Rebellious Consort: Profligate Elder Miss Chapter 2 Part2

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Chapter 2.2: The Devil's Island

Regardless of their background, it was the first time the whole bunch of children had witnessed someone being killed. It was also their first time witnessing the consequence of being disobedient, they would be killed with just one firing of the gun. Everyone started to scurry, they were all panicking and wanted to get out of the plane without further ado.

"Little wretches, it's time to a.s.semble. Those who are taller are to stand behind, those who are shorter are to stand in front. Thirty people in a row, get going."

The men dressed in camouflage uniforms started to blow their whistles once the children got out of the plane. The children had all learned their lessons, they quickly a.s.sembled in neat rows.

"Welcome to the Devil's Island, this is your drillmaster, Thomas. For the next five years, this will be your quarters and all training will be conducted here too. We'll be adopting the elimination system and after five years, only one person can leave this place. And that person will become the next big thing in the world of"

"Remember this, only one person can have the last laugh!"

After they made their instructions clear, Feng Qingcheng collected her index number, 77!

She was also allocated to her lodging, there was a total of 200 children there. Four children were to live in the same room as roommates.

For the following days they spent on the island, everyone went for lessons together. They were made to learn boxing, medicine, machinery and also social etiquette.

There would always be a bunch of children who couldn't be able to pull through the rigors of the training, or the repet.i.tive lifestyle they had to lead on the island. They would choose to escape but none of them actually managed to run away successfully. They were all caught and exposed to public executions, though their lives weren't taken away, they had to suffer a beating and were locked inside the jail for three days.

At the start of the training, many children were willing to give it a shot and just try their luck at escaping. However, once they saw how those who tried and were put into jail lost their sanity, no one was brave enough to try it again.

Those who lost their sanity were thrown into the oceans to feed the marine creatures.

There was another group who was either mysteriously poisoned, or bitten to death by deadly toxic creatures.

Her roommates were all gone, two of them lost their sanity and the other died, she was left all alone in her room.

She was actually somewhat grateful for such a result. At the very least, she would never have to personally kill those she hung out with every single day.

Moreover, the training on the island was rigorous, no one had the time to even socialize with each other. Even after staying in the same room for half a year, roommates weren't even familiar with each other as they lacked even basic interaction.

And so, she just forgot about feeling sad for their demise.

She had improved tremendously over one year of training. It was especially so after she had accidentally consumed a luminous bead, no matter how long she trained for, she would never feel tired at all. Her overall health improved and she even got more flexible.

That wasn't the only good thing that happened to her. She had been bitten by venomous snakes on multiple occasions when she was undergoing training but other than feeling a little lightheaded at the start, her body would go into self-recovery mode after a few seconds of being bitten.

She had received a foolproof talisman to protect herself from sustaining any sorts of injuries on the treacherous Devil's Island.

Everyone had understood that they had to do their best in order to survive, they put all of their efforts into training and practicing.

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Rebellious Consort: Profligate Elder Miss Chapter 2 Part2 summary

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