Dominating Evolution Of The Cosmos 185 Sexy Goddess

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Just as Steve entered the third level, Audrey stepped out of the mission hall after delivering her a.s.signment. But, instead of leaving, she moved towards the rankings board.
In addition to the basic cell value ranking board, the Original Gravity Tower also had a level challenge ranking board. For this board, based on the level achieved, in addition to the reward that was given by the Original Gravity Tower, the military base would also give out additional rewards.
"That fellow could defeat Antonio by one-to-five. His combat power must exceed 310 points. I'd like to see which level he'd be able to reach." Audrey came over to the Original Gravity Tower's ranking board, full of curiosity.
Her gaze began to move downward, looking for Steve's name. Soon enough, she found him.
"The third level! He completed the challenge of the first level so quickly?" Audrey looked surprised.
It took less than 30 minutes for her to deliver her mission, yet Steve had already pa.s.sed the second level in such a short time! Audrey had not known that Steve had spent most of his time listening to Judy and the Original Gravity Tower's main system chatting. Hence, it had taken him even less time to complete the challenge than Audrey knew!
"Audrey, why are you here?" A charming woman asked in a surprised tone.
The voice belonged to a woman who was wearing revealing clothes. She had a plump and s.e.xy figure, and as she walked over, her hips swayed from side to side.
Using the word plump to describe her didn't mean that the woman was fat, it meant that her figure was so hot, it made people stop and stare! Audrey herself was already in good shape, but she was not half as hot as the woman in front of her.
This woman was very tall, which, when paired with the ratio of her hips to her chest, made her very figure look perfectly proportionate. The fact that she had supple b.r.e.a.s.t.s and a plump b.u.t.t was not nearly enough to describe all of her hotness, as she also had a slim and pet.i.te waist, a pair of snow-white thighs that made men salivate, and the list went on.
The most exciting thing about her was that the woman's clothes were very revealing and tight-fitting. At present, her top just barely cover the two main points of her chest. It was made of white cloth and was knotted into a bow in front of her chest.
It held the huge chest tightly, revealing large parts her snow-white breast. Needless to say, her top made her look very tempting. Moreover, one could see that she wasn't wearing a bra beneath it.
Her lower body was covered by a pair of hot shorts, revealing half of her b.u.t.tocks, and the front of the hot shorts outlined a "T" shape. They even outlined the shape of a her most important parts.
Everywhere she went, when men looked at her, their eyes would s.h.i.+ne. They looked just like hungry wolves who were seeing delicious food.
The woman's face was also quite beautiful. It was perfectly oval-shaped and had a little bit of baby fat left on it, which gave it an added sense of purity and innocence.

Her eyes were equally enticing, while her tall nose was as sharp as a knife. Moreover, her smile was devilishly tempting.
A huge group of men was following behind her at the moment, almost as if she had put a curse on them and s.n.a.t.c.hed their souls away. Audrey saw the men, all of whom looked like they were in a daze, saliva trickling out of their agape mouths.
"Jenna, you little minx, every time you appear, it causes the men to act like morons in heat." Audrey rolled her eyes at Jenna.
Jenna has long been accustomed to this behavior from men, as wherever she went, she'd arouse their s.e.xual desires. However, Jenna was more interested in women, so she brushed aside the comment and stepped forward, ready to give Audrey a warm hug.
Audrey dodged her embrace immediately and said, "Take it easy. I don't like women like that."
Given the intimate relations.h.i.+p between them, she naturally knew why Jenna was dressed like this. It had something to do with awakening her abilities.
When a human's level of cell activation reached 100%, there was a minimal chance of awakening some strange powers, such as Parkes' earth powers. It was the same for Jenna. Because of her strange awakened abilities, she could only dress in this revealing manner.
Upon seeing Jenna's reaction to Audrey, the men surrounding her immediately wailed and sighed, one collective thought occurring to them almost at the same time...
How can such a beautiful and s.e.xy woman like women?
Even though Audrey didn't take any notice of them, she knew how the men would react to her appearance. After all, Jenna was one of the most popular and s.e.xy women in the entire military base.
As such, none of the men in the base could resist Jenna's charm. Even the instructors and officers were tempted by her.
However, there was a rumor circulating around the military base that was breaking men's hearts. That rumor was that Jenna doesn't like men, but that she likes women instead!
Countless men were heartbroken because of this, as she was clearly such a charming s.e.xy G.o.ddess. Audrey knew that this was why the men sighed, as she'd seen similar reactions to Jenna.
But, she knew Jenna's real secret. Jenna was not a lesbian at all! The reason as to why she behaved like she was to protect herself!
Because of her awakened powers, Jenna's clothes were extremely revealing, which only added to her beauty and flattered her s.e.xy body more. Hence, this caused her to become targeted by men.
She had figured out that, if she pretended to be gay, less men would try to hit on her, and some would even leave her alone altogether. Therefore, she would disguise herself as a lesbian whenever she was out in public.
Jenna was not angry that Audrey had avoided her hug. She still put her arm around Audrey's shoulder and smiled at her.
"Honey, don't be such a sourpuss!" Jenna looked piteously at Audrey "Also, you haven't told me why you're here yet!"
Audrey continued to look at the list and said, "I'm looking at an interesting little fellow. He's this batch's recruit."
"Recruits? Haven't they only been at the military base for three days? I can't believe that somebody's basic cell value has actually reached 300 points already, enough that he could begin to practice in the Original Gravity Tower!" Jenna was clearly surprised.

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Dominating Evolution Of The Cosmos 185 Sexy Goddess summary

You're reading Dominating Evolution Of The Cosmos. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): JinFang. Already has 493 views.

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