ELECTUS -3 Character Lis


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Main Character of the series.

He is a 15 year old boy belonging to the Ignite race who lost his mother a bit after birth.

he has short Dark hair and is 5 foot tall.

Generally over curious and sometimes quiet.

Has avoken to power once life put him to his limits(you have no idea).

Once he avoke to power, he skipped 3 Levels and instantly became a Expert(Level 4) Fire Controller/Manipulator.


Eric's father.

He is a 42 year old man also belonging to the Ignite race who hasn't been the same since he lost his wife, but is still generally very well mannered and keeps everyone together.

Typically over protective.

He too has black hair but they are a bit longer, usually tied behind his head and he is 6 foot tall.

He is a Grand Master(Level 6) at Swordsmans.h.i.+p but hasn't touched a Sword for years in the first volume.


Eric's Mentor.

He is a 58 year old man who also Belongs to the Ignite race.

A spell gone wrong has sent him 200 years in to the future where War has obliterated most of the Ignite race.

Generally very sarcastic and sometimes over compet.i.tive but has wisdom to spill.

He constantly wears black clothing, and has a bit of a long black beard and has enough hair on his head not to be considered bald. He also is 6 foot tall.

He managed to reach an Expert Level in Fire Controlling/Manipulating throughout his other lifetime and also used to mentor the Electus(Akareas) before he mentored Eric.


He is a 26 year old belonging to the Ignite race.

He doesn't have any kind of Magical Powers but if intelligence was a magical power, he would have it.

When he isn't wasting nerves with ill.u.s.tratios, he would be seen reading a book.

He is a 5 foot man with short brown hair on his head.

Usually the one who would be behind the Strongest if danger was near.

Commander Alia.

She is a 300 year old Women belonging to the Kastarian race.

The Kastarians are known for having Teleportation powers. Or at least they did before their entire Continent, "dissapeared".

She is a natural born leader but is a bit quick to Judge in some situations and sometimes a bit egoistic.

She is also very good at manipulating simple Human minds. She plays with them like a Cat would with a mouse.

Xakro Ill.u.s.tratio lll

He is a 45 Year old man belonging to the ill.u.s.tratian race.

He is more well known as the Grand King of Ignis which is the highest rank any person could ever get in Ignis.

He is a mentally unstable man who is cursed with power.

He has the ability to Wield all 8 Kinds of the Magical Powers but all 8 of the Inner Demons have beated him.

He practically is wielding the Powers that his GrandFather stole from the previous Electus, Akareas. How? You'll find out!

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ELECTUS -3 Character Lis summary

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