Demon Emperor's Wild Husband 23 Chapter 23

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Chen Ming continued to stare, he was having a hard time processing what he was seeing in front of him. The face of the person following him was none other than Li Jun, the man he had been waiting for the last three years for. He had even travelled all over different places searching for him and yet there he was in all his glory.

Chen Ming said still not believing that the man he loves in the one lying below him. Chen Ming's didn't show many emotions, his face was rather blank, on the other hand, Li Jun looked at Chen Ming as if he had fallen in love with him once again. There was nothing but love in his eyes. You can see the pure joy in his eyes as he looks at Chen Ming.

Despite how Li Jun was looking at him, Chen Ming didn't return the look. Li Jun's face turned into a worried expression, ' What if he doesn't recognise me'. Li Jun thought to himself, which made him more worried than he already was. Li Jun opened his mouth to speak but before he could say anything his face was landed with a hard punch. Li Jun was surprised, three years ago, if Chen Ming had punched him it would have felt like a pinch but now, his punches are strong and painful.

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" Ha ha ha, I missed you too my love", Li Jun said before he pushed Chen Ming onto the and kissed him pa.s.sionately. The kiss rough and overpowering, Chen Ming was like a rabbit and Li Jun was like a wolf. At any moment Li Jun might devour Chen Ming fully. Despite the kiss being rough, Chen Ming enjoyed it. He missed the taste of Li Jun's lips. The could be said for Li Jun as he kept sucking on Chen Ming's lips making them blood red.

If it wasn't for the fact that they have to get some air, the two love birds would have carried on kissing. As their lips parted Chen Ming was breathing heavily while Li Jun was looking at Chen Ming as if he could launch his attack on him at any time. Both of them continued breathing in the silence. However, the silence was broken by Chen Ming.

" Where have you been for the last three years?", Chen Ming asked Li Jun while staring at him dead straight in the eyes. Looking at Chen Ming staring at him so seriously, Li Jun couldn't help notices how much Chen Ming had changed throughout the three years. His height hasn't changed much, but he did gain more weight all over his body. His aura was also sharper and overall he changed physically. He has also become stronger than last time.

" I was here for the last three years, I couldn't leave", Li Jun replied to Chen Ming, his gaze was gentle and warm. However, Chen Ming wasn't moved at all, rather he seemed more p.i.s.sed.

" Why couldn't you leave?", Chen Ming replied back with another question. Li Jun didn't reply for quite some time, seeing that he doesn't have any intention of answering his question, Chen Ming got up from the ground and was about to walk away when he felt someone grabbed his wrist. Chen Ming already knew who it was so he didn't turn about to look.

" I'll tell you everything, but let go home first. How does that sound?", Li Jun asked trying to convince Chen Ming to come with him. Chen Ming turned his head around with raised eyebrows as if questioning Li Jun. However, Li Jun didn't seem to understand what Chen Ming was trying to say which made roll his eyes.

" Guide the way", Chen Ming said turning his body fully towards Li Jun, before they both walked out of the forest, hand in hand.

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Demon Emperor's Wild Husband 23 Chapter 23 summary

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