren't we?"

"Tsk. Dmitri did not cooperate this morning, so I'm bringing him with me." She glanced at her drooling son, fastened safely on his car seat.

She took a soft towel from his bag and wiped it off.

Dan chuckled. "He must miss me a lot."

She frowned. "Yeah. This is all your fault, so you'll be the one to take care of him." she joked.

Suddenly, their car stopped.

Midori frowned and looked at the driver. "What's the matter?"

"Ma'am, a man covered in blood is lying on the road." The driver opened his door as he uttered the words.

Midori glanced at Dmitri before she opened her door. She remained standing behind the open pa.s.senger door.

Just then, she saw a masked man knocking the driver out with the handle of a pistol when he bent down to check on the b.l.o.o.d.y man.

This alarmed her and she went to help the driver.

The a.s.sailant had some martial arts skills, but ge was no match against a descendant of the Igaras.h.i.+ clan.

Soon, five more masked men simultaneously fought with the tough target.

Even though she is skilled, Midori still took some time to defeat all of them.

As she landed the final blow on the last one, she saw their black van speedily drive away, leaving their defeated comrades.

When she turned to look back at her car, her face was filled with horror as the door to where Dmitri's child seat was has been opened.

She rushed to the car to find that her son was taken.

"No..." she instinctively ran towards the direction the black van had left, but found nothing.

She rushed back to the car to retrieve her phone.

She redialled a number.

"Is the traffic that bad?" the teasing voice of Verdan Zhou sounded.

"They...they..." she was sobbing.

Dan's face turned serious from the other end. "Midori, what's wrong?" his voice was full of concern.

"They took Dmitri!" she wailed.

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Words I Was Afraid To Hear Chapter 210: Taken summary

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